Why 6.4 Rewards Look Dull

Friend of mine pointed this out. Abyss 100% was intended to take much, much longer than it took people. This threw the game balance out of whack as many have 3 or 4 r3 6*s much sooner than kabam intended. They probably thought that people would 100% act 6 before they 100% abyss, but this did not happen. If this did happen then a t5cc and a 6* ag would have looked way more appealing to the player base. Because of abyss being 100%ed much faster than it was intended to it makes the Act 6 100% rewards pretty garbage.
There's also the fact that these are end game rewards and not progressional rewards (at the moment, as there is no Act 7 yet). People tend to compare end game rewards to progressional rewards, and think that if anything end game rewards should always be superior in risk/reward to progressional rewards. In fact the design pressure flows in the opposite direction, but this takes an extremely cold, calculating perspective to appreciate.
My main motive for exploration of Act 6 was the anticipated awakening crystal and generic I’d get out of it, I was optimistic that I’d get a single T5CC crystal from completion and a selector for exploration.
To compare the two pieces of content - AOL realistically, you only need Aegon to have a pretty easy run of the entire piece of content, which in its entirety is 5 paths against pretty simple (if long) fights. Yes all four of the ‘horsemen’ make it easier, but this is just to make it a gentle road.
Act 6, on the other hand, has 192 paths to go through with 10 runs through Crossbones, Sinister, Champion, 6 runs through Medusa, Havok and Cap as the standout annoyances for me. On top of this, we’re going to have 6 paths through all of 6.4’s bosses of which there’s going to be some that are definitely BS. On top of this there are various individual path fights that are very champion specific such as the buffed up SS in 6.1.6
Your champion requirements to go through all of this content is frankly incomparable. To get loosely favourable matchups in these pinch points you’re looking at massive fights each with few counters, of which there’s little overlap - 10-15 champs at R4+, ideally R5/R2.
I would expect that Act 6 rewards to actually be better than AOL because it requires a far deeper roster, greater time investment and far greater skill. Give me a blank cheque and a guy playing with his feet with eventually get through AoL, give that same person another blank cheque and I guarantee they’ll still be sat annoyed with the 6.2 Champion boss on 10% 10000 units later because it’s skill.
The game is being throttles at our current progression spot and it’s starting to wear people down. No new progression level + low amount of rewards that matter on game for endgame don’t make the fact that this has some of those rewards feel better. People have been throttled for so long on progression outside of p2w the hope/need was that this would open that it.
This fails to open that up in any meaningful way.
I think if they added about 25 2% T5C Crystals I would be happy. If they did 6* AG Crystal for completion and Generic for Exploration, I would be super pumped.