How do you play PARRY LESS ?

Well , the title sums it up ?
How do you guys play without parry ? Don’t tell me just intercept , give me actual move sets , like once u intercept a heavy or go after a special animation , do you do 4 hits and back off ? Keep dexing until you find another opening ? What do you do when the AI is below 1 bar of power ? I find the “come at me “ intercepts most difficult to nail , while the yo yo intercept is the easiest
Videos are welcome too , lol
How do you guys play without parry ? Don’t tell me just intercept , give me actual move sets , like once u intercept a heavy or go after a special animation , do you do 4 hits and back off ? Keep dexing until you find another opening ? What do you do when the AI is below 1 bar of power ? I find the “come at me “ intercepts most difficult to nail , while the yo yo intercept is the easiest
Videos are welcome too , lol
If the opponent is advancing towards you (not dashing) you can tap block and make them retreat and block. When they release block there is normally a short pause after which they will dash. This is your queue to intercept. It’s very reliable when you get it but you still have to be quick.
The other option is to evade a dash and instantly throw a light attack, or shallow evade. Some champs like warlock or masacre are much better at this than others as the reach of their light attack is huge.
Hope that makes sense.
Parry (only need 1 at the start of the fight, you don’t need to do this if there is a power start/ the AI throws heavy but I find it’s the easiest way to start a fight. Against champions you can’t reliably parry maybe take a blocked combo or hit into their block to give them power)
Dash back
Dash in
dash back
Dah in
Dash back
Dash in
Once the opponent is at 1 bar of power then dex/block the special and retaliate
With this rythm you are able to bait out attacks from your opponent after the 3rd light attack, and because it’s not a combo enter you are able to retaliate very quickly. DO NOT TRY THIS WHEN THE OPPONENT HAS A SPECIAL ATTACK, instead of dashing in they’ll throw the special and because you’ve dashed in after your combo you get SLAPPED! Rather bait out the special by design their mediums and blocking sporadically, then you can retaliate after the special.
Try this in this months EQ with the taskmaster boss. Run into the boss with a low rated 2* and get in some good practise. Once you nail this the game is a breeze.
First off, you need to check the attack rating on the enemy, if it's a lot for your Champions, you can rule out baiting heavy attacks. If the attack rating on the enemy isn't that high and you think that you can take some blocked hits, baiting out heavy attacks is a fairly reliable strategy. This is the ideal way to get your 'first' opening in your match.
After getting your first opening, you shoud do what's called 'Backdraft intercepting'. It's a strategy where you do a 4-hit combo (M-LLL) and dash back, when you do this there's a good chance that the opponent is gonna dash at you and you can retaliate with your own medium or light attack, followed by another 4-hit combo, rinse and repeat until the opponent gets a special attack. Backdraft intercepting DOES not work if the enemy has a special, you WILL get hit by it, so don't even try.
When the opponent gets a special 1, you have to decide what to do next, it depends on the Champion you're fighting. If you're fighting a Champion whose Special 1 can be easily evaded and countered right after, that's great! (Eg. Kingpin, Red Hulk, King Groot, Doctor Octopus etc.). If you encounter an opponent like this, just keep pushing them to their SP1 by backdraft intercepting and baiting out heavy attacks, bait the SP1, punish it, rinse and repeat, boom. You're good to go.
Now, for opponents that have a really high attack rating, or for opponents whose special attacks cannot be punished. You have to get a good grasp on 'Intercepting'. It's slightly different from backdraft intercepting. For backdrafts, you do a 4-hit combo and wait for the opponent to dash at you, but for regular intercepting, you have to actually pay attention to when the opponent is dashing at you, as soon as you see them moving forward, you intercept them with your own medium/light attack (light is usually faster and more reliable). Unlike backdrafts, there isn't a definite timeframe for when the AI will dash at you. You just have to rely on your instincts.
If you can't bait out heavy attacks for any reason. Intercepting is the only way to get your first opening in a match.
Bare in mind that all of these things heavily depend on how aggressive the AI is, if the AI isn't playing into your hands, there's not much you can do. I highly recommend checking out DorkLessons.
Good luck!
Interception only really works consistently in Act 5+ and you still have to be careful. The AI will periodically clam up and smack you in the face. Don’t try it in Map 5, you’ll spend 3 minutes hitting into block and then randomly get intercepted.
2. Normal time, u can continue to bait heavies if that's not punishing. Or keep distance between u & opponent till they firmly holds block. Hit the block 2-3times deep dex punish.
3. If u are aggressive enough u can actually punish the opponent after tgeir first medium dash attack in ur block. Domino is great in this type of play or any champ with fast combos like stealthy.
4. Baiting out specials is normal. Deep dex deep dex till they throw it.
I'm very trash player so I can't keep up doing all these consistently in every fight, but in the fights where I can pull these out it works.
It's harder to learn to just intercept. But you just have to really focus on how dance with the AI until you just inherently have a feel for what they do next.
If possible baiting specials is the easiest, you get a lot of practice in LOL against limber
Also, if you're playing against harder AI, if you hold block, they might throw a heavy. If not, just dex and do it again.