Abyss O’ Legends completion, no Doom

AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
Now, while the title is correct in that I have no Doom, I did have the rest of the ‘usual’ team. But what to do about those Cosmic fights with the buffs and the stuffs and the oi?
Enter Symbiote Supreme! Now, exit Symbiote Supreme, because I opted for a less common, and less effective option.
The goddess of Thunder and Smashing, Thor (Jane Foster)!
5r5 Ægon (holy ****, worth waiting until you get him)
5r5 NF
5r4 Quake for NF synergy (quite handy)
5r4 HT for those pesky Mystics
And our shining champion of the mystic hammer arts, 5r5 TJF!

Her style is old-school, ye olde parrye ande Heavye. She handles Champion, Hype, Medusa well enough. Constantly heavy for the staggers, weave in some L1 action, repeat until dead for whatever reason.
Did not get to use her vs Cull, as every time I tried, she died horribly for some reason, even if I waited out his damage buff. Just could not parry to save her life.
But her job was done anyway, so she just kicked back and watched Ægon go lemming-ham vs Nameless Unit-muncher.

Absolute genius that I am, I was too excited by the prospect of finishing my run that I did not take a screenshot at the Unit-gobbler. Best I have is this:

So! Feel free to shake your head, mock my choices, or just ask any questions you might have. Not that this was that different from so many other runs, but this one was mine, dammit! 😆


  • EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    I just had to click “awesome.” 1 for completing it, 2 for ranking up Thor Jane Foster, bold move and absolutely awesome to rank such an unusual and oftenwise, well shall we say not really well received champ. Think it’s the 1st rank 5 TJF I’ve seen.
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    That is the best post this year. Are you sweedah in disguise?!
  • UnnecessaryJB1UnnecessaryJB1 Member Posts: 202
    If he likes her, why not, I just got abyss initial run done today either, also without doom,without ht as well, as I don’t have em, wasn’t easy run, but I enjoyed it,skill ag I got, with no use atm obviously, crappy champs, but I’m happy with t5 mystic cat, bwcv goes r3 ,

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  • UnnecessaryJB1UnnecessaryJB1 Member Posts: 202
    For medusa,hype, champion fights bwcv was fine, used her, cap marvel was hard, heard ppl do with magic this fight, vtd I used mostly aegon, that’s it, there’s few tricky fights tho,worse than against all cosmic champs...
    @Amonthir congrats btw, forgot to say at last post
  • Horror_punkHorror_punk Member Posts: 1,058 ★★★★
    How many units required bro
    And what if don’t have human torch
  • UnnecessaryJB1UnnecessaryJB1 Member Posts: 202
    It’s hard to say how many units is required, it depends on your skills+what you got as ht/doom/ss replacement,incinerate immune is handy for mephisto tho,I went to check how it goes, it’s always this way,couldn’t stop obviously after few fights, so I just got it done, positive side is all units I used were from grind, didn’t spend penny on it,btw I saved during January only more units, then was needed for my abyss run, time + patience is also important, was for me at least, I started my run yesterday, finished today, don’t like long flights tbh,last thing collector boss fight wasn’t bad, was in the middle between easiest to me and hardest, thought it’s worse🤠
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,885 ★★★★★
    How much did you have to revive w Jane?
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    edited February 2020
    Kerneas said:

    How much did you have to revive w Jane?

    3-4 times per Cosmic champ, mostly because she doesn’t have the damage to blow through the fights, and I missed a parry or two. Used her only once vs VtD, her stagger doesn’t stop the buffs he gains from using a special, just the ones from his charges building up, so Ægon was much better there.
    She was kinda used for CMM, when she kept shock going the ticks were nice, but due to the nature of the fight, CMM purifies often after being knocked into Binary. But she could keep the power flood at bay.

    Total units used, including respeccing masteries for suicides against Collector and back again: 2901
    Not the best, not the worst, just like TJF herself! ;)

  • BrokenBroken Member Posts: 231
    Amonthir said:

    Now, while the title is correct in that I have no Doom, I did have the rest of the ‘usual’ team. But what to do about those Cosmic fights with the buffs and the stuffs and the oi?
    Enter Symbiote Supreme! Now, exit Symbiote Supreme, because I opted for a less common, and less effective option.
    The goddess of Thunder and Smashing, Thor (Jane Foster)!
    5r5 Ægon (holy ****, worth waiting until you get him)
    5r5 NF
    5r4 Quake for NF synergy (quite handy)
    5r4 HT for those pesky Mystics
    And our shining champion of the mystic hammer arts, 5r5 TJF!

    Her style is old-school, ye olde parrye ande Heavye. She handles Champion, Hype, Medusa well enough. Constantly heavy for the staggers, weave in some L1 action, repeat until dead for whatever reason.
    Did not get to use her vs Cull, as every time I tried, she died horribly for some reason, even if I waited out his damage buff. Just could not parry to save her life.
    But her job was done anyway, so she just kicked back and watched Ægon go lemming-ham vs Nameless Unit-muncher.

    Absolute genius that I am, I was too excited by the prospect of finishing my run that I did not take a screenshot at the Unit-gobbler. Best I have is this:

    So! Feel free to shake your head, mock my choices, or just ask any questions you might have. Not that this was that different from so many other runs, but this one was mine, dammit! 😆

    how many units you spend bro ?
  • Karatemike415Karatemike415 Member, Administrator, Content Creators Posts: 723 Content Creator
    Do you happen to have any videos of Thor Jane Foster in Abyss? If you do - could you hit me up on line? same name as here.
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    Amazing job!
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Well, we need proof of that, care tot redo it? (TJF I mean)
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★

    Cool. Jane Foster still sucks and needs a buff.

    To be honest, she's always been a tricky but mid-range Champ. I wouldn't say she's the worst. You just need a good flow with her. I've used her since her inception and she has a groove. Not first choice, but definitely not last on the list.
  • HeroBoltsyHeroBoltsy Member Posts: 785 ★★★
    Wow. Mad respect for you, man. R5 Jane is bold enough as is, but taking her into Abyss? Congratulations! That is one of the boldest, if not the boldest, AoL runs I've ever seen. Thank you for doing this :smile:
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★

    Well, we need proof of that, care tot redo it? (TJF I mean)

    Haha! No. As fun as it was to take her in and actually give her a work-out, I don’t think I will be running any more of AoL until at least after 6.4 is out and done.
    I do have a craptastic video of trying to use her vs CMM that sits in my trash can because I got interrupted and screwed up. It shows she was used, but the JFI screenshot shows her on the team, and ain’t no one slogging that far into AoL just to pose for a pic and leave.
    I mean, I’m not a billionaire, I didn’t clear every fight with just her or anything, Ægon is still the supreme champ for most fights, and did everything except Hype/Medusa/Champ/some of CMM/Mordo/Meph/some of IW.
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★

    Cool. Jane Foster still sucks and needs a buff.

    But that’s half the fun! And she is... not the worst mystic! Faint praise...
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