Hulk Buster definitely will be nerfed

His new mechanic is too crazy even crazier than new version She Hulk before nerf. You can push defenders the whole time to the corner and spam special 2 and heavy. No way Kabam will keep this beta version.
Vs Colossus who even in limber can still ramp his damage massively without that stun fury.
I’ll probably R2 mine in the current state because I’ve always loved how he looks and there’s a few Act 6 lives where he looks useful but he is by no means game breaking
He smashed the lifecycle chapter so hard I was laughing. And Im not even talking about the fastball synergy.
That’s what happened with Colossus and even OML (who were even better in Beta)
So you want that HB is harder to fight bc you can R3 him for war?
Thats actuly a very selfish wish. Bc everyone has to fight him in quests etc
The point remains, however, outside of a very select circle, of which only a couple are viable for high tier AW, when he’s ramped up to 30-40k that shock damage is going to be dirty. Likewise outside of AW he’s going to be a pain but without the time limit it won’t really be such an issue.
It’s a shame you won’t be able to void him though
Let's put it this way. If Kabam release this beta Hulk Buster I will not rank him up because they will definitely nerf him as they did with She Hulk, Cull Obsidian and Namor. It's all written on his face.
They didnt nerfed her bc she can heavy chain in the corner. She can still do that. Its bc her heavy was so fast you could do MLLL heavy combo and not get hit. So heavy without a parry or SP punish.
She could always do it but they updated her kit so that it actuly made sense to use it (slow debuff).
They found it too strong. So they changed all heavy speeds in the game. This also means some got faster (for ex hyperion) you can now heavy chain with him as well.
Magik can do it as well. And its actuly very good bc you can powerlock for a long time.
This is not broken or OP. Without it HB would not be that good to be honest.