Thanks for the free 10k intel, but what do I do with it?



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,498 ★★★★★

    Why would anyone disagree with the OC’s comment? We‘ve completed epic and now with four pops per move for 1k four star rewards... no thanks I’ll spend my time elsewhere

    Suit yourself.
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian

    Why would anyone disagree with the OC’s comment? We‘ve completed epic and now with four pops per move for 1k four star rewards... no thanks I’ll spend my time elsewhere

    Suit yourself.
    Okay that doesnt mean everyone will get a 5* from the legendary crystals or even a legendary crystal to begin with . Something called rng.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,498 ★★★★★
    H3t3r said:

    Why would anyone disagree with the OC’s comment? We‘ve completed epic and now with four pops per move for 1k four star rewards... no thanks I’ll spend my time elsewhere

    Suit yourself.
    Okay that doesnt mean everyone will get a 5* from the legendary crystals or even a legendary crystal to begin with . Something called rng.
    I bought 20 Detectors for Master. I used enough Energy to roll the Rift. Got 4 Legendaries. 20% chance at each. Odds are good.
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,899 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020

    The only people that should be mad are the people that bought the deals. The way i put it is: imagine theres an event going on, you buy tickets, all of a sudden you get a free ticket, but you literally cant spend it (by this i mean you cant buy more rifts/ chronos) you basically wasted your money on nothing in a sense

    1. Did Kabam increased the price for those daily deals due to extra Intel? No.
    2. The free Intel is actually a compensation to those players who experienced bugs in Intel during the month.
    3. The logic just like some players bought tickets but they can't join and stay outside of the park. Instead of spending extra resources to identify which players are being affected, Kabam just gave all a free ticket. For those who is not affected by the bugs, what's the ground of complaint?
    4. Those victims of bugs issue only have 2 days to spent the Intel but you have entire month to play. Buddy.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,795 ★★★★★

    Malchaeis said:

    Okay... now if you bought all the weekly packages for the intel to be able to purchase a chronometer.... and then 10k is given free.... I can see why some are upset. Wasn't there 3 packages available per day if you were cavalier?

    This is why I’m upset. I bought the daily deals every day for intel. Then we get 10,000 dropped on us. I would have waited to run my epics if I knew this was going to happe. I really needed a skill ag.
    Please tell me how they were supposed to tell you in advance? Love to hear the logic behind your thought process.
  • MidnightfoxMidnightfox Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★

    Malchaeis said:

    Okay... now if you bought all the weekly packages for the intel to be able to purchase a chronometer.... and then 10k is given free.... I can see why some are upset. Wasn't there 3 packages available per day if you were cavalier?

    This is why I’m upset. I bought the daily deals every day for intel. Then we get 10,000 dropped on us. I would have waited to run my epics if I knew this was going to happe. I really needed a skill ag.
    Please tell me how they were supposed to tell you in advance? Love to hear the logic behind your thought process.
    They knew there was a bug. They decided on compensation, but made sure they got the money and gave the intel the day the offers ended. Shady.
  • Andyball270Andyball270 Member Posts: 303 ★★★
    edited June 2020
    Heres my view on it.....ive run all the epic rifts so i cant buy anymore. However i can now buy the chronometer and take an extra run and choose my reward as a completely unexpected bonus. I can also run the master rifts and pick up some smaller resources. Im the first to criticise Kabam when i see them do something wrong (which can be a lit) but i have to priase them when they do something right. To the people that are complaining......WE DIDNT THINK WE WERE GETTING ANYTHING!!! So we cant complain when we get something unexpected and useful. I guess you cant please some people. Just pulled a 5 star nova from the legendary crystal from the tier 3 rift that i wouldnt have had.
  • HalleyHalley Member Posts: 445 ★★
    Pls give us more Chronometer to use intels.
  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    And there are always people who can find something negative in an otherwise great compensation.
    Even if you are an endgame player, t1a, t4cc, t4b are still worthwhile resources. Sure the master difficulty does not have everything that is of value, but you could say the same about 100 6* shards in epic.
    You got all this extra intel, that has cost you nothing. Go in, take the portal. If you like it, finish it. If you don't quit and try again.
  • ImranImran Member Posts: 587 ★★★
    RRNY said:

    I’m an end game player and used all my epic rifts up, not to mention I purchased all the deals last week for the extra intel, and do a lower tier gives me nothing of valve, will you add that we can buy some extra rifts of even a few more chronometers that at least gives us a entry? If not this 10k is useless to me.

    for many of us it’s not all useless. Now I can buy all t4 rift because I also purchase t4 gate earlier.
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    Buy the t3 rifts and go in and see which path you end up on, if it has stuff you want or need then finish the path, if not then just exit and try again. That way you aren't wasting energy if you don't like the rewards you got.

  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,795 ★★★★★

    Malchaeis said:

    Okay... now if you bought all the weekly packages for the intel to be able to purchase a chronometer.... and then 10k is given free.... I can see why some are upset. Wasn't there 3 packages available per day if you were cavalier?

    This is why I’m upset. I bought the daily deals every day for intel. Then we get 10,000 dropped on us. I would have waited to run my epics if I knew this was going to happe. I really needed a skill ag.
    Please tell me how they were supposed to tell you in advance? Love to hear the logic behind your thought process.
    They knew there was a bug. They decided on compensation, but made sure they got the money and gave the intel the day the offers ended. Shady.
    It happened yesterday after the Android update released. Then in the matter of hours we got comp. Mind blowing how you can assume this was planned somehow.
  • Razer_Boltz619Razer_Boltz619 Member Posts: 131 ★★
    Just buy tier 3 rifts. Start the rift if u dont like the reward exit and try again. I only 4 refills for all rifts and i got 3 5 stars and a ton of 4 stars from shard and legendary crystals
  • JueVioleGraceJueVioleGrace Member Posts: 1,424 ★★★★★
    So will there be a store in which we can buy items and like potions with intel, similar to the acorn stuff back in January? I wanna know whether to use all my intel or save it should there be another store @Kabam Miike @kabam whoever
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,795 ★★★★★

    So will there be a store in which we can buy items and like potions with intel, similar to the acorn stuff back in January? I wanna know whether to use all my intel or save it should there be another store @Kabam Miike @kabam whoever

    No there won't. The 10k Intel was not planned, 8t was compensation.
  • JueVioleGraceJueVioleGrace Member Posts: 1,424 ★★★★★

    So will there be a store in which we can buy items and like potions with intel, similar to the acorn stuff back in January? I wanna know whether to use all my intel or save it should there be another store @Kabam Miike @kabam whoever

    No there won't. The 10k Intel was not planned, 8t was compensation.
    I know it wasn't planned, just thought there might be a store. Anyway, I guess I'll just do the tier 3 rifts
  • MadMax578MadMax578 Member Posts: 7
    Some people will just complain about anything! I’m amazed from reading the various forum posts about this issue (but not surprised) at the attitude of many players about the compensation. Many don’t seem to know why we got 10k free intel and are moaning it has come too late... it was for a bug when new update was released and was all resolved within hours so not many were affected. It is not some shady cash grab to offer free gifts after people have spent for something but is Kabam doing a good move to fix their mistake.

    The main issue was intel seemed to have disappeared completely (any you had already and any you tried to gain from the 2 star event quest) and then some were buying rift entries and chronometers for free effectively - However they still had all the usual energy entry costs to run those rifts like everyone else. It was flagged on forums and promptly fixed. I was concerned to not update my game after reading about the issue (didn’t want to risk losing my unused chronometer or last epic rift entry) so waited for a fix.

    To then receive the compensation was great! I wasn’t expecting anything and thought fair play to those that had chanced it... but honestly are you seriously thinking they will all run 20+ rifts at full energy cost because they got free entry?! So I don’t think many would have benefitted without everyone being compensated so I think it is a big win personally.

    I’m recently uncollected and not end game so, having looked at what rewards are available for master rifts, have made use of running these now for all of the t4 catalysts and alphas, etc, which I would not have been able to do so without the compensation. So why is everyone complaining?! Would you rather not have the option to do it then? Quit the complaining just because you have run all of the epic rifts and have a look at master rifts, they are far from useless!

    Those that chose to spend for extra intel will get some form of compensation in next month June event (which could be good or bad) so that is the only legitimate complain as far as I’m concerned.

    But then again some on here just love a chance to moan about anything so you can’t please everyone... happy days!
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,795 ★★★★★

    So will there be a store in which we can buy items and like potions with intel, similar to the acorn stuff back in January? I wanna know whether to use all my intel or save it should there be another store @Kabam Miike @kabam whoever

    No there won't. The 10k Intel was not planned, 8t was compensation.
    I know it wasn't planned, just thought there might be a store. Anyway, I guess I'll just do the tier 3 rifts
    Not sure why you'd think that if you knew it wasn't planned.
  • JueVioleGraceJueVioleGrace Member Posts: 1,424 ★★★★★

    So will there be a store in which we can buy items and like potions with intel, similar to the acorn stuff back in January? I wanna know whether to use all my intel or save it should there be another store @Kabam Miike @kabam whoever

    No there won't. The 10k Intel was not planned, 8t was compensation.
    I know it wasn't planned, just thought there might be a store. Anyway, I guess I'll just do the tier 3 rifts
    Not sure why you'd think that if you knew it wasn't planned.
    @Demonzfyre Some people may just have some intel left over, so it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility to have a store...
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,795 ★★★★★

    So will there be a store in which we can buy items and like potions with intel, similar to the acorn stuff back in January? I wanna know whether to use all my intel or save it should there be another store @Kabam Miike @kabam whoever

    No there won't. The 10k Intel was not planned, 8t was compensation.
    I know it wasn't planned, just thought there might be a store. Anyway, I guess I'll just do the tier 3 rifts
    Not sure why you'd think that if you knew it wasn't planned.
    @Demonzfyre Some people may just have some intel left over, so it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility to have a store...
    Sure but the original amount that would have been leftover was 30 Intel.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,219 ★★★★
    edited June 2020
    There is some good stuff in master! if you finished epic use them in master. I burned it all up! 4 intel left. Some great stuff in master! I pulled a full 4*, 1k worth of 5 star shards! And, my storage is full...
    Seriously! Thank you kabam! I had fun! The challenge became making sure i got every last bit i could used up (for free)!

    Oh, and in an early post someone argued there would be no odds and ends after...4 i predicted, there would be and is going to be some left over!
  • ChubsWhiteChubsWhite Member Posts: 493 ★★★

    I bought the daily deal and used my epic entries now everyone gets a free 10000 intel and I have no entries left so everyone that spent money on intel loses out. The others can buy whatever they want with the 10000 in epic and the people that paid for intel can even get into epic, won’t be spending anymore money on these type of things again what a joke

    Did we really lose money, the intel was included in the daily deals, so we also got 6* shards, a cav. crystal, t5b and t2a!! I ended up pulling a 6* Anihhillus and 6* Mister Sinister from the daily deals that had intel. :smiley:
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★

    I bought the daily deal and used my epic entries now everyone gets a free 10000 intel and I have no entries left so everyone that spent money on intel loses out. The others can buy whatever they want with the 10000 in epic and the people that paid for intel can even get into epic, won’t be spending anymore money on these type of things again what a joke

    Did we really lose money, the intel was included in the daily deals, so we also got 6* shards, a cav. crystal, t5b and t2a!! I ended up pulling a 6* Anihhillus and 6* Mister Sinister from the daily deals that had intel. :smiley:
    A lot of ppl purchased the daily deals just for the intel. I'm waiting to see how they compensate us in June before I'm going to complain about it. Hopefully everything will work out and the majority will be happy. Kabam did a great job with the intel problems. I hope this kind of behavior continues!
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,280 Guardian
    Neotwism said:

    A lot of ppl purchased the daily deals just for the intel. I'm waiting to see how they compensate us in June before I'm going to complain about it. Hopefully everything will work out and the majority will be happy. Kabam did a great job with the intel problems. I hope this kind of behavior continues!

    I would suggest that a good way to compensate in June for purchased extra Intel (as part of those Unit Paks) would be to create a custom CRYSTAL (representing 1 run of highest Level Rift you qualify for) and get 1 of them for each increments of extra Intel you bought.

    Ie, bought 1000 Intel, get 2 Epic Crystals (Epic was 500 Intel per run), or similar at 350 (or was it 250?) for Master if not UC yet.

    And this Crystal would have RANDOM ODDS for pulling all the various potential items same as what the Rifts had.

    So it would turn out to be THE SAME AS IF YOU GOT TO RUN THE PURCHASED RIFTS.

    (just don’t get started on whether you had to “settle” for a lesser desired item with Chrono, as opposed to “should have had” another some # of more bought rifts... that's what you got to use the 10,000 extra Mail Intel for).
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    I just lack the time and energy. I don't know what Kabam was thinking dropping 10k intel less than 48 hours before the end of the event.
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