Is Quake worth r5 if I can only play her Parry Style?

I’ve mastered her parry style (one shotted a 30k Nightcrawler on Rapid Metabolism 3) , but I struggle with her dex method.
She will be my first r5 if I do. I have t2a expiring and can alternatively take havok, VtD, or duped Cull Obsidian to r4.
Goal is to complete 6.1 (I have r4 Warlock for XB)
I know Quake cheeses alot of the 6.1 content, but how well would she be in late act 6 bearing in mind that I can only play her parry style.
She will be my first r5 if I do. I have t2a expiring and can alternatively take havok, VtD, or duped Cull Obsidian to r4.
Goal is to complete 6.1 (I have r4 Warlock for XB)
I know Quake cheeses alot of the 6.1 content, but how well would she be in late act 6 bearing in mind that I can only play her parry style.
The style doesn't matter if you can use her correct. Parry hold is just a slightly safer way but still worth the r5.
Thanks I’ll probably rank her up then While this may be true, she still has a plethora of uses even restricted to her parry style as mentioned from the summoners above
Quake kills things that Omega can't and is always in AW attack alongside 4* corvus and NF. For Dodge and to take any mystics or korgs.
She is epic. And I only really use quake and bake too. Can normally take 70k ish health enemies without too much health lost, unless they are stun immune. And they are never going to release her as a 6*...
I'm probably going to take her up over the other 2 as she can do what Omega can't when I go for cavalier without a 5* Medusa... But I know how it feels. She isn't Omega, corvus, Medusa, domino, aegon, Nick fury etc. She doesn't kill stuff in less than 20 combos with no real risk... There is always that fear of what if I mess up with her. Whereas the others are far more forgiving.
Will be intrigued to hear whether you do.