Who reads the cutscenes?

I’m a sucker for bad action movies and corny story lines. I’m one of those people who reads the cutscenes even tho my boosts have 2 min left. Who else does this? (Story quest/eq)
Who reads the cutscenes? 127 votes
If your worried about a legend time for monthly event quest read them during your uncollected run.
Legends only includes heroic and master.
No option to vote for for me.
Not bothered about legends on Android, I can read and I enjoy doing it and I don't need boosts.
I do it on first and second run through (plus explore) of the quest itself, just for first time story, and then remind myself what happened in the second run-through. After that I skip it. Kinda wish there was a way to view cutscenes again after their relevant EQ has ended in game. Future Pormetheus for one. Or perhaps a side on the forums where you can see the previous ones in game.
Legend is a impossibility for me, due to my device. And its only a showoff title, and doesn't provide anything useful besides flair.
Now I just skip them.
f*** all these nobbers who don't read the story and then don't understand who the new people are.
If they offered it as an end quest thing(not sure what to call it) as in at the end of the quest it gave you the option to read it I would
I figure someone puts time into writing it some I'm going to read it. Sometimes, they're funny or witty. Not all monthly events are winners but some are rather enjoyable (especially the ones that are part of a longer arc like the FF ones) that I don't regret reading them at all