Thanks for the free 10k intel, but what do I do with it?

I’m an end game player and used all my epic rifts up, not to mention I purchased all the deals last week for the extra intel, and do a lower tier gives me nothing of valve, will you add that we can buy some extra rifts of even a few more chronometers that at least gives us a entry? If not this 10k is useless to me.
i mean.. all the platinumpool mails didn't bare any fruit yet. at least i haven't seen anything.
So I think it is fair enough.
I’d love to be able to enter more epic rifts but I understand that, at least, they did what needed to be done to amend the bug issue.
The only way it is of any use at this point is if I use up all the energy I have saved at this point. The not so random nature of the event means I am more likely to get useless things like sig stones or the small amount of fragments than the good awards.
And since I bought the chronometers early in the event those are not an option now.