There are a lot of threads like this - you'll see some crazy numbers (in the millions) if you go looking; although many of the craziest numbers aren't actually 'hits', they actually come from 'reflected' damage from Quake or Electro.
There are a lot of threads like this - you'll see some crazy numbers (in the millions) if you go looking; although many of the craziest numbers aren't actually 'hits', they actually come from 'reflected' damage from Quake or Electro.
For me, in regular gameplay:
How does this work? I've seen these screenshots a lot but I'm confused
There are a lot of threads like this - you'll see some crazy numbers (in the millions) if you go looking; although many of the craziest numbers aren't actually 'hits', they actually come from 'reflected' damage from Quake or Electro.
For me, in regular gameplay:
How does this work? I've seen these screenshots a lot but I'm confused
There are a lot of threads like this - you'll see some crazy numbers (in the millions) if you go looking; although many of the craziest numbers aren't actually 'hits', they actually come from 'reflected' damage from Quake or Electro.
For me, in regular gameplay:
How does this work? I've seen these screenshots a lot but I'm confused
Guillotines SP3 consumes all the souls she has; and causes extra damage equal to a percentage of the opponent's health: 2% of their health per soul. So, if you save up souls for an SP3, you can do massive damage to an opponent with massive health.
However, Guillotine's souls are hard to acquire against these opponents, without help. Essentially, her usual mechanism for gaining souls is dealing damage; and she can't do enough against opponents with massive health pools to be viable; at least without support.
The support is a synergy team, consisting of Morningstar, plus one or both of Ronin and Gamora:
Morningstar - souls take 20 seconds to expire, instead of ten.
Ronin - gain a soul* using MLLLL combos
Gamora - gain a soul* striking bleeding opponents
Both the * synergies have a ten-second cooldown period; so you need the MS synergy to really build them up.
If she's Awakened, against WS in ROL, you just play crazily aggressively and more often than not, her Awakened ability will heal back any chip damage you take. Then just keep having at him with MLLLL combos and watch the soul count. Once you're over about 25 souls, start looking for a time when you can finish him with an SP3 - just look at his health% and mentally divide by two. That's how many souls you need.
It's a surprisingly fun way of farming potions; and she can easily repeat the trick against Captain Marvel, too. Juggernaut is a little trickier, because of his Unstoppable.
I think the best I’ve gotten is using taskmaster: get five concussions out, then bait out a special and you can get a massively boosted exploit weakness on every hit of your own special.
Something like 130K with Captian Sparkles on the Icarus node or 300K something with some weird node combo with Ghost sp2. For a single, none special hit, 50K medium with Ghost on Icarus node
For me, in regular gameplay:
I think my highest is around 75 k with 4* ghost
However, Guillotine's souls are hard to acquire against these opponents, without help. Essentially, her usual mechanism for gaining souls is dealing damage; and she can't do enough against opponents with massive health pools to be viable; at least without support.
The support is a synergy team, consisting of Morningstar, plus one or both of Ronin and Gamora:
- Morningstar - souls take 20 seconds to expire, instead of ten.
- Ronin - gain a soul* using MLLLL combos
- Gamora - gain a soul* striking bleeding opponents
Both the * synergies have a ten-second cooldown period; so you need the MS synergy to really build them up.If she's Awakened, against WS in ROL, you just play crazily aggressively and more often than not, her Awakened ability will heal back any chip damage you take. Then just keep having at him with MLLLL combos and watch the soul count. Once you're over about 25 souls, start looking for a time when you can finish him with an SP3 - just look at his health% and mentally divide by two. That's how many souls you need.
It's a surprisingly fun way of farming potions; and she can easily repeat the trick against Captain Marvel, too. Juggernaut is a little trickier, because of his Unstoppable.
Have fun!
I have actually hit higher with him but that’s the highest I have a screenshot of. Would love to get him to R5 and see what he could do.
That’s a lot of armor.
This was what I had screen of
Sunspot is a beast only 3 flare state 6.4.4 energy adoption fire + icarus