Only left side of the rifts!?!

okay now I want to ask how many people have felt like they have been crapped on during the rifts? I've completed maybe 10 rifts and there's only 3 days left, not once have I got to go over to the right side where all the good loot is. Now I know its random chance so spare me the statistics, I get it. But what bugs me is that there are 3 to 4 people in my alliance that have gotten 4 or more awakening gems or 5 star featured from the rifts. Im just curious as to how some players just keep getting the best loot but a lot of us just get stuck with the poop.
You're just trying to create a conspiracy.
I did 2 or 3 rifts to begin with before saving for the chrono, all left side doo doo loot.
*saved for the chrono at this point*
Kept hold of the chrono until I seen what I wanted science or mystic.
In the time I waited for my wanted gem to pop up I got all right side loot.. T2A/10k shards/1k 6* x2/5* featured... Next rift science gem pops up so I use my chrono to make sure I got it...
Since I've used the chronometer I've gotten nothing but all left side doo doo loot.. Coincidence, I think not.
*takes off tinfoil hat*
Good ole RNG.
1)6 5* Feature Crystal.
2)Cosmic AG.
3)10K 5* Shards.
4)2k 5* shards twice.
5)1K 5* shards.
6)T5 basic fragments.
7)Sig stones one time.
8)T2 Alpha and some trash.
10 times - sig stones
1 time - t2A
1 time - 100 6* shards
LOL .. i mean i just laugh at this point. if they were generic stones maybe it wouldn't be terribly bad just kind really bad but they've been science and tech only. smh
Even till now I haven't got 10k 5*, 1k 6* , Featured or Awakening Gem, infact I even purchased Intel's twice expecting betterment, but it's a failure
This is latest and beat thing I got.
It randomly went left for him every time. Where is the lie. The game is RNG based is it not.
It randomly went left every time 🤷🏽♂️.