Uncollected dorm boss instant death.

So I was running some 5* r4's and r3's for testing purposes in uncollected on the dorm boss path. When I got to dorm my 5* R3 killmonger and my 5* r4 gwenpool died instantly on the first dexterity. Both at full health. No I dont have a screen shot as I was not prepared and nothing on the node explains it. Anyone know why?
Langour drains your power over time and once you hit 0 you take direct damage
You probably blocked which didn’t provide much power
You probably blocked
Corvus has 3 charges=3 cruelty buffs=triple nullify=triple damage at start
He can’t nullify other than his sp1 I believe and I’m sure it has to hit
Parry, and if you then back away without starting to attack him, the tiny bit of Power you got from Parry drains to 0 power quickly, and “wham” get socked by large Direct Damage when your power leaks down to 0 (without even being hit).
(it's not the Dex'ing or nullifying of buffs)
5* r5 champs lose more than 1/2 their total Health, so can imaging that r4 or especially r3 (ie 5/50) can be KO'd all at once.
So, if you Parry him to start out, attack him right away afterwards so you build up some Power. And just don’t use SP 1/2 immediately after reaching that bar of power (do them when midway up to next bar), and don’t do any SP3 unless you want to deal some final damage before instantly dying right after doing your SP3.
Instead of parrying I recommend to spam lightvattack at the start of the fight
Very consistently you will land the hit allowing you to immediately start a combo and power
I run Corvus for everything with prox DS plus magneto and cyclops for just pure attack
DS and prox are 1/10
Magneto is a 1/25
So if I die I’m screwed and have to redo the quest and actually read the next time
Problem would just be if you fail to time an opening Parry correctly at beginning and Dormy instead starts hitting into your normal block, that would cause you to get a little power (which then would fall to 0).
Or were you using a champ that automatically gains power (Strange, Loki, etc) maybe the power drain is faster that what he gains it at ??