What’s your favorite champ to play?

They are many really fun champs to play in this game and I’m curious to here some of your favorite champs to play I’d say my top 3 would be 3 Silver Surfer i find his rotation quite fun and he is very enjoyable to play 2 Black Widow CV It’s quite fun with her curses and she has a very fun rotation by being able to change her stances. 1 ronin is extremely fun to play I find it quite cool how he flips around it’s very fun to watch. But that’s just my list and now I ask you guys who is your favorite champ to play as? P:S this isn’t the best character in the game this is just champs you really like playing as 🙂
Definitely Ghost, love her playstyle. Then Hyperion and Warlock are a ton of fun to play.
2. Cap Marvel
3. Havok
And I really like playing Emma Frost too.
2. Cull Obsidian (Hilarious)
3. Domino (bleed *itch)
2. Medusa
3. Corvus
Nick would be up there but only have him as a 3* so cant really say for right now
Omega Red
Ghost maybe a next my favorite? I just pulled it as Five Star but yet to prepare sufficient resources to rank her up.
Also still love using Gwenpool.
Venom just makes you feel hella powerful too.
Archangel a long time OG for me, anything that bleeds and poisons is dead on arrival. It's just too quick and too fun to watch the health bars just... melt.
And Mysterio after SP3 or SP2 is two different playstyles, I'll admit, but both of them are just so much fun. Heavy spam or brute force the opponent with that massive attack boost.
Warlock - Love his SP2 and shape shifting mechanics
Gwenpool, OR and She Hulk - more comfortable with them.
2. Storm Pyramid X
3. Wasp
Shame they can't be used in act 7 for sure, and no longer usable in war due to flow
2) war machine
3) groot
.... said no person ever. Lol
Domino (full synergy), cmm (with fury) and cg (charged up with suicides).