Wants to re-download the same update every time I go to login [Under Investigation]

I have played this game religiously over this past year and since this update I have had to download the same update 7 times and have to do it again if I want to play now. This is killing my data and making me not want to play the game. I need someone to responde or something.
Post edited by Kabam Vydious on
I'm sorry this is happening, it's definitely strange to hear about. Can you please provide the following information:
- Device type
- Device OS
- Tried on both Wifi and/or Data
- Can you screenshot what you are seeing?
- Are you able to get past the screen at all or does it have you locked in attempting to update?
Thanks in advance!
Android 7.0
Wi-Fi and Data
Locked in until I download the update
I hope the screenshot works.
Sometimes Wi-Fi. Sometimes mobile data
Thanks for that information. It sounds like the download isn't completing entirely and keeps resetting itself. What I would recommend doing is starting the whole process over by deleting the App then reinstalling it on Wi-Fi. Once you open the game, begin the prompted install and let it run the whole install of it before closing the app.
I've uninstalled and reinstalled without any interruptions.
I reinstalled the game 3 time and got the same messages. Can't play on data connection! Device Samsung S6 with Android 7.0
Samsung galaxy tab s2
Android v7.0
You can check the amount of space left on the device to make sure you have about 1 GB left after uninstalling.
The game needs around 750 MB after install but I don't know how much additional space it needs for the install packages plus any additional space needed to actually run the install itself. So I'm guessing 1 GB.
Samsung S7
Android 7.0
Wi-Fi and Data
Locked in until I download the update
Reinstalling 2 times already..
Do have "Lookout" on your device? Try disabling it and then re-install the game to see if that helps.
I had no problems myself. I'm just taking ideas from issues I had with my work PC where our internal IT department would use anti-virus scanner to block installation of software, even when you have administrator rights for your assigned PC.
People need more help than this. It doesn't fix the problem. This needs to be a priority and fixed yesterday.
Did that. It did the same thing
I'm sorry a lot of you are still running into this issue and I apologize for the delay in response. To get this figured out, can you all (who are still having the problem) provide this information so I can forward it onto our team:
- Device type
- Device OS
- Tried on both Wifi and/or Data
Thank you in advance!
It automatically downloads when i'm using wifi, and when i use data it tells me it's going to download around 500 mb but i never let it download while using data because it's just too much.
I do but it's never done that before. I use clean master. Mind you I've ran it since before the game was released and through the 2 years I've played and never once had this issue.