How to manage AQ AW with work

For people that are parents and have a full time job, I am wondering how do you manage to be active in AQ and AW without affecting your job. For example, if the AW AQ ends in the afternoon, other than playing the evening after work, you pretty much have to at least play at least three time during working hours: one early morning, one noon time, one afternoon before AQ AW ends, that is not counting checking in between if needed?
I can play freely the first 2-3 hours. Gives me the opportunity to finish 1 node to the mini before bed.
I play another 5 energy run in the morning before I take the kids to school. Then I go to work and check in during my coffee break. I'll have 3 energy by then.
During lunch I do another run with 2 energy. Usually I kill mini 2 and end up with 0 energy. That's about the time that USA players wake up, so they flood T3. Worst case scenario one of them kills the mini or, if it's Hype, they'll clear the last nodes so I can kill him in my afternoon coffee break.
When I get home, 4 hours before the finish, we will be at 80-85%. While I am cooking dinner I can spend the 3-4 energy I have to remove a node or two. By the timebwe are done eating the boss is usually down.
AW: Much shorter quest, can do that on 3 logins if the whole team does that. There's no rush.
I play casual now, no aq or aw, no stress!
(yes, arena rewards *can* be good, but only after investing a *ton* of time ... not worth - for me, at least
I stick with AQ, but in a more casual alliance, we just do maps 2 & 3 .. sometimes Map 4 . *shrug*
nice an easy ..
My advice is to find an alliance with the right AW and war level to fit your activity schedule. Otherwise, you'll burn out or just lose interest faster.
5-6 energy in the morning.
A bit more at lunch if others have cleared the other links.
Mop up whatevers left in the evening.
That was doing map 5 but I probably could’ve done map 6 with that too if I could be bothered to grind arena enough to keep up with donations.
And your kids wonder why you need to lock yourself in a room for really really important business meetings on weekends. "Why is daddy yelling?".
Sometimes your wife wonders if you received really bad news from the Doctor but it's nothing you just died in war. She later finds out you have a separate bank account and thinks you have a really nasty habit involving very questionable people but you just buy Cavaliers.
Turn on curling iron/flat iron (depending on mood)
Turn on coffee pot
Move in AQ
Move in AW
Makeup, hair, coffee
Drop kids off at daycare/school
Get to work and open store
Take a and move in AQ then AW
Go back to work.
Take a lunch
Chat with friends while finishing up the last leg of AQ and AW.
Take a final break
New AQ and defense placement start
Move in AQ
Grab dinner on the way home.
Come home kiss the husband, play with the kids.
Eat the dinner the husband made
Play some AQ
Relax with the husband
Go to sleep
Pretty much that in a nut shell.
if u are married n have children then perhaps u need to sacrifice ur sleep n when everyone is off to bed, rush to war!