New 6 Star Pool

Kabam, if you are going to be adding the old champs into the six star pool, can you at least add one of the good ones per new pool? The best old champ in the new one is Khan and that's just sad. One a side note, I am very pleased to see Joe Fixit be available. I made a promise to take him up as a six star if I ever pull him, so I look forward to that (Joe Fixit is a bad champ, but I love him).
Let's say they added the ones people wanted. The next one would have to contain the ones people don't. No matter what Crystal they put out, there will be Champs people don't want. In the 4+ years I've been here, one thing has been constant. People have gone for some Champs and hated on the others.
On this last 6 star featured 🤣
The Kabam Employees, don’t make all the Calls
If 6* champs are consistently not being used that's no good for anyone, all champs should have a use. I get that older champs are very much behind the game meta but, creative content could improve that situation. Quests with nodes that are geared around some of the less used champs would be refreshing, holding your breath for a fabled buff is a waste of energy.
If all we get are the same type of increasing difficulty nodes then the old stale champs will just stay on the bench / arena rosters.
But I do realize that it's impossible again to convince you with facts, so I won't even try again in doing so.