@Kabam Miike Here's an interesting question... do these class specific crystals work like a Premium Hero Crystal in that if you buy one now and wait until certain champions get added to the basic pool, will those champions then be available in this class specific crystal?
So if I buy the mutant crystal and wait till December will archangel, psylocke and iceman be in there @Kabam Miike
Yep! If you'd like to wait a bit for a chance at a champ being added to the Crystal, you can do that.
Are you a 100% Sure on this? If someone buys a mystic one, for example, and opens it next month, will it include Doctor Voodoo and Ghost rider?
If so, then is it the same for normal 5* crystals as well? Like if i get one from shards now (i mean i CLICK buy one using 10k shards) but don't open it, would i get the newer champions when i open it or only the ones from when i bought it?
Yes. I buy 5* crystals when i reach 10k and open them later. Got Xbones this month from a crystal bought two months ago.
We as a community are so stupid sometimes. Kabam goes out and screws war up beyond comprehension. And like a person with a laser pointer shooting the light at a wall kabam has people jumpting to spend $100 on a crystal that gives you a better chance to get **** than anything else. Good luck with your purchases.
Kabam, you missed your chance at generating some goodwill with the community by not pairing the crystal offer with your email about donations to relief efforts/Red Cross. These crystals cost u 0 yet you want players to buy (pay you) with an afterthought of helping in the hurricane relief. As these crystals basically cost you $0, you could have said "Help hurricane relief by purchasing crystals & 90% of proceeds go to RC"
That's what's called a win, win, win situation but you missed it.
This seems completely insane to me, but to each their own. That's a lot of money for a non-guaranteed item. Granted the class is, but $100?!? Yikes. I don't spend anywhere near that for complete games. I will say, this is the way gaming seems to be moving. Pretty crazy to me still.
Well, you're not wrong, and it probably costs double as much as it should. IMO all the deals on MCoC having always cost more than they should be priced at given the random factor of opening a crystal.
Basically if people are having fun with this game and spending time playing it they don't mind investing in it for the long term same as you might buy a new game this month or etc.
Some people buy expensive bikes, or fix up cars, or whatever it is that their hobby happens to be and they might spend on that too.
In other words, your probably right, but that's why people do it.
Everything Kabam comes with an offer I'm tempted with I go to amazon and look at my wish list. I ask myself is it worth more than this. Got a new leaf blower today, I'm excited!
The Crystals include all of the Champions in the Basic 5-Star Featured Crystal! It does not have a sub-featured Pool. So, you will not be able to get Nebula, Cable, Hyperion etc. in these Crystals.
Wait so they won't even donate part of their overpriced crystals to the red-cross? I am more astonished by that than anything...
Remember that time people all paid money for T4CC or something last month, and then 6 stars were annouced a few days later? Get ready fro 5* arena to show up in a few months and make you all feel **** for spending 1000s of dollars on a game where you will eventually get all the **** anyways.
People who consider this a deal are the same who will spend $1000 on a new IPhone. Must be nice to not worry about money....
It is because a lot of us work hard to be able to spend a little money and still be able to feed our families and pay our bills, a little hard work and determination goes a long way.
Did you see pun 2099, id there a list somewhere that shows us what the normal chracters im 5 star are?
He was refering to the 4* crystal which has all three in it already as basics. The 5* does not.
That's what second post was for
Edit: didn't see that Miike already answered this
Are you sure? They've never worked like that before!!!
Yes. I buy 5* crystals when i reach 10k and open them later. Got Xbones this month from a crystal bought two months ago.
For example, waiting until December for Archangel would still only give you a 1 to 11 chance to pull him regardless if you waited or not.
Buy the offer if you want a 5 star now to do some sort of content, and pick the class accordingly.
That's what's called a win, win, win situation but you missed it.
I pulled rocket when i brought the tech crystal
Well, you're not wrong, and it probably costs double as much as it should. IMO all the deals on MCoC having always cost more than they should be priced at given the random factor of opening a crystal.
Basically if people are having fun with this game and spending time playing it they don't mind investing in it for the long term same as you might buy a new game this month or etc.
Some people buy expensive bikes, or fix up cars, or whatever it is that their hobby happens to be and they might spend on that too.
In other words, your probably right, but that's why people do it.
Yep I'm holding out hope!!
Take a screenshot of this guys if you intend to buy and wait. I don't believe Miike for one second.
Thanks for saving a lot of us $100 Mike.
Remember that time people all paid money for T4CC or something last month, and then 6 stars were annouced a few days later? Get ready fro 5* arena to show up in a few months and make you all feel **** for spending 1000s of dollars on a game where you will eventually get all the **** anyways.
It is because a lot of us work hard to be able to spend a little money and still be able to feed our families and pay our bills, a little hard work and determination goes a long way.