Incoming Hijacked Transmission... What does it mean? [Merged Threads]



  • xxgonzoxxxxgonzoxx Member Posts: 84
    Has anyone tried leaving the rift without beating him. You would still get whatever you picked up i’m pretty sure. Thats what i’m going to try next but haven’t been able to trigger another encounter to try.
  • ZeepZorpZeepZorp Member Posts: 111 ★★
    Just to everyone who thinks that blank accounts may be because of this event, I created a mini account ages ago and for some time it had blank name because I barely did anything on that account.
  • DanycooldudeDanycooldude Member Posts: 1
    So I’ve been following this thread for some time, and trying to place everything from vita and pieces that people say, and I’ve been thinking about the phrases he marked.

    First, I think it’s kinda already known that the phrases go together, since we see an end and a beginning, so no arguing that there is at least a clew there, even if there is no puzzle.

    After that, I started thinking how unfair it is to do an event where you had to base your research on transmission coming from a champion that ambushes you, I’ve seen a lot of people just starting to get ambushed while there were others who already had the last message. So that got me thinking, maybe it’s something you have to do with a team of SUMMONERS, not champions. Put the pieces together might mean we have to work together to figure it out, or have to do something together to finish it. (Unless it is actually just unfair by only letting a few people getting to the last clue, if any).

    This also made me think, since the translation “an arm and a leg” changes, yet it keeps the main idea of body parts, it could also have to do how the whole body works together to make it function, how arms helps legs and viceversa, and pretty much every body part does help another in some way. Just like I think we have to do.

    1% of my true power. I’m not completely sure about this one. But it could mean either don’t underestimate him or what’s coming is bigger than what we think it is.

    I also thought about the “The puzzle is in your hands” part, and it might just me a figure of speech, but remember Deadpool can break the forth wall, so he knows he is in a game. A mobile game. So the puzzle could literally be in our hands. I tried looking in other parts, and it pretty much seems like a dead end.

    The final part I thought about was “break me into pieces”. I thought it was curious he used “break” instead of tear or cut. A lot of characters can cut him into pieces, and a lot of them can tear beam into pieces, but BREAK him. That’s a whole other thing. Every time I read that line a think about bane and Batman.

    Anyways, these are just some random thoughts I’ve had. I know there probably using any puzzle, but I still like to think there is a huge secret to find.
  • xxgonzoxxxxgonzoxx Member Posts: 84
    edited May 2020
    Markjv81 said:

    xxgonzoxx said:

    Has anyone tried leaving the rift without beating him. You would still get whatever you picked up i’m pretty sure. Thats what i’m going to try next but haven’t been able to trigger another encounter to try.

    You will lose the reward if you don’t finish
    I’m not totally sure if you lose them or not. I thought the only thing that you didn’t get right away was the boxes. You get potions and energy refills right away because i double checked. I would just double check the quest storage. If its in there you have to complete if its not you already have it. Depending on the prize i think i would be willing to try it any who.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,772 Guardian
    xxgonzoxx said:

    Markjv81 said:

    xxgonzoxx said:

    Has anyone tried leaving the rift without beating him. You would still get whatever you picked up i’m pretty sure. Thats what i’m going to try next but haven’t been able to trigger another encounter to try.

    You will lose the reward if you don’t finish
    I’m not totally sure if you lose them or not. I thought the only thing that you didn’t get right away was the boxes. You get potions and energy refills right away because i double checked. I would just double check the quest storage. If its in there you have to complete if its not you already have it. Depending on the prize i think i would be willing to try it any who.
    Would be very easy to check, even if you don’t want to quit and risk it. Check your inventory or crystal shards before traveling past the reward, and then again after picking up the reward.

    It would be very evident whether your inventory/shards has increased or not. Versus also check the Quest Rewards icon in upper right of map, it may be in there instead of in inventory which means you have to fully complete the quest.

    But I’d venture to say “no way” would they let you keep Rift Rewards like this (or any previous similar Rift quests), without actually beating the end boss.
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  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,772 Guardian
    Going back to much earlier comments that some people observed, it does seem interesting that the 1% and the 5 pieces messages happen to be the actual increments of a couple of potential rewards.

    100x 6* shards is 1% of a full 6* Crystal. And 2000x 5* shards is 1/5th of a 5* Crystal.
    Although those are the “lesser” potential of the 2 different 6* chances, but the “greater or middle” potential of the 2 different 5* chances (plus the full 5* chance too).

    As well as (if I’m remembering correctly) the number 7 appearing. Didn’t people say earlier that the amount of gold you get by beating him was 777 (?) as well as we have seen that 7 msgs most likely is the most there is.
  • roastedbagelroastedbagel Member Posts: 350 ★★★
    I took 1* DP (also had massacre on the team) in and lost the fight, nothing happen. I'm gonna bring venom and let him defeat me too.
  • DiscoQueenDiscoQueen Member Posts: 4
    has anyone tried opening 5 crystals at once?
  • UncleR1chardUncleR1chard Member Posts: 4
    “Has anyone tried...” “Has anyone thought of...” “Did anyone notice...” Yes. To all of the things you could think to try. It’s all been done. If there was something to solve it would have been solved by now, through datamining if nothing else. It’s just DP being DP, no matter what color he is.
  • DeustoDeusto Member Posts: 1
    I looked at deadpool. And his highest type has five synergies. Rhino. Wolverine. Old man Logan. Venom pool and punisher. anyone tried a rift using them five
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,440 Guardian

    The puzzle is in your hands, don’t leave me, split myself in five, break me into pieces, and arm and a leg, put the pieces together, 1% of my true power.

    That’s what I think the order is.

    I prefer:

    Break me into pieces. Split myself in five, put the pieces together. Don't leave me 1% of my true power. The puzzle is in your hands, an arm and a leg.

    Because that's much more hilarious.
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  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    edited May 2020
    I bet the kabam staff looks at this thread and has a good laugh. A little needed levity for them I'm sure. They should've done something number related so the odds geeks would join up with the conspiracy theorists and really have this thread take off.

    Even funnier, I'd love to take a poll of how many think they're going to solve this "riddle" just for I told you so rights.
  • C4ptainC4ptain Member Posts: 63

  • C4ptainC4ptain Member Posts: 63

    These are the last two I got from him. I feel like I'm missing a huge piece somewhere
  • Farhan_MirzaFarhan_Mirza Member Posts: 1
    Because there’s five people to beat in the rifts what if you use a different person for each fight. It could be related to when he says stuff about him being teamed on
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,171 ★★★★★
    edited May 2020
    5 pieces...aren’t there 5 pools? Red, Gold, DPX, Gwen and Venom?

    There’s gonna be a special event June 9 for him/them. That’s my guess.
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★

    Since Deadpool’s favorite food is chimichangas, I ate 7 of them while timing out with Corvus at 1% and activated brown pants on myself. Broke it up into five pieces, put them back together and smeared it on my arm and my leg. I think I’m close to finding him guys...I can smell it

  • SfakuSfaku Member Posts: 44
    Well if 1% is to be taken literally, and with his HP around 3500 in Epic, what if that was all about a final, limited-time quest where Platinumpool's HP will be in Abyss of Legends range?
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,278 ★★★★★
    Sfaku said:

    Well if 1% is to be taken literally, and with his HP around 3500 in Epic, what if that was all about a final, limited-time quest where Platinumpool's HP will be in Abyss of Legends range?

    It would only be 350k HP.
  • LomoLomo Member Posts: 4
    For the past 2 rift runs I've gotten ambushed but no transmissions. I take it the last was the "please don't leave me" transmission. Any other guesses as to why you'd still be ambushed if there are no more transmissions available?
    Lomo said:

    For the past 2 rift runs I've gotten ambushed but no transmissions. I take it the last was the "please don't leave me" transmission. Any other guesses as to why you'd still be ambushed if there are no more transmissions available?

    Cause the transmissions are tried to bushes but only stop after a certain amount. Probably to allow for some missed opportunitys to happen in case you didn't always get ambushed
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,443 ★★★★★
    Snurris said:

    All I can say is I hope they don’t give a free champ based on platpool showing up.
    Played 11 epic rifts and he has been there only one time. So if you need 7 fights I’m scr**ed.

    It would be fair though. Some people get him and some don't. Random and not tied to spending.
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian
    I think people are looking to far into this. It ain't no EE hunt on zombies lol
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