Lets Talk About Tigra's sp2 Reach

This topic has come up a lot in my alliance and I was curious what the general consensus is here. It seems a bit excessive for her sp2 to cover over half of the map. She's easy enough to fight so I'm not complaining here, but does anyone else feel the same way about the reach on her sp2? I get that one of her mechanics is based on spacing between champs but surely there's way to do this without forcing the defender to back themselves to the other side of the map on one special attack. Anyways, I want to hear what others are thinking and hearing from alliance members.
Yes I know there are counters. But Im not looking forward to see it.
Ofc you can just quake ghost or doom it but she could at least jump back the end so that its not 60% of the entire map in 1 SP2
1) Wow, when is this going to end? It’s still going? This seems excessive.
2) Well that took a while. How many times did I have to dash back? How did I get all the way back here already? This seems excessive.
It’s the first special in the game that think punishes general spacing. I can’t say it’s hard to evade but you better make sure you’re on her half of the map when it starts...
I thought that the timing was a bit weird on the dexes too
I thought it was a bit long also. I didn’t solo her the first time because I thought it was over then got smacked with the final potion of it.
- black panther needs some of her exact animation, i'd say rocket racoon could use more animalistic animations now that game and technology behind it has vastly improved!
Some times giving just new animations gives out a great look and feel for character, colossus has got nice sp1 but would have loved sp2 change as well(similar to deadpool 2 where he puts beating on juggernaut , like picking up on shoulder, knee to face and throwing him )
- superior ironman could use more of non contact ernergy approach where he uses only his weaponary instead of old tired, punches n knees)
- Hawkeye could use more close encounter arrows that bleeds on basic attack making them non contact projectiles like domino's
- all i am saying is giving diffrent animations and minor abilities to old champions and some semi old champs(psylock needs energy basic,hela too and much faster speeds ,longer or in some case shorter dash attacks and in some cases fasters heavy attacks)
- these small changes could surely make game,events,defense more interesting, qn old hawkeye or hela who cant be parried willl add new dimention to their defense
Good times.
She’s actually not Quakable (if that’s even a word) lol. Her medium is a very fast two hit. Way too fast to react to it. At least that’s what happened to me the first and only time fighting her with Quake.
Not sure what causes this, surely the coding of how a champ moves is set and shouldn't intermittently change?