Announcing: Act 5 Chapter 3



  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    Kccocomo wrote: »
    While I do appreciate Chap3 coming soon Im curious as to when or what the (grandmaster favor) reward will be available. New content is always good but maybe you all should finish old content as well.

    They've been expanding grandmasters favor for a while. New uncollected crystals are all part of that.
  • LyncebestLyncebest Member Posts: 6
    Kccocomo wrote: »
    While I do appreciate Chap3 coming soon Im curious as to when or what the (grandmaster favor) reward will be available. New content is always good but maybe you all should finish old content as well.

    Wtf are you taking about Lmfao
  • DrizzitsDrizzits Member Posts: 157
    You guys, t2as will come. But as it stands, only people who have 100%ed the Labyrinth are running a full squad of r4 5*s. T2a shards have become more available, and will probably be even more so as time moves on. The game is still a grind and follows a progression curve. They can't devalue the hardest content in the game, that costs over 1000$ to complete by releases bundles and bundles of t2a. There would be no incentive to complete it then. Give it time. They'll come.
  • Kabam DKKabam DK Moderator Posts: 221
    Kabam DK wrote: »
    So do we have to run a special quest for the keys? Im confused on where I find keys? You have quest rewards and chapter rewards. Are these seperate?

    Keys are on-map items, so while you get 1 of each Class Key from completing each quest, you can also get more from different paths - there's 2 Keys to collect in each quest.

    Now would be a good time to clarify this, too: I can 100000000000000% guarantee we will not be selling Class Keys. They're not meant to be a resource in the typical sense. They're meant to be a sort of puzzle solving element, and are completely contained within Act 5 Chapter 3.

    So each quest will contain two keys, are those 2 keys needed to begin the next quest. Or are they specific to that quest? Is it possible to do a full run through all of the quests for completion of act 3 without the keys?

    You never need a Key to do a completion run. You only need them to master a quest. Every quest has 2 completely open paths without any gates, each containing a different Class Key. The other 3 paths in each quest blocked with 3 different Class Gates. Maybe you WILL have a Key to access a blocked path, but if you want to save it for later, you can do that too. It all depends on which Skill Gate path you want to try to tackle first. You'll never see 2 of the same Class Keys in a quest, and you'll never see 2 of the same Class Gate.

    The Class Keys/Gate thing is really to emphasize mastering the Chapter in a non-linear way, and to make it so choosing which path you take across the whole Chapter is a meaningful decision, not just on a quest-by-quest basis.
  • vrtovrto Member, Content Creators Posts: 218 Content Creator
    edited August 2017
    Looks good, just think 5* shards are too low, 3 t2a for a R4 would make sense in preparation for the act finale, where the resources for an R5 are expected, and that the gamble of class awakening crystals just returns a lot of hate to you, cause nothing will be worse than exploring the act and get a not wanted class, or even worse, one of same class that is in inventory for a reason, which is what always happened to me...
  • TensioTensio Member Posts: 198
    Seriously comparing both there's no colour. Chapter 4 gave us 4t2a but we didn't see any t2a in this chapter. No shards. Nothing.
    Is this the more availability of t2a and t5b that you have announced a weeks ago?
    You give us candys like kids with the t2a shards in the glory store but we are a little bit upset with the progression of our champs. Let us improve our rooster. The game is not only based in new champs addition.
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    What happened to that promise Kabam Miike made of t2a and t5b so we could actually have an r5 5* before we start seeing 6* champs in content? Missed Opportunity? Lies?
  • KingyakoopaKingyakoopa Member Posts: 203
    I thought tier 2 alpha fragments or something was going to be available. How? H...O...W? How does 3600 tier 2 alpha fragments do any justice for Master Mode? But not Act 5: Chapter 3... Makes no sense... Feels backwards if you ask me...
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  • RbvojtikRbvojtik Member Posts: 113
    Looks pretty straight forward, but I have a few questions about power reserve. It says that special attacks cost 50% less energy. Do you still need the full power bar to use a special? I'm guessing it then it only depletes half of the amount (if you use sp2, you will have enough power to use sp1 after)?

    I'm guessing this would interact very well for champs with power steal abilities like Vision AOU
  • Kabam DKKabam DK Moderator Posts: 221
    Rbvojtik wrote: »
    Looks pretty straight forward, but I have a few questions about power reserve. It says that special attacks cost 50% less energy. Do you still need the full power bar to use a special? I'm guessing it then it only depletes half of the amount (if you use sp2, you will have enough power to use sp1 after)?

    I'm guessing this would interact very well for champs with power steal abilities like Vision AOU

    Yes, it only consumes 50% of the power but you still need the full bar. And yes, it does have some cool interactions.
  • kish_akish_a Member Posts: 21
    i think there is a lack of communication between ppl who decide rewards.. and ppl who play the game .. these rewards for chap3 would have been fine around the time when chap2 got released.. game progressed a lot more .. u need to up ur rewards.. just linearly increasing the 5* and 4* shards every time doesn't have any significance..

    forget difficulty involved.. its the wait time for chap 3 .. for something u wait for 6 months or more .. u definitely need some unique items .. no t2as, no t5bs, not nearly enuf t4bs( we need on average 8 per 4* champ and u handout 1 per week from aq).. u handed out approx 10 t4bs from act4 ... why would u reduce that ?? we get a lot more shards from 1 month of alliance wars thatn u give out after 6 months of waiting .. why would we care abt shards in rewards ..
  • No_More_HeroesNo_More_Heroes Member Posts: 471 ★★
    edited August 2017
    Lmao what a colossal fail. I have been waiting for this as well and man what a disappointment. Where are t5bs bro? So basically no one can even max a 5* until 6* are made available assuming you give t5bs for 100% exploration of Act 5 which may be a giant leap of faith.

    I'm sure there will be a lot of offers popping up soon for purchase...maybe that's the plan, maybe $5000 each?

    I'm so disappointed. i know you guys are building demand but there is a point where resignation takes over and demand turns into contempt. I honk I've reached that point.

    I basically have 4 months of filler time playing the same old nonsense with no further relevant progression. Cmon bro!
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    Lol these rewards are nothing to complain about and a big step-up from 5.2. The 5-star awakening gem is more than anyone could ask for and alone makes it worthwhile. The rank-up gems are not game-changers but pretty nifty. Sprinkle in some shards/T4B/T4CC and it's quite a nice haul. The T2A/T5B will come in part 4, everyone should realize that by now.

    Just because the rewards are better than 5.2 doesn't make them good. The rewards in 5.2 were pretty awful outside of GM's favor. We were promised the opportunity to have a max 5* before 6* came to be and told there will be 6* in 5.4. Guess it was an honest oversight or a lie. Either way it bugs me that having a max 5* most likely will not be possible before 6* are in game content. Not sure why anynody else wouldn't be bothered by that, but to each their own.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    What happened to that promise Kabam Miike made of t2a and t5b so we could actually have an r5 5* before we start seeing 6* champs in content? Missed Opportunity? Lies?

    6*'s aren't even here yet, so no. It's one Chapter of Act 5. More Resources will come in the future. I think people jumped the gun on the 6* Announcement and expected everything they needed to Max 5*'s from the next Chapter. There is a great deal of time between now and when 6*'s are playable.
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    What happened to that promise Kabam Miike made of t2a and t5b so we could actually have an r5 5* before we start seeing 6* champs in content? Missed Opportunity? Lies?

    6*'s aren't even here yet, so no. It's one Chapter of Act 5. More Resources will come in the future. I think people jumped the gun on the 6* Announcement and expected everything they needed to Max 5*'s from the next Chapter. There is a great deal of time between now and when 6*'s are playable.
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    What happened to that promise Kabam Miike made of t2a and t5b so we could actually have an r5 5* before we start seeing 6* champs in content? Missed Opportunity? Lies?

    6*'s aren't even here yet, so no. It's one Chapter of Act 5. More Resources will come in the future. I think people jumped the gun on the 6* Announcement and expected everything they needed to Max 5*'s from the next Chapter. There is a great deal of time between now and when 6*'s are playable.

    They are gonna be on act 5.4, the next chapter after this one. This means no you will not have a max 5* before you see 6*s because it won't be possible. I am not talking about when they are playable. I am talking about when you have to play against them.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    edited August 2017
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    What happened to that promise Kabam Miike made of t2a and t5b so we could actually have an r5 5* before we start seeing 6* champs in content? Missed Opportunity? Lies?

    6*'s aren't even here yet, so no. It's one Chapter of Act 5. More Resources will come in the future. I think people jumped the gun on the 6* Announcement and expected everything they needed to Max 5*'s from the next Chapter. There is a great deal of time between now and when 6*'s are playable.
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    What happened to that promise Kabam Miike made of t2a and t5b so we could actually have an r5 5* before we start seeing 6* champs in content? Missed Opportunity? Lies?

    6*'s aren't even here yet, so no. It's one Chapter of Act 5. More Resources will come in the future. I think people jumped the gun on the 6* Announcement and expected everything they needed to Max 5*'s from the next Chapter. There is a great deal of time between now and when 6*'s are playable.
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    What happened to that promise Kabam Miike made of t2a and t5b so we could actually have an r5 5* before we start seeing 6* champs in content? Missed Opportunity? Lies?

    6*'s aren't even here yet, so no. It's one Chapter of Act 5. More Resources will come in the future. I think people jumped the gun on the 6* Announcement and expected everything they needed to Max 5*'s from the next Chapter. There is a great deal of time between now and when 6*'s are playable.

    They are gonna be on act 5.4, the next chapter after this one. This means no you will not jave a max 5* before you see 6*.

    Has that been confirmed? Also, they wouldn't release a 6* Opponent unless they were beatable with what is currently available.
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    What happened to that promise Kabam Miike made of t2a and t5b so we could actually have an r5 5* before we start seeing 6* champs in content? Missed Opportunity? Lies?

    6*'s aren't even here yet, so no. It's one Chapter of Act 5. More Resources will come in the future. I think people jumped the gun on the 6* Announcement and expected everything they needed to Max 5*'s from the next Chapter. There is a great deal of time between now and when 6*'s are playable.
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    What happened to that promise Kabam Miike made of t2a and t5b so we could actually have an r5 5* before we start seeing 6* champs in content? Missed Opportunity? Lies?

    6*'s aren't even here yet, so no. It's one Chapter of Act 5. More Resources will come in the future. I think people jumped the gun on the 6* Announcement and expected everything they needed to Max 5*'s from the next Chapter. There is a great deal of time between now and when 6*'s are playable.
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    What happened to that promise Kabam Miike made of t2a and t5b so we could actually have an r5 5* before we start seeing 6* champs in content? Missed Opportunity? Lies?

    6*'s aren't even here yet, so no. It's one Chapter of Act 5. More Resources will come in the future. I think people jumped the gun on the 6* Announcement and expected everything they needed to Max 5*'s from the next Chapter. There is a great deal of time between now and when 6*'s are playable.

    They are gonna be on act 5.4, the next chapter after this one. This means no you will not jave a max 5* before you see 6*.

    Has that been confirmed? Also, they wouldn't release a 6* opponent unless they were beatable with what is currently available.

    Go read the 6* announcement. It was confirmed by Miike or one of the other mods that would not be in5.3 but will be in 5.4

    Also this from Ad0r@ in the Q&A on 6*

    Q: When will we first see 6-Stars in the game?
    A: In October, in quest content. They will not be playable at this time
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    What happened to that promise Kabam Miike made of t2a and t5b so we could actually have an r5 5* before we start seeing 6* champs in content? Missed Opportunity? Lies?

    6*'s aren't even here yet, so no. It's one Chapter of Act 5. More Resources will come in the future. I think people jumped the gun on the 6* Announcement and expected everything they needed to Max 5*'s from the next Chapter. There is a great deal of time between now and when 6*'s are playable.
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    What happened to that promise Kabam Miike made of t2a and t5b so we could actually have an r5 5* before we start seeing 6* champs in content? Missed Opportunity? Lies?

    6*'s aren't even here yet, so no. It's one Chapter of Act 5. More Resources will come in the future. I think people jumped the gun on the 6* Announcement and expected everything they needed to Max 5*'s from the next Chapter. There is a great deal of time between now and when 6*'s are playable.
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    What happened to that promise Kabam Miike made of t2a and t5b so we could actually have an r5 5* before we start seeing 6* champs in content? Missed Opportunity? Lies?

    6*'s aren't even here yet, so no. It's one Chapter of Act 5. More Resources will come in the future. I think people jumped the gun on the 6* Announcement and expected everything they needed to Max 5*'s from the next Chapter. There is a great deal of time between now and when 6*'s are playable.

    They are gonna be on act 5.4, the next chapter after this one. This means no you will not jave a max 5* before you see 6*.

    Has that been confirmed? Also, they wouldn't release a 6* opponent unless they were beatable with what is currently available.

    Go read the 6* announcement. It was confirmed by Miike that will be in 5.4

    Fair enough. It was an honest question. Still, they wouldn't release them without the means to Max a 5* unless we could beat them without a Max 5*.
  • TensioTensio Member Posts: 198
    edited August 2017
    In december our 5* will have two years old since their release. Two years!! And any player can't rank any ridiculous 5* champ to r5. Any!!!!
    And we are gonna be happy if in december we can rank one to r5. Poor players...
  • Jim0172Jim0172 Member Posts: 85
    Seems easy to me. I hope for a good spin on the awakening and rank up gems. They will probably all be science.
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    Lol these rewards are nothing to complain about and a big step-up from 5.2. The 5-star awakening gem is more than anyone could ask for and alone makes it worthwhile. The rank-up gems are not game-changers but pretty nifty. Sprinkle in some shards/T4B/T4CC and it's quite a nice haul. The T2A/T5B will come in part 4, everyone should realize that by now.

    Just because the rewards are better than 5.2 doesn't make them good. The rewards in 5.2 were pretty awful outside of GM's favor. We were promised the opportunity to have a max 5* before 6* came to be and told there will be 6* in 5.4. Guess it was an honest oversight or a lie. Either way it bugs me that having a max 5* most likely will not be possible before 6* are in game content. Not sure why anynody else wouldn't be bothered by that, but to each their own.

    Kabam has stated the following things: 6*s will be "playable" in early 2018, we will have access to T5B before 6*s are released, and Act 5.4 is scheduled to be released in December 2017. Can't people put two and two together and realize Act 5.4 will be released before 2018 and Act V exploration rewards is the most likely landing spot for T5B? How is Kabam lying about things when "early 2018" is still months away lol. And so what if 6*s are released as defenders before we get T5B, there is not much difference to us that a 6* defender will be than a boosted up 5* defender, even if they have some different mechanic.

    And to people complaining that they think their 5* 5/65s will be useless when 6*s arrive, let me repost this logic. By the time 6*s are released in early 2018, I doubt most would have anywhere close to half of the 10,000 6* shards you need for a crystal. You get 275 6* shards for duping a 5*. That's 37 5-stars you have to dupe over ~4 months to get a 6* by 2018. Assuming you pull consistent dupes (very unlikely) you would still need to average 10 5*s a month to get a 6* by early 2018. Most people get 1-2 a month, but let's say you get 3 5* a month. You would need to pull dupes consistently for over 12 months starting today before you saw your first 6*. Then you probably want to factor in how long it would take to dupe him. So 5* 5/65s will be reigning supreme for a long while. Maybe in 2019 we can start talking about how 6*s are overshadowing 5*s.
  • AjmobAjmob Member Posts: 1
    rewards are not that great in compare to difficulty level but at least something new to play...
  • QwertyQwerty Member Posts: 636 ★★★
    We were also told 5* would be more accessible but it seems barely so
    No signature stones to go with the awakening gem why even bother... Why give it at all

    Signature Stones are much less rare than Awakening Gems. Those are much easier to get and are much more accessible in different areas of the game, like Master Difficulty in the Monthly Event Quests.

    Thanks yes but, that is the only area and it is 5 stones... Randomly. Just 5 Miike, you likely will not even get 1 for the class you want. It could take 5 years of Master just to get 50 stones, 25% Max, of the class you want. I don't mean to be complaining I just hope we can at least look forward to some stones elsewhere then. But I do look forward to fighting.

    You don't have to complain about awakening gem FAR outweighs sig stones.

    Apparently you have not awoken a 5* yet so I'll fill you in. If scales evenly from 1-200. You don't get the effect of a 20 sig 4* equivalent until you are around 100+ sig. A sig 1 is basically useless. So i simply asked if we can look forward to more stones in the future so that the reward here isn't useless

    this isn't always true. there are a handful of champs who benefit greatly from being awakened.
    Kabam DK wrote: »
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    So let me ask ... No degeneration nodes on chapter 3?

    Bane is on one of the paths in Quest 1, and a single fight has degeneration (also in Quest 1). We got feedback from our testers, however, that the Degen node was not particularly challenging.

    There's no node-based Degens anywhere else in the Chapter. It's also worth re-iterating that we removed Magik completely from Chapter 3, and also that we lowered the Signature Levels of all Dormammus to 25 (from 200) to mitigate his degen as well, so it's not nearly as punishing.

    is there starburst or any other sort of unavoidable damage?
  • BluuurrrrBluuurrrr Member Posts: 38
    I thought that the grandmaster was going to be the boss but I've just read that he isn't, the silhouette of the grandmaster is on the front of the chapter like the collector was
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    So with this power gain node, if it's the 300% power gain that would mean that if you parry and hit the power gain will be 300% greater while stunned. What if there is then a 2nd buff such as bleed. Does it gain more or is it just 300% while any debuff is active?
  • StavelotXoteStavelotXote Member Posts: 231
    Seems like you'll need a varied roster to complete it with these class nodes. Seems like most people will not have that (ie a roster of 5x r5/r3 of similar classes in multiple classes). Seems like doing 100% and being able to r5 and r3 a champ isn't gonna help with 5.4 either and hoping to land a 5* class gem you want. Why are the sig stones not generic? Where is the option of choice like we had with act 4 stuff???

    It's not that it's like "this is awful and sucks!", but it most definitely isn't great either. 4*s are getting less valuable everyday and the rewards don't reflect that imo. It's why a lot of people are already slowing down using class cats on them, holding off on opening 5*s to avoid the **** ones currently available.

    While you may try to spin this as "we want 4*s to remain important", the opponents and buffs they throw at you sure don't seem like it unless you run a really good (what some would call god-tier) 4*. And if you don't have that one, you'd probably rather just dump those resources into a 5* champ at this point who at least isn't nearing the end of their shelf life.

    Nobody who can do this type of content at this point is in dire NEED of 4* shards, and furthermore, the amount given seems rather insulting. If you are unwilling to increase the amount of 5* shards awarded (to a reasonable number around 5k), I really see no value here. 4* shards should be higher as a result of the lack of 5* ones then by default.

    This almost seems like something to do just because it's there, not something to be excited about. The 5* gem is nice (finally), but I have this sinking feeling RNG will give me something I don't want. And then I won't have any great amount of stones to use them on, because the stones aren't generic. There seems to be a disconnect here. Act 4 gave generic stones. Act 5 should give 4 and 5* generics, as Act 4 gave 3 and 4* generics.

    Becoming Uncollected seems like the highest achievements one can have outside of the Labyrinth, and this seems like a step backwards for the most part. This seems like more filler rewards tbh. You got 4 t2a from Act 4 exploration, yet not one or part of one from anything else since. I don't understand, but I don't really need either them because I can just keep not duping people from the ever-increasing pool of (mostly sorry) 5* champs. Then I can use a stone on my (heavens forbid) 5* Groot and take him to sig 6 and rank 3? This is what I'm gathering. True roster building stuff here. Watch out 5.4, I'm coming for you!

    While you tell us that 4*s are valuable still, how much longer do you think we are going to buy this? You chose to dilute the 5* pool then devalue them also slowly with 6*s. At least rewards heavily slanted in the direction of 5*s, some choices and non-reliance on RNG would have been nice here. That's all I'm really saying.
  • Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Member Posts: 681 ★★★★
    My big question is there a scenario where you have to rerun the same path in order to fully explore a quest?
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    OKAYGang wrote: »
    Lol these rewards are nothing to complain about and a big step-up from 5.2. The 5-star awakening gem is more than anyone could ask for and alone makes it worthwhile. The rank-up gems are not game-changers but pretty nifty. Sprinkle in some shards/T4B/T4CC and it's quite a nice haul. The T2A/T5B will come in part 4, everyone should realize that by now.

    Just because the rewards are better than 5.2 doesn't make them good. The rewards in 5.2 were pretty awful outside of GM's favor. We were promised the opportunity to have a max 5* before 6* came to be and told there will be 6* in 5.4. Guess it was an honest oversight or a lie. Either way it bugs me that having a max 5* most likely will not be possible before 6* are in game content. Not sure why anynody else wouldn't be bothered by that, but to each their own.

    Kabam has stated the following things: 6*s will be "playable" in early 2018, we will have access to T5B before 6*s are released, and Act 5.4 is scheduled to be released in December 2017. Can't people put two and two together and realize Act 5.4 will be released before 2018 and Act V exploration rewards is the most likely landing spot for T5B? How is Kabam lying about things when "early 2018" is still months away lol. And so what if 6*s are released as defenders before we get T5B, there is not much difference to us that a 6* defender will be than a boosted up 5* defender, even if they have some different mechanic.

    And to people complaining that they think their 5* 5/65s will be useless when 6*s arrive, let me repost this logic. By the time 6*s are released in early 2018, I doubt most would have anywhere close to half of the 10,000 6* shards you need for a crystal. You get 275 6* shards for duping a 5*. That's 37 5-stars you have to dupe over ~4 months to get a 6* by 2018. Assuming you pull consistent dupes (very unlikely) you would still need to average 10 5*s a month to get a 6* by early 2018. Most people get 1-2 a month, but let's say you get 3 5* a month. You would need to pull dupes consistently for over 12 months starting today before you saw your first 6*. Then you probably want to factor in how long it would take to dupe him. So 5* 5/65s will be reigning supreme for a long while. Maybe in 2019 we can start talking about how 6*s are overshadowing 5*s.

    6*s will be in game content (quests) in October aka next month. My argument is not that we need r5 5* to beat them it is that we were told the materials get an r5 would be released before that happened and with this announcement it seems like that was not true.

    Kabam Miike wrote: »
    » show previous quotes

    Before 6-Stars are introduced to the Contest, we do intend on releasing the Tier 5 Basics that are needed to fully Rank Up 5-Star Champions! Take a look at the post we made, because we've got more information on that in there
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