New 6 Star Pool

StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
Kabam, if you are going to be adding the old champs into the six star pool, can you at least add one of the good ones per new pool? The best old champ in the new one is Khan and that's just sad. One a side note, I am very pleased to see Joe Fixit be available. I made a promise to take him up as a six star if I ever pull him, so I look forward to that (Joe Fixit is a bad champ, but I love him).


  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,748 ★★★★★

    Kabam, if you are going to be adding the old champs into the six star pool, can you at least add one of the good ones per new pool? The best old champ in the new one is Khan and that's just sad. One a side note, I am very pleased to see Joe Fixit be available. I made a promise to take him up as a six star if I ever pull him, so I look forward to that (Joe Fixit is a bad champ, but I love him).

    Never know what a 6 star might do it might even be good but agree kamala or av is the only ones that might be worth getting if missed but joe might be interesting as we never had the 5 star version
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    This is a never-ending argument because no matter what Rarity they put out, people are going to categorize the Champs into what they think is good, and what they think is bad. As long as there's a comparison, there will always be Champs people don't want. Since they're not really in the business of deleting Champs, it's inevitable.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    You want them to not put out Champs people call bad as 6*s? So you want a pool of about 15 Champs?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    If they were selecting the worst to screen out the best, they wouldn't be offering newer Champs at all, and that's not the case. They're just 6 Champs out of the ones not added. Which is precisely my point. People have become so selective when it comes to Champs that they think the others shouldn't exist.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    While I do see that some Champs could use some work, I really think another approach is to start designing content that centers around those Champs people call useless. Playing catch-up is cyclical, and creates a great deal of work. If content is geared towards making use of Champs that are sitting on the shelf, they can't really be called useless anymore. Otherwise, it's going to be an eternal chase for the God Tiers.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    Neotwism said:

    If they were selecting the worst to screen out the best, they wouldn't be offering newer Champs at all, and that's not the case. They're just 6 Champs out of the ones not added. Which is precisely my point. People have become so selective when it comes to Champs that they think the others shouldn't exist.

    Wrong again. Ppl want champs to be relatively balanced. A player should be able to complete content at their progression level with any champ. This doesn't mean some players can't do it much easier than others. There just shouldn't be such a wide range between the best and worst champs. This is why ppl are always calling for certain champs to be buffed or reworked. It's not because they hate the champ and think it shouldn't exist. They like the champ and care enough about them to want them to be of use. A 4* champ shouldn't do more damage than a 6* champ. Right now there are several examples of this happening. Adding even more champs that kabam already has started need reworked to the 6* pool just waters it down and takes the fun out of the game for ppl that pull them. Why even add champs to the 6* pool when u already know they need reworked? If players get frustrated and leave that hurts everyone. I'm also not saying players will leave over 1 bad pull. It's when it keeps happening and u can't advance in the game that players get frustrated and quit.
    You mean any Champ should be able to complete any content? Not possible with this game.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★

    @GroundedWisdom I forgot what it's like arguing with you. Absolutely pointless. Don't put words in my mouth, I don't mind them adding in the bad old champs, but I do mind when they make all six of the old champs bad ones. Kabam knows which ones are the bad ones because people don't like them and they know which ones are objectively bad. Joe Fixit, Magneto Marvel Now, Falcon, and Iron Patriot are objectively bad champions. If you don't think that Kabam specifically chose these six champs to counteract the insanely good champs like Doctor Doom and Longshot, then you are wrong.

    No. That's a Player's assessment. X Champs are good, Y Champs are bad, they added the bad ones on purpose.
    Let's say they added the ones people wanted. The next one would have to contain the ones people don't. No matter what Crystal they put out, there will be Champs people don't want. In the 4+ years I've been here, one thing has been constant. People have gone for some Champs and hated on the others.
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  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Mike192 said:

    This is a never-ending argument because no matter what Rarity they put out, people are going to categorize the Champs into what they think is good, and what they think is bad. As long as there's a comparison, there will always be Champs people don't want. Since they're not really in the business of deleting Champs, it's inevitable.

    As much as I disagreed with GWD on his opinion regarding Gold, I do think its also equally important to have bad champions in 6* pool.

    At one point, 6* pool had mostly amazing champions with a steady flow of 6* shards. Right now, top-tier players can easily open 1-2 6* champions each month. This is another reason for kabam to slowly but surely work on re works of older, outdated champions.
    Some of us already have 20 bad to meh 6* champs. I don't want to go another year without pulling one that I will rank lol. Adding more trash makes that more likely. Remind me when it was mostly amazing champs?
  • Putang76Putang76 Member Posts: 283 ★★
    I have a too admit even the Devs at Kabam or like WTF?
    On this last 6 star featured 🤣
    The Kabam Employees, don’t make all the Calls
  • Darksun987Darksun987 Member Posts: 83
    edited February 2020

    This is a never-ending argument because no matter what Rarity they put out, people are going to categorize the Champs into what they think is good, and what they think is bad. As long as there's a comparison, there will always be Champs people don't want. Since they're not really in the business of deleting Champs, it's inevitable.

    No. There are these things called metrics where Kabam could use something like "how popular a champ is to rank up" to figure out who to add. They know well that champs like Marvel Now Mag are largely considered awful and they include awful champs in the crystal on purpose to make it more of a risky gamble. If you think they're not aware of who is good or bad you're very naive and misinformed.
  • Darksun987Darksun987 Member Posts: 83
    edited February 2020
    Mike192 said:

    As much as I disagreed with GWD on his opinion regarding Gold, I do think its also equally important to have bad champions in 6* pool.

    At one point, 6* pool had mostly amazing champions with a steady flow of 6* shards. Right now, top-tier players can easily open 1-2 6* champions each month. This is another reason for kabam to slowly but surely work on re works of older, outdated champions.

    This is, to me, a paradoxical statement. Why do we feel the need to "undo" someone's earned crystal reward by stocking it with awful champs they won't rank? Further, why is that more important to do than to ensure people who open two of these per year get something they can get at least a little excited about? It shouldn't be nothing but the best but they also shouldn't go out of their way to intentionally include the worst champs.
  • SentryPillowSentryPillow Member Posts: 307 ★★★
    @GroundedWisdom wrong again. X champ is good Y champ is bad is based mostly on the players, but they have data for every champion in the game right now. I guarantee every single one is currently severely underperforming on both offense and defense at the moment, so they should know what champs are quote unquote “bad.”
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★

    @GroundedWisdom wrong again. X champ is good Y champ is bad is based mostly on the players, but they have data for every champion in the game right now. I guarantee every single one is currently severely underperforming on both offense and defense at the moment, so they should know what champs are quote unquote “bad.”

    You do realize that eventually, they're all going to be added. You can only filter for so long before you have to add the rest. Aside from a few that would be too OP, which I'm not even debating here, the Champs are the same. You have the new ones added, and the old ones. As much as people would like only the "best" to be added as 6*s, that's not happening. The game has a range of Champs and it's based on RNG. There's no getting around pulling Champs we don't want.
  • MattstafariMattstafari Member Posts: 693 ★★★

    @GroundedWisdom wrong again. X champ is good Y champ is bad is based mostly on the players, but they have data for every champion in the game right now. I guarantee every single one is currently severely underperforming on both offense and defense at the moment, so they should know what champs are quote unquote “bad.”

    I expect that there is a good amount of data on how champs are performing and how desirable they are. 5* arena where the scores are significantly lower or higher should give a good indication of how much the community value a given champ.

    If 6* champs are consistently not being used that's no good for anyone, all champs should have a use. I get that older champs are very much behind the game meta but, creative content could improve that situation. Quests with nodes that are geared around some of the less used champs would be refreshing, holding your breath for a fabled buff is a waste of energy.

    If all we get are the same type of increasing difficulty nodes then the old stale champs will just stay on the bench / arena rosters.
  • SentryPillowSentryPillow Member Posts: 307 ★★★
    @GroundedWisdom you are misunderstanding me. I know they will all eventually be added to the 6* basic pool, but they all came in at once. Why not add a balanced pool of old 6* (Hyperion, gwenpool, Iron patriot, kamala, iceman, joe fixit). Half of each would have been good
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    Let's say for argument sake that they picked them because they're the lowest. I'm not convinced of that completely but anything is possible. We'll go with it. Of the current list, I see at least 8 options that are preferred. 6 new ones and at least 2 of the others. Which makes it 25% preferred outcome. On par with its goals, actually. If you add 3 more, that makes it almost 50% preferred outcome, and that's just too high for what's in the game currently. The thing about "bad" Champs is they balance the RNG, and progression overall.
  • Secret_GamerSecret_Gamer Member Posts: 347 ★★

    Let's say for argument sake that they picked them because they're the lowest. I'm not convinced of that completely but anything is possible.

    You know what? I recently looked over a picture if the basic pool again, which shows roughly in which order the champs were added to it. EVERY single time the objectively seen bad champs were outweighing the objectively good champs from the 6 classic 6* being added.

    But I do realize that it's impossible again to convince you with facts, so I won't even try again in doing so.
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian

    @GroundedWisdom wrong again. X champ is good Y champ is bad is based mostly on the players, but they have data for every champion in the game right now. I guarantee every single one is currently severely underperforming on both offense and defense at the moment, so they should know what champs are quote unquote “bad.”

    You do realize that eventually, they're all going to be added. You can only filter for so long before you have to add the rest. Aside from a few that would be too OP, which I'm not even debating here, the Champs are the same. You have the new ones added, and the old ones. As much as people would like only the "best" to be added as 6*s, that's not happening. The game has a range of Champs and it's based on RNG. There's no getting around pulling Champs we don't want.
    Your right by that eventually they all will be added but why didnt they add a good one in the batch like with spidergwen and colossus from the last featured?
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    They didn't add all the 4* champs into 5* versions so why should we believe they will add all 5*'s into 6* versions?
  • PsyLifePsyLife Member Posts: 399 ★★
    I mean, there are like 5 champs left not as five stars or above, so ms marvel and war machine are definitely next for the featured five stars.
  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    if as per this groundedwisdom guy has quit the game then he has no right to judge a 6* pool and as usual be a troll, derailing every posts with his false information
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  • Crumb3307Crumb3307 Member Posts: 347 ★★

    You want them to not put out Champs people call bad as 6*s? So you want a pool of about 15 Champs?

    Not at all what he said. There’s 30ish? Champs that aren’t available as a 6*, all of the new ones they added suck. Don’t tell me AV, KK or Joe have potential or maybe will be OK, no one is going to use them. It’s not unreasonable, as your reply makes it, to say add 5 crappy ones and 1 good one, instead of 6 crappy ones. It feels like they purposely picked the worst champs possible from the non 6* roster.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    It's literally impossible to reason with discontent. I'm not going to repeat myself. I've already offered some logic. Take it or leave it. As for the digs, I'm not bothered. I'm not here hating on people. I'm explaining the facts. That's about it. Sorry if you don't like the facts.
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