To be honest this game started to become very annoying with all this maintenance problems. A long time ago was maybe 2 or 3 per month and now are almost 3or4 per week. Come on guys do something regarding of this. We are losing time with maintenance in place to finish the quest after that if you want to recover the time you will finish your resources and you have to come with money no? Kabam style (
Kabam takes too much time for maintenance. So there should be no any big remaining for this month like lagging while attack, some characters special attack lagging and many more. Reward is not mandatory but smooth performance is necessity.
Instead of compensation they should reduce the maintenance. That itself would be big enough
I’m really close to being uncollected (5.2.4) and rly need the health pots, if 10 5k health pots = 4 hours, I wouldn’t play the game for days just to get them
I also wonder what they are fixing. Never have we ever thought of to ask for a list of what scheduled maintenance they plan to fix some issue or what is it they are really doing??
A long time ago was maybe 2 or 3 per month and now are almost 3or4 per week. Come on guys do something regarding of this. We are losing time with maintenance in place to finish the quest after that if you want to recover the time you will finish your resources and you have to come with money no? Kabam style