BWCV vs Dr Doom an unbiased argument



  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    I don't have Doom, but I do have Claire and she is good for clearing content. My only complaint is the debuffs are rather weak unless you stack them, but even then she isn't really reliant on the debuffs
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  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    I would like to get a 5* BWCV so I can join in the shouting match here. I will return...
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  • SDPSDP Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    This seems to be all over on the forums right now. I’ll post the same thing I did in the others. This is kinda silly. They both kick ass. What’s the problem?

    They are both excellent, and they both offer utility in certain situations that the other does not. Generally speaking, Claire is the more well rounded Swiss Army knife, and in terms of mystics the best suicides champ. However, Doom is extremely powerful in his own right, offering uniquely strong abilities that Claire does not offer. Primarily without suicides. There’s not really much to argue here, as it is a win-win decision. It’s clear to see the benefits of both.
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  • SDPSDP Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    edited May 2020
    It took you over 5 and 8 minutes respectively to take down ROL Cap Marvel? What rank were these champs? Did I miss it? That can’t be right for 5/65.

    Edit: Oops! I totally skipped that line of your post somehow. Makes sense now.
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  • WhathappenedWhathappened Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    Sorcerer Supreme is awesome too. Lol
  • OctoberstackOctoberstack Member Posts: 873 ★★★★
    Knation said:

    DalBot said:

    Sure, Claire can regen, she can nullify, she can prevent buffs, she has immunities. But the only thing she really has over Doom is her regen, which in itself isn’t much of an advantage if you consider just how far reaching Doom’s kit is.

    You literally said she has immunities right before saying the only thing she has over Doom is Regen. Shock and AB immunity are nice, but are they anywhere near as valuable in the games meta as bleed and poison immunity? Inarguably the answer is no. You can boost a champ immensely using suicides that would kill Doom but don't do a thing to BWCV other than make her stronger. Plus the regen if don't right offsets that recoil. Those are massive advantages that Doom just doesn't have.

    They both do things amazingly well and can fill different needs on a roster. There is no definitive better champ between the two, different players will have different styles and either champ will get you quite far. Having both is just a luxury 😊
    Yes, I said the only thing she really has over Doom is regen, as they both nullify, both prevent buffs, and both have immunities (albeit different ones).

    And I’d actually argue that in the current late-game meta, shock immunity has proved far more useful to me than bleed/poison. Bleed/poison were definitely the dominant immunities to have for Act 5 and onwards up til 6.2, not so much for 6.3 and 6.4.

    I still maintain that Doom is the more valuable champ between the two. Like I said, they are both excellent, and one will outperform the other across different matchups. But the specifics of Doom’s kit is better at making difficult fights easier - his combo-into-heavy mechanic alone has huge applications, as I’ve previously outlined. I love having both at R2/R5, but as I wrap up my exploration of Act 6, I’ve found myself reaching for Doom far more often.
    Yeah try to is ehim against freezer burner or biohazard or inflict bleed or inflict poison or gimme and so many more nodes.So just STFU.With suicides Claire is the best and stop telling that she has no damage use suicide and do that recoil then you will see her damage.Without suicides Doom is way to go.If I hear from you again you are a dear dman.
    I just wouldn’t use him against those nodes. The same way I wouldn’t use Claire against EMP Modification or All Or Nothing.

    I’m not saying that Doom is better than Claire because he can take every single matchup in the game. He can’t. I’m saying that as a champion, he holds more value in the current late-game meta due to his capacity to turn traditionally tricky matchups into very simple ones.
    Why wouldn’t you use Claire against all or nothing she’d work fine for it
    Because I have other champs that work better for it
  • OctoberstackOctoberstack Member Posts: 873 ★★★★
    Oh thanks @UmbertoDelRio looks like you beat me to it!
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,205 ★★★★★

    From the top of my head these are all the champs I'd use on aon rather than claire:

    Night thrasher
    Luke cage

    I get the rest Umberto, but how does Night Thrasher manage AoN path?

    He's got a minor ability to reduce power gain with his Nova synergy, but that's just going to slow down the inevitable. Has he got some other interesting bit of Utility I missed?
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  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    To really compare two champions, pair them against the best defenders and hardest nodes.
  • LunaeLunae Member Posts: 371 ★★★
    The thing with the mystic class is that at their core they all nullify and from there have their own unique specialties that make them hard to rank between each other.

    I was going through the same problem trying to decide between Symbiote Supreme and Longshot. They both nullify, both have high damage, but Symbiote Supreme can do the Champion Boss fight so he won it out for me at this moment. Hard to still say that hes better since he does his damage through bleeds and LS incinerates.

    BWCV's immunities alone makes it pointless to try to rate the two against each other. Whats the end goal and criteria? High damage, sustainability, utility, playstyle, simplicity, sucide friendly, nullify effectiveness, end game use, aw?
  • Crys23Crys23 Member Posts: 877 ★★★★
    This argument is stupid. Only noobs care about this.
    End game players don't think about this and just use wichever is best for a situation. During my 6.4 legend run I used both. (Yes, I have a 6* WeaponX).
    But just for the fun of it, Claire is better for day to day use (AW path 4 t1/t2, AQ map7), Doom is better for Abyss and GM fight.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,205 ★★★★★

    From the top of my head these are all the champs I'd use on aon rather than claire:

    Night thrasher
    Luke cage

    I get the rest Umberto, but how does Night Thrasher manage AoN path?

    He's got a minor ability to reduce power gain with his Nova synergy, but that's just going to slow down the inevitable. Has he got some other interesting bit of Utility I missed?
    Night thrasher's sig provides him with a chance to place a taunt on heavy attacks with an increased chance per gadget debuff on the opponent. That is really easy to do thanks to his powergain mechanic.

    If done right you can get of 2 sp1's before your opponent reaches 1 bar of power. From that point every heavy provides a 30-70% chance for a taunt (depending on your sig level).

    I often used him for aon things in aw and all or nothing paths in all kinds of content.
    Of course - I always forget about Taunt for AoN, and reach for my power controllers.

    Must remember about Taunt options; sounds like NT's Power Gain mechanics line up well with his other abilities, here.

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