Every community member please respond

I am desperately wanting to read someone tell me that I'm mistaken and overlooked something regarding the main reason for this post.
Earlier today I read a fantastic post roughly remember the title being something like "letter to Kabam, from a beta tester".
It contained a very descriptive and informative opinion supported by the OP's personal experience as being a beta tester himself. I along with many other members of the community felt very strongly that the thread needed to keep traction to shed light on issues and possible solutions.
I'm very confused and on the verge of shocking dissapointment if what I fear is actually the case.
I was curious to read further comments in the thread relating to the OP, bur to my surprise, its nowhere to be found. Ive searched a number of keywords, browsed through a couple pages in each of the categories, and checked my own profile and comments(which I had made on said thread) and came up with nothing. Nothing about whether it had been moved, closed, escalated.........nothing.
Is it actually possible the the thread has been completely deleted along with any traces of it to never be seen again??
Please, please someone tell me I'm an idiot and I've overlooked where the thread actually is. If otherwise, I can certainly say that this is the final straw that "broke the camels back" for me. Thank you!
Earlier today I read a fantastic post roughly remember the title being something like "letter to Kabam, from a beta tester".
It contained a very descriptive and informative opinion supported by the OP's personal experience as being a beta tester himself. I along with many other members of the community felt very strongly that the thread needed to keep traction to shed light on issues and possible solutions.
I'm very confused and on the verge of shocking dissapointment if what I fear is actually the case.
I was curious to read further comments in the thread relating to the OP, bur to my surprise, its nowhere to be found. Ive searched a number of keywords, browsed through a couple pages in each of the categories, and checked my own profile and comments(which I had made on said thread) and came up with nothing. Nothing about whether it had been moved, closed, escalated.........nothing.
Is it actually possible the the thread has been completely deleted along with any traces of it to never be seen again??
Please, please someone tell me I'm an idiot and I've overlooked where the thread actually is. If otherwise, I can certainly say that this is the final straw that "broke the camels back" for me. Thank you!
Kabam doesnt allow negative criticism
Kabam does not moderate this forum in good faith.
I read the Post. There was very little constructive about it. I'm not the Mod who deleted it, but Non-Constructive is my guess.
you sound just like a mod lol funny how very few people (basically nobody) shares this outlook.... except for apparently you and anyone with "KABAM" in their title. Also you're always very quick to defend kabam
Slow down, your not even a 'Mod'
That's because I'm not reactive. In order to understand it, you have to be detached.
Didn't say I was. I said I'm not the Mod who deleted it. Would you feel better if I said person?
That's not what constructive is.
No he is not. Implying someone works for Kabam is against TOS. Just because people have a perspective other than that against the company, does not mean they are working for them.
Constructive by definition means serving a useful purpose. By pointing these things out, and that he has experience beta testing, that was constructive.
Correct. There was no purpose to that Thread other than to vent.
Well, maybe you didn't see anything other than venting, but many other people saw constructive input from a beta tester helping others understand how it works.