Should i continue the game? Need opinions ^^

Hey guys.
Over the Last month i thought several Times to quit this game due to recen Bugs and as i talked this through with my alliance they all said i should just wait and that anything will be allright but i don't think so anymore. So i Come to the conclusion to ask the forum peeps what arguments for and against you have. Thank you very much for you opinion.
Over the Last month i thought several Times to quit this game due to recen Bugs and as i talked this through with my alliance they all said i should just wait and that anything will be allright but i don't think so anymore. So i Come to the conclusion to ask the forum peeps what arguments for and against you have. Thank you very much for you opinion.

You don't like game or don't have fun while playing? Move on.
That's all there is to it.
If it’s just a bug getting you down, try something else or put in tons of tickets
If you're not having fun - leave.
Playing the game only for the rewards is like going on vacation only for the pictures.
If you got what you wanted Everytime, what motivation would you have to keep playing long term? I'm playing this til they shut it down, I might lower my playtime in the future but I can't ever see outright being done. It's still too fun for me to mess around with.
Get honest and real bud , everyone’s time and effort needs to be respected , just saying keep playing forever in hopes of pulling a good champ will eventually result in quitting the game
To the OP though, as others have said, bugs are frustrating, but they come and go. If you still have fun playing when the bugs aren't impacting you, then keep playing. If they're so bad that you can never have a good time playing, then I'm sure the decision will come naturally.