AW New map

What was the point of making AW map bigger? Still same amount of defenders but now we have a ton of pointless empty nodes.
Not to mention the teleporting from the portals also consumes energy!
Sure you made it a 1 hour timer but you also made it 4 times bigger!!!
It's especially a problem for alliances like mine who most of us are from Europe and AW already starts pretty late so half the time we are all asleep and can't do more than 4 maybe 5 nodes before signing off for the night.
We also have lives and jobs other than this game you know and can't be on all the time and now we have to be 4 times more active on this game just for AW???
Seriously can anyone tell me what the hell is the point for so many empty nodes that just make it longer with no point or content to it??? I mean other than the clear reason of kabam not wanting us to get any shards so they just made AW a lot harder and more time consuming!!!
Not to mention the teleporting from the portals also consumes energy!
Sure you made it a 1 hour timer but you also made it 4 times bigger!!!
It's especially a problem for alliances like mine who most of us are from Europe and AW already starts pretty late so half the time we are all asleep and can't do more than 4 maybe 5 nodes before signing off for the night.
We also have lives and jobs other than this game you know and can't be on all the time and now we have to be 4 times more active on this game just for AW???
Seriously can anyone tell me what the hell is the point for so many empty nodes that just make it longer with no point or content to it??? I mean other than the clear reason of kabam not wanting us to get any shards so they just made AW a lot harder and more time consuming!!!
The map is 1.5x bigger than the OG.
Our timers are 1hr.
There are only like 8-12 connecting nodes and most of the rest are base nodes.
There are 5 mini bosses, instead of 3.
Yes teleporting takes am energy
.. deal with it. Takes energies in any other quest.
And this is done so people canr just blast ahead.
Considering its ALLIANCE war... Key word was alliance as in team.
So teams can do this.
Stop **** about it and just deal with it. Nothing you do will change it.
Really 6 steps to 1 fight? Thats funny, i used 5 energy (because I wait for it to be full) and got 3 fights.
My next 5 will be 4 fights...
So clearly, you pick easy paths to reach the end quickly, voiding the point of alliance war...
b). You suck.
c). Your blind and you dont check nodes before you fight.
Pick one.
Maybe your all 3...
19 moves...Guess you won't sleep if it's an hour a move....Ya, it's so dumb...they just want you to keep logging in and using boosts.
There is no way to purchase energy for AW/AQ correct?
From where I am ( right before the circle leading to mini bosses) it looks like it's going to take about ten energy just to get there which is just ridiculous and I've barely fought anyone since the war started.
I don't understand why they felt the need to change this map so much, I don't understand why they increased the size of the map, I don't understand why they spread out the map so much.
I don't understand why they did away with hidden information on some tiers, I don't understand why they thought portals would work in a map designed like this.
I don't understand why there's more titles than defenders, I don't understand why the portals cost and I get get how they can justify the costs.
I really don't think they tested this map, when I saw the preview I knew it was going to be bad, when I saw the layout during placement phase I knew it was going be bad, but I didn't expect it to be this bad.
Whoever desgined this map is completely terrible at their job. They need to shrink it, lose the cost for taking the portals, hide the defender information, re add defender kills, and re structure the whole map but I doubt that's going to happen.
Think the "game team" have played more than 30 second stints just to see how a few things work?
I don't see many of posts about's super baffling how they make a big deal about energy being 1 hour now....but we have to make a lot more