Unstoppable buff required? Seriously?

Bluto152Bluto152 Member Posts: 9
Is there some logic to making the end boss beatable (sans a hundred revives) only with a super specific buff that few champions have one of whom you may or may not have leveled up? Can’t you just make it hard generally? Do you have to make it hard *only for people that don’t have certain champs*? Should I somehow have guessed I would need a champion with unstoppable buff leveled to do this special event? Ridiculous.


  • ThebgjThebgj Member Posts: 635 ★★
    Solo-ed with HT, AA. I didn’t try anyone else, She was really easy.

  • Monto_Carlos28Monto_Carlos28 Member Posts: 246
  • BigdogbobBigdogbob Member Posts: 125
    Soloed every time with Void. Required 0 revives. Had to go real slow and be patient. It it was doable.
  • TyDollarSignTyDollarSign Member Posts: 241 ★★
    Bluto152 said:

    Is there some logic to making the end boss beatable (sans a hundred revives) only with a super specific buff that few champions have one of whom you may or may not have leveled up? Can’t you just make it hard generally? Do you have to make it hard *only for people that don’t have certain champs*? Should I somehow have guessed I would need a champion with unstoppable buff leveled to do this special event? Ridiculous.

    It's a bit of a boring fight I'll admit, but a hundred revives? I solo'd her with Domino and Claire Voyant easily, just took a bit longer than a normal fight.
  • Artoria77Artoria77 Member Posts: 2,550 ★★★★★
    So who do you recomend for me to use then?
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,140 ★★★★★
    Unio77 said:

    So who do you recomend for me to use then?

    Human torch is great for mystics and use your preflight for nova flames. Shell go down fairly quick still just make sure to bait out specials
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  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    I used ramped up g99...still took awhile but did it. Ima bring void next time though.
  • LogarooLogaroo Member Posts: 100
    I used Thing. Seems like the fight was made for him pretty much. I also tried HT and Domino and both work well also just longer fights.
  • LeovaMLeovaM Member Posts: 37
    edited April 2020
    Man, she has around 23k rate, c'mon. 50% of her health were off by my Wasp only)) The other half was taken by Corvus. Next round solo-ed with Human Torch. It is only 75% less damage, not 100% without Unstoppable) It is just the usual fight, but a little bit longer. The champion itself is not THAT difficult)
  • Whiskey_PoetWhiskey_Poet Member Posts: 249 ★★
    Didn't even read the node and had no trouble. Used HT and AA.
  • M00SEMANM00SEMAN Member Posts: 40
    Bluto152 said:

    Is there some logic to making the end boss beatable (sans a hundred revives) only with a super specific buff that few champions have one of whom you may or may not have leveled up? Can’t you just make it hard generally? Do you have to make it hard *only for people that don’t have certain champs*? Should I somehow have guessed I would need a champion with unstoppable buff leveled to do this special event? Ridiculous.

    Lots of options mentioned. I soloed her with magik. Slower fight but just be patient at the start get to your s2 then it’s game over.
  • MatthewmercuryMatthewmercury Member Posts: 73
    I used warlock and just hit into her block when her Regen was up giving her steady degen and heal block
  • PintzzPintzz Member Posts: 297 ★★
    G2099 CMM NF stealth spidey all worked fairly easily
  • DeQueueDeQueue Member Posts: 101
    1182512 said:

    Suck it shard team.

    Team resources FTW

    Exactly what kabam trying to tell shard team or double crossers like me. Lol.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    It wasn't that bad. I smashed her up 1st with Nick Fury and Domino. Then CAIW solo. Then Domino Solo. Just keep baiting and punishing her specials and it's a wrap. Avoid pushing her to S3 or it's essentially a death sentence. Other than that, it's just another fight IMO. Albeit a bit longer of fight, it's still pretty straightforward.
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    Bigdogbob said:

    Soloed every time with Void. Required 0 revives. Had to go real slow and be patient. It it was doable.

    Exactly. If you can solo Bucky in ROL, you can beat her. Did it with X23 and unduped void. Going to try Rulk next.
  • WRIRWRIR Member Posts: 563 ★★★
    I used Archangel. I'm using a Korean version with **** translation so it says if you HAVE unstoppable it deals 75% less damage, but I knew something was off when Corvus couldn't cut through. Also Magik works because she doesn't get any power.
  • Sushma91Sushma91 Member Posts: 17
    Used magik..lenghty fight but indefinite powerlock comes in handy
  • Scopeotoe987Scopeotoe987 Member Posts: 1,567 ★★★★★
    I used my 6* Spidergwen with the gwenom rising synergy. Made the fight a piece of cake!
  • VanPeltstaintVanPeltstaint Member Posts: 28
    Doable but very long and annoying fight, especially when it seemed DoT debuffs were even reduced. Probably was easy for most with the right god tier 5*s. Had to rely mostly on 4* Thing to actually do damage which this fight seemed to be built around ugh. Plus AI behavior was really different on both paths for me, left side sp1 spammer, right side extremely passive until hitting sp3.
  • EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    So you got to practise against a node which is being used more & more in later game content 👍
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