I have never pulled a 4 star out of a crystal.

I started playing since 2016, I never ever pulled a 4 star out of any crystal that isn’t guaranteed. I recently nuked my old account and made a new one where I grind my heart out and still don’t pull anything. It’s honestly tiring seeing people login and pull 4star god tiers from their first or second premiums. I wonder if anyone else has this situation like me.
I had my first 4* at level 41.
More ot: No it has not happened to me, I’ve pulled many 4* champs from phc’s in the past, nowadays I don’t pay attention so no idea if I’ve pulled a 4* recently or not 🤷♂️
On the other hand I've had a batch of 100 PHC's with 14 4 stars. That's my record tho!
Telling people how long you’ve gone without getting a certain result is irrelevant. All that matters is how many crystals a person opens.