Announcing: Act 5 Chapter 3



  • KccocomoKccocomo Member Posts: 2

    They've been expanding grandmasters favor for a while. New uncollected crystals are all part of that.

    See the way I understand it completing chap2 gives you the uncollected benefits. The grandmaster favor reward is separate. They have not decided what the reward will do yet
  • TwistedEnigma17TwistedEnigma17 Member Posts: 69
    Come on Kabam. Release 5.3 on the same day Destiny 2 releases?! No sleep for a couple of days I guess.
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  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    Kabam DK wrote: »

    You never need a Key to do a completion run. You only need them to master a quest. Every quest has 2 completely open paths without any gates, each containing a different Class Key. The other 3 paths in each quest blocked with 3 different Class Gates. Maybe you WILL have a Key to access a blocked path, but if you want to save it for later, you can do that too. It all depends on which Skill Gate path you want to try to tackle first. You'll never see 2 of the same Class Keys in a quest, and you'll never see 2 of the same Class Gate.

    The Class Keys/Gate thing is really to emphasize mastering the Chapter in a non-linear way, and to make it so choosing which path you take across the whole Chapter is a meaningful decision, not just on a quest-by-quest basis.

    Shouldn't it be up to us if we want to explore it in a n
    on linear way ?
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    I'm guessing that the bosses are each gonna be a different class that goes against the only class that works

    The quest that only allows Tech champions to hit for full damage is gonna have a cosmic boss
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,998 ★★★★★
    OKAYGang wrote: »

    6*s will be in game content (quests) in October aka next month. My argument is not that we need r5 5* to beat them it is that we were told the materials get an r5 would be released before that happened and with this announcement it seems like that was not true.

    Kabam Miike wrote: »
    » show previous quotes

    Before 6-Stars are introduced to the Contest, we do intend on releasing the Tier 5 Basics that are needed to fully Rank Up 5-Star Champions! Take a look at the post we made, because we've got more information on that in there

    Before they're playable. That was the debate.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,998 ★★★★★
    edited September 2017
    DrZola wrote: »

    That's very trusting, Grounded. I'm sure you're aware that the most powerful champ in game isn't a Max 5*, but rather a Max credit card. Which I suspect is the objection the OP has with the whole 6* issue.

    Dr. Zola

    The addition of 6*'s is no different than any other Resource in the game. Spending is always optional. It's always been an option. There is nothing that says we need to finish the content the day it comes out. As with anything in the game, you don't always have to spend. If you choose to, you save time.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,483 ★★★★★
    Kabam has stated the following things: 6*s will be "playable" in early 2018, we will have access to T5B before 6*s are released, and Act 5.4 is scheduled to be released in December 2017. Can't people put two and two together and realize Act 5.4 will be released before 2018 and Act V exploration rewards is the most likely landing spot for T5B? How is Kabam lying about things when "early 2018" is still months away lol. And so what if 6*s are released as defenders before we get T5B, there is not much difference to us that a 6* defender will be than a boosted up 5* defender, even if they have some different mechanic.

    And to people complaining that they think their 5* 5/65s will be useless when 6*s arrive, let me repost this logic. By the time 6*s are released in early 2018, I doubt most would have anywhere close to half of the 10,000 6* shards you need for a crystal. You get 275 6* shards for duping a 5*. That's 37 5-stars you have to dupe over ~4 months to get a 6* by 2018. Assuming you pull consistent dupes (very unlikely) you would still need to average 10 5*s a month to get a 6* by early 2018. Most people get 1-2 a month, but let's say you get 3 5* a month. You would need to pull dupes consistently for over 12 months starting today before you saw your first 6*. Then you probably want to factor in how long it would take to dupe him. So 5* 5/65s will be reigning supreme for a long while. Maybe in 2019 we can start talking about how 6*s are overshadowing 5*s.[/quote]

    Good thoughts, but two observations:
    (1) It will be great if T5B are in 5.4--however, unless there are also a motherlode of T2a that rain down over the next few months or T2a aren't needed at all to R5 a 5*, availability of T5B doesn't really matter to nearly everyone.
    (2) If I am talking about how 6*'s overshadow 5*'s in 2019, somebody please put me out of my misery for being dumb enough to play a phone game for 5 years.

    Dr. Zola
  • SupaflyaznSupaflyazn Member Posts: 75
    I don't see this answered anywhere... is the 5* Awakening Gem a Generic Awakening? That would make a world of difference in how great a reward that we are receiving here for 100%!
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,483 ★★★★★

    The addition of 6*'s is no different than any other Resource in the game. Spending is always optional. It's always been an option. There is nothing that says we need to finish the content the day it comes out. As with anything in the game, you don't always have to spend. If you choose to, you save time.

    Sure, Grounded, and if you want to follow that line of reasoning, the whole game is optional. But what I think the OP is getting at is that no one wants to waste optional time getting their butts handed to them in an optional game by a class of champ that far outstrips a seasoned player's best efforts. That may be a theoretical stretch, since we haven't seen a 6* yet, but the Kabam track record (since way back at Blood & Venom) is hardly one that merits a lot of trust. I think quite a few people see 6* and think it's merely a Collector rerun--which is why they think the 5.3 haul doesn't really move the needle.

    Dr. Zola
  • ScottryanScottryan Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    Will there be any caltrops? And if there is will it be in a quest where all classes that have bleed immune are at 50% attack. Same questions for "Bleed" and "Poison" nodes.

    Also will there be any other global nodes besides the ones listed (and "Warning" obviously).

    Anyways, from what I've read looks like his quest will be very interesting and fun. Great rewards too. Good job guys!
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★

    Before they're playable. That was the debate.

    Miike's quote says "Before 6 stars are introduced to the contest." If they are in a quest, then they have been introduced to the contest. I don't give two Kingpin craps if they are playable or not, they are in the game at that point so they have indeed been introduced to the contest as quests are part of the contest. Spin it any way you want, but it's right there in black and white for everyone to see. (orange and black if you go to the original quote)

    Also thanks for the support @Dr. Zola. I couldn't agree more with your comments and interpretations of my comments more!
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Supaflyazn wrote: »
    I don't see this answered anywhere... is the 5* Awakening Gem a Generic Awakening? That would make a world of difference in how great a reward that we are receiving here for 100%!

    It says in the post. Is a 5-star awakening gem crystal
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Scottryan wrote: »
    Will there be any caltrops? And if there is will it be in a quest where all classes that have bleed immune are at 50% attack. Same questions for "Bleed" and "Poison" nodes.

    Also will there be any other global nodes besides the ones listed (and "Warning" obviously).

    Anyways, from what I've read looks like his quest will be very interesting and fun. Great rewards too. Good job guys!

    Almost every class has an answer to bleed and poison. So if it's science then you'll have to bring other class or brave it with science. Apart from that you'll be fine I think

    Skill- agent venom
    Science -
    Mystic- unstoppable Collosus
    Cosmic- groot
    Tech- ultron
    Mutant - Collosus

    Skill- Karnak
    Science - hulk
    Mystic- dormamu
    Cosmic- capt marvel
    Tech- ultron
    Mutant - rogue
  • ScottryanScottryan Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    In each quest will there be a gate for each class key or will there be random class gates. from what i have read when you do completion you will end up with 6 keys for each class as well as 6 other keys of random class. does this mean that the classes of the gates will be random or that there will be more than 8 paths in each quest (2 paths without gates and more than 6 with gates)...because otherwise it looks like the gates and keys mechanic is pointless. hope i can get some clarification on this.
  • ScottryanScottryan Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    edited September 2017

    Almost every class has an answer to bleed and poison. So if it's science then you'll have to bring other class or brave it with science. Apart from that you'll be fine I think

    Skill- agent venom
    Science -
    Mystic- unstoppable Collosus
    Cosmic- groot
    Tech- ultron
    Mutant - Collosus

    Skill- Karnak
    Science - hulk
    Mystic- dormamu
    Cosmic- capt marvel
    Tech- ultron
    Mutant - rogue

    thanks for that list, made me realize that there is no real worry about poison nodes on a certain global node. Still a little worried that on the science global node that there will be bleed or caltrops...that would suck royally.
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  • Fath3adFath3ad Member Posts: 27
    Question, will the block and combo drop glitch be fixed by the time this comes? Or should we expect to play a broken game for another 6 months while your company rolls around in money?
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Scottryan wrote: »

    thanks for that list, made me realize that there is no real worry about poison nodes on a certain global node. Still a little worried that on the science global node that there will be bleed or caltrops...that would suck royally.
    Skill and science are worse off really, skill has no complete immune and has to rely on tenacity or reduced damage, science has immune poison but nothing against bleed. Also mutant poison wouldn't be fun. Apart from that there's multiple immune for each class.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,483 ★★★★★
    Skill and science are worse off really, skill has no complete immune and has to rely on tenacity or reduced damage, science has immune poison but nothing against bleed. Also mutant poison wouldn't be fun. Apart from that there's multiple immune for each class.

    Science has Luke.

  • ScottryanScottryan Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    edited September 2017
    Skill and science are worse off really, skill has no complete immune and has to rely on tenacity or reduced damage, science has immune poison but nothing against bleed. Also mutant poison wouldn't be fun. Apart from that there's multiple immune for each class.

    mutant wouldn't be too bad if you had iceman...sadly most people don't
  • Interesting. Please answer questions about T2Alphas and T5b catalysts. This game moves at a super snail pace
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Damn I'm forgetting people left right and centre here :D
    Science bleed immune Luke and mutant poison immune iceman is correct
  • ScottryanScottryan Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    Interesting. Please answer questions about T2Alphas and T5b catalysts. This game moves at a super snail pace

    They have. Youre gonna get those items in December, when chapter 4 is released and you can get the final chapter rewards and act rewards
  • No_More_HeroesNo_More_Heroes Member Posts: 471 ★★
    DrZola wrote: »

    Science has Luke.


    I pulled professional slap fighter 5* Luke yesterday...don't worry he's not garbage cause I know how to use him. :D
  • Superman69Superman69 Member Posts: 534 ★★★
    Not sure why people are so against a science awakening/rank up gem.
    If you get a Hulk, that guy would be a monster.
    Also Quake is coming soon as well.

    But if you already have one, then it may suck. But then again it goes that way for every class (Maybe not mystic or mutant, you need all the mystic and mutants you can get)
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