AQ season 7.5

Got this post in my in-game mail, but don't seem to see it on the forums. I checked general discussion, news and announcements and the news tab on the MCOC home page. Did this go live earlier than intended?
all details here 🙂
We are a high prestige (8k) alliance who run map 4 and on the last day that's 13.3k drones with 60k+ health.
They are so weird in their attack patterns, so passive, yet amazing at stand up intercepts, it's infuriating to fight and switch up from uncollected/variant/cavalier content.
I don't know anyone who finds this passive AI easier to fight, in fact it's the opposite. So surely map 4 should have the more straightforward AI that's now in map 5? Map 4 is not an entry level map..
If you could look at this, it would be great.
-We’re replacing the easiest/oldest minis on each map, because our metrics tell us they induce the least item use, and have replaced them with new minis that will hopefully induce more.
-We’ve added new modifiers that are irrelevant for the vast majority of players and slightly improved honor rewards that no one cares about anyway.
-We’ve thrown everyone a bone at the last minute and reduced timers and increased energy because we were basically forced into doing something you actually benefit from and it’s super easy to do.