Using a special after a 5 hit combo fixed?

I haven't seen a lot of information about this. I have gathered though, from the old forums, that most every champion should be able to land their special 1-2 after a 5 hit combo without ai blocking. After 12.0 it became almost impossible to hit specials with certain heroes. For example magneto special 2, spiderman/moonknight/jane foster etc. special 1 became basically impossible to get off after a 5 hit combo. I've heard a ton of responses that aren't helpful, saying they learned to do it with 4 hit combo or other workarounds which clearly isn't the point. Was the ai recovery bug causing this? I don't have the ability to test this right now. Does it feel like this is now fixed with the new patch?
Since 12.0 and the introduction of the challenger rating it's not as easy, yeah they blocked before but now it's kinda riddicouls you can rack up many hit combos the special or a many hit combo with a power hit then special and they somehow block it.
I remember when I was using my star lord, was doing a combo then hit my power hit then imediently hit my special only to have them somehow block it when they were in no postion to do so.
Some characters just get blocked more than others lately , yellowjacket, groot, are two of the ones who seem to always get their level ones blocked a lot in general.
Also in general the an enemy ai does a lot of things they shouldn't be able to do in combat which has been talked about in length in other threads.
A lot of people on the old and new forums have been talking about it, the only problem is on these new forums kabam seems to just close them an other threads instead of continuing to talk to us.
"Adapt." was the modo of Kabam after they screwed up everything in 12.0. There were countless apologies after that because it's literally the worst piece of advice you can give after such a catastrophic failure. You're quoting a meme without realizing it.
No one seems to have a clear cut answer on this which seems really strange. It seems as though maybe some were a little harder to land prior to 12.0 and then a lot more became hard to land after 12.0. That would make sense out of why people have mixed experiences considering ai recovering too quickly was this issue. My theory is just speculation though, would love a confirmed answer.
Specials that USED to combo after 5 hits and/or Kabam patched to increase their speed but NO LONGER COMBO:
Jane Thor L1
Iron Man and Superior Iron Man L2
Yellow Jacket L1
Abom L2
Ms Marvel/Captain Marvel L2
Agent Venom L1 (rarely)
Iron Fist/Black Panther L1 (rarely)
Specials that have NEVER worked after 5 hits and STILL won't combo (Kabam speed these up please):
Spiderman/Symbiote Spiderman L1
Ultron L2
Magneto/White Magneto L2
Moonknight L1
Juggernaut L1
Scarlet Witch L1
Electro L2
Jane - i don't play her so no idea here, same with YJ, Abom, BP, Spidey, Jugg
IM/SIM - no problem in landing sp2
MsMarvel - agree, no chance for landing sp2 after combo, same with Ultron
AV - no problem here,
IF - same
Mags - 50/50 somtimes i can land it somtimes not
MK - I'd say 70/30, I think there's a split sec. moment after landing 5th hit to fire s1 and it connects
SW - prob. but who would ever use her sp1 instead of sp2
Electro - same situation as MK, but here its about proximity, if I'm close to opponent then sometimes it connects
But with majority of champs in the game I have no problem at all landing succesful special after mlllm.
TL:DR Will these specials sometimes combo? Yes. Can we risk using them in the end game where a blocked special means death? No.
please try not to teach which you dont know op is right after 12.0 we are not able to land specials either they are blocked or parried by opponent and its not happening in easier quests
it is happening most often in aq, high tier aw and and in arena after 20 streaks
for exampleSIM sp2