Who should I R4 first? Nick OR Doom?

As luck would have it, I pulled a 5* Dr. Doom the other day. Awakened him with a mystic gem and R3ed him. Later that day, I finished exploring Act 5.3 and pulled a 5* skill awakening gem. I had pulled Nick Fury a very long time ago and finally awakened him with the gem and R3ed him. Now, I wonder, who should I R4 first? I will eventually R4 both but the confusion is killing me. Fury does have ridiculous damage but only in his final phase. I am a bit of a scrub so I have reservations about ranking him up, since his final phase needs skill to pull off. Doom on the other hand is very scrub friendly(hehehe) because of his high block prof, armor and crit resistance. What do you guys think? Should I R4 Doom or Fury? If I get a bit more confident with Fury, my preference would be him but any advice on how to master him would also be appreciated. My champs already at R4 are Sparky and Havok.
u can do dooms work with a sym supreme or black widow cv even as 4*. i have problems in fighting evade champs rather than hyperion etc cause in case of evade i m not sure when they will evade & instantly counter me into the oblivion. power gain fights are a bit easier than evade fights. thats why i would like nick over doom...
Thanks for taking the time to reply.
These 2 character are my favorite in the game and I'm super jealous, but Doom doesn't have quite as much to bring to the table. Plus if you're looking clear 5.4 and UC EQ's, Nick's damage makes those fights go by in a second. Plus he counters most bosses to come to the UC EQ.
Here is a screenshot of my 5* roster. Before you say anything, I do not plan on doing any content that requires him, any time soon so Aegon sits on the bench. Planning on awakening him this month, though, just in case.