Korg Needs To Be Nerf Long Overdue!

With the recent nerfs to Namor and Cull Odison and even Ebony Maw,I truly feel that Korg is overpowered champ in this game especially in AW and EQ. With a champ that can go unblockable and on top of unstoppable buffer, many of average and above average players, easily getting killed off by him because of these unfair buffers on his mechanics,compared to the other champs mentioned above who have been nerf for far lesser complaints.
This of course, is just my humble opinion.
Korg didn't go unstoppable/unblockable against me in ages (outside of his easy to dex sp1 of course). Completely avoidable.
On top of that there are so many hard-counters to his thorns.
Must be referring to an unawaken Korg in the arenas,because every time I fight him in EQ or AWs, he goes unblockable and unstoppable after completing his SP1.
You haven’t learnt how his abilities work. He gains those charges when you dex so if you manage them he won’t go unblockable and unstoppable. Watch a couple YouTube videos they will help explain better
Just watch a video on how to counter him. find a duel target and practice dexing his sp1. Its as easy as that. also thats not how his awakened ability works.
Let’s just nerf all the champs than.
It comes down to learning how to defeat him. You're not supposed to Dex him, you parry, and then strike. Energy attacks work the best against him (like Sunspot). I usually parry and strike and wait till all his rock stacks are down before the real damage begins. He doesn't last more than a few mins against me
Yes his rock stacks damage back - pain
His parry restore - pain
Dashing back to save your ass trigger unstoppable and unblockble - pain
Hitting other than light attack to destroy rock shield - pain.
But there is a counter for not taking damage. A certain champ living under the sea is the answer.
Aquaman i suppose.
Ofcourse u have to get him dupe him and go max sig.
Learn to play also multiple of counters for korg
4 off the top of my head
Namor max sig
Omega Red
I personally will just use magik for limbo to heal back some of the damage
He’s easy to fight. Just learn how to do it. It’s no excuse to say “I don’t know” and then whine about it.
It's so easy to fight nowadays that it's laughable.
Also, he only gains crowd excitement from dexing on his basic attacks.
Yeah, makes sense. Lol