[Android] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • AkVaN20AkVaN20 Member Posts: 2

  • JoeChill_1939JoeChill_1939 Member Posts: 1
    Samsung S8
    Android 9.0
    Cellular and Wi-Fi

    Game keeps loosing internet connection when it's not an internet issue, and its disrupting gameplay, which is upsetting during alliance war and quest
  • VaibhavbVaibhavb Member Posts: 10
    In-Game Name: TERRYFOX
    Device and Model: ONEPLUS 5T
    Device Operating System: 10
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi and courrier (vodafone)
    Game Version Installed: 27.2.0
    Game Mode: All
    Description of the Issue: I get disconnection issue every single fight. And once this issue occurs when i retry the game takes like 15-20 mins to just load. Also the game lags a lot in between fights and gives disconnection issues suddenly which is so annoying. Even ingame loads are so slow. It takes around 15-20 mins to just move one node. It will be much appreciated if the issue is solved soon.
  • Abdu_rajabAbdu_rajab Member Posts: 13
    my game completely stops when i click on the fight button in AQ and this cause me to lose half of the champ health
  • LIS1LIS1 Member Posts: 18
    In game name -: Lifeisshort
    Device and Model -: Samsung Galaxy note 9
    Device operation system -: Android 10
    Cellular or Wifi -: Both
    Game version installed -: Latest (Last update June 29, 2020)
    Game Mode -: Everywhere (In Alliance Quest, Alliance War, Story Quest, Event Quest, Arena)
    Description of the issue -: When i enter fight, then that red connection logo shows on side during the whole duration of fight. And when fight is finished, then My screen freezes at the Winning screen before displaying the winning or loosing and i have to then force close it and restart the game. And when i restart the game then i see that, the opponent against whom i fought and defeated is still alive at full health and instead my champ is left with half of his health. And if i try to fight again, then again same thing happens. It happens at random times but very frequent.. Please fix this as its costing me alot of units.
  • Tron29G2020Tron29G2020 Member Posts: 1

    In-Game Name: Tron92G2020
    Device and Model: Oppo Reno 10x Zoom
    Device Operating System: ColorOs 7 (Android 10)
    Cellular or WiFi: Issue happens when connected to wifi. If connected to cellular data, problem does not happen. Issue only occurs with this game.
    Game Version Installed: 27.2.0
    Game Mode: Occurs when accessing AW main screen, AQ main screen, Alliance info main screen, Daily deals & Purchases menu.
    Description of the Issue: Problem only started for me last night when trying to access the AW menu to place defenders. When I clicked the tab to go to the menu, the game froze and I had to force restart to access the game again. The issue continued to happen every time I tried to access AW. I tried to click around in other areas of the game and noticed the same thing would happen when I tried to go to the unit store, AQ menu, or the Alliance room (ex. To give Alliance help). I uninstalled the game and reinstalled only to find the issue still happens, but now this time, most of the icons and pictures do not load. The only way I have found to avoid the lagging and freezing issue is to connect to cellular network data instead of using wifi. If I do this, im able to play the game normally. Usually I would think that this is an issue with my wifi, but the problem is that I only experience this issue with MCOC. All other apps and games on my phone work normally, and im able to use my wifi on other devices without issue. I have looked around for a fix to this issue with no resolution. Attached is a picture of what I see when trying to access any of the above items mentioned.
  • Kingfrankie2Kingfrankie2 Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2020
    In Game name: KingFrankie/KingFranke2.0
    Device: LG G8x
    Android Version:10
    Cellular or Wi-Fi: Both
    Game Version: 28 or whatever the current is
    Game Modes: any, all the time when I hit fight of when I win a fight and before the results show up, it says connection issue and forces me to restart the game losing half my health and in alliance wars points for the alliance. Forcing me to spend units or glory on something that doesnt need to, because i finish and win the fight with full health.
  • Mi_shu32Mi_shu32 Member Posts: 5
    In-Game Name: Mi shu
    Device and Model: Note 8
    Device Operating System: android 9.0
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 27.2.5
    Game Mode: all modes
    Description of the Issue: all champions appear to be affected. Game is lagging. Numerous connection prompts on bottom of page prior to actual fight screen. Random disconnects during fights.
  • DaveDaDudeDaveDaDude Member Posts: 18
    In-Game Name: davedadude
    Device and Model: Samsung SM-977U (S10)
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 27.2.5
    Game Mode: all modes
    Description of the Issue: Ever since the update yesterday, im constantly having trouble logging in. The loading screen takes a very long time, then I see the you've been disconnected from the game message. In the rare case, where I do log in, it has disconnected mid fight, causing me to lose in war or AQ or whatever game mode I happen to be doing. As of this current writing, I'm unable to login and play. 8:00pm pst
  • PalistesPalistes Member Posts: 173 ★★
    The game is unplayable for me. Any fight that lasts more than roughly 30 seconds shows a network connection icon, even though my internet connectivity is fine.
  • PalistesPalistes Member Posts: 173 ★★
    Android 10, Pixel 4 XL, latest game update, wifi and cellular. I get a network connection issue and disconnected. Can't complete longer fights, especially AQ and AW.
  • PalistesPalistes Member Posts: 173 ★★
    Seems like a lot of Android users are having issues. I keep getting a network alert, even though my internet connection is good. Can't complete fights in AQ and AW, unless they are really short.
  • CosmicEnforcerCosmicEnforcer Member Posts: 10
    Device and Model: LG Stylo 5
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: Both (T-Mobile)
    Game Version Installed: 27.2.5
    Game Mode: Mostly Alliance Quests (4-5 times), but it happened in Alliance War once.
    Description of the Issue: On the Versus page (showing the two champions who are to fight), I press the "fight" button and the screen freezes for a few minutes (the energy clock and selection timer both stop counting). Several times, the map screen has popped up and freezes indefinitely. My assumption is that my champion is in a "hidden" fight (I have no control, cannot see the fight, etc.), because when I back out of the frozen screen, or restart the app, my champion has lost half of their health (as if the fight timed out). Occasionally, the frozen Versus screen loads after lagging for several minutes and I can fight, but more often, my champion's health drops in AQ without actually fighting the battle. This started about 3 days ago. My connection is always good (4G w/ full bars) when this happens and my phone is new (about 3 months old).

    As I've stated above, I've tried backing out of the AQ/AW screens and even restarting the app. I've also tried minimizing the app. The problem persists.
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  • LIS1LIS1 Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2020
    In game name -: Lifeisshort
    Device and Model -: Samsung Galaxy note 9
    Device operation system -: Android 10
    Cellular or Wifi -: Both
    Game version installed -: Latest (Last update June 29, 2020)
    Game Mode -: Everywhere (In Alliance Quest, Alliance War, Story Quest, Event Quest, Arena)
    Description of the issue -: Since last Update of Game for Android, i am having this issue that When i enter fight, then that red connection logo shows on side during the whole duration of fight. And when fight is finished, then My screen freezes at the Winning screen before displaying the winning or loosing and i have to then force close it and restart the game. And when i restart the game then i see that, the opponent against whom i fought and defeated is still alive at full health and instead my champ is left with half of his health. And if i try to fight again, then again same thing happens. It happens at random times but very frequent.. Please fix this as its costing me alot of units and especially costs AQ and AW..
    P.S. -: Please reply to this Kabam to let us know if u r working on this or what is the progress???
  • ΑrchonΑrchon Member Posts: 20
    edited July 2020
    In-Game Name: Αrcon
    Device and Model: Samsung A70
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: latest
    Game Mode: all modes
    Description of the Issue: suddenly the last 2-3 hours I can't get into the game.
    It tells me there is internet connection error while everywhere I have good and fast connection
  • IKENIIKENI Member Posts: 10
    In-Game Name: IKENI
    Device and Model: Samsung S9+
    Device Operating System: Android One UI 2.1 / Android version 10
    Cellular or WiFi: wifi
    Game Version Installed: latest
    Game Mode: all modes
    Description of the Issue: i start a fight, and suddenly the game just crush... it is closing, i go back to that fight, i am half health on my champion and defender is 100%. is impossible to do a fight. we spend units to heal champs, we spend energy... please fix this. is almost a week sience is doing like this.
  • LibralonixLibralonix Member Posts: 229
    In-Game Name: Libralonix
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy Note 8
    Device Operating System: Android One UI 1.0 / Android version 9
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: latest
    Game Mode: all modes
    Description of the Issue: I am getting connection issues alot, it's happening at the start (click fight) and at the end of fights where I'm waiting for it to say victory, the game crashes and then I get constant connection issues when trying to reload the game, I have tried both on wifi and data and it makes no difference. I have spoken to my alliance and we are all experiencing the same issue and we use a mixture of android and iOS devices. Any help on getting this resolved would be great as we are losing alot of our champs in AQ due to this.
  • Somethingsome2Somethingsome2 Member Posts: 18
    In game name: somethingsome2
    Platform: android 10 on Samsung galaxy s9
    Wifi connection typically

    Game hangs when loading the following areas of the game, with the navigation displayed across the top and an empty background animation where the area should display:

    Profile. It fades as though it will display and then game goes non-responsive. Same thing happens if I tap for anyone else's profile.


    Alliance War

    AQ main window, can only get in by tapping CONTINUE from the Fight display

    this all started today and was working perfectly fine last night. My guess is the silent android update nerfed the game. Now I have a war that just started which I can't join to fight, I suspect I won't be able to join AQ when the current one ends due to the same reason. You need to roll this back asap till you fix everything you broke.

    Additionally, I'm scared to reinstall as I forgot my password, and you'll only reset it through the game...except there's no option to do so in settings (that I can see) and I'm not going to sign out to try. A complete clown fiesta.
  • Godiragetse_NooiGodiragetse_Nooi Member Posts: 3
    In-Game Name: gsn1910
    Device and model: Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime
    Device Operating System: Android 8.0
    Cellular or Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi
    Game Version Installed: 27.2
    Game Mode: Everywhere
    General Problems:
    • Lagging
    • Unresponsive controls
    • Delayed Movement and Blocking
    • Inconsistent Parries, Dexes and Intercepts
    • Game frequently logs out even though all my other online apps and games have perfect connection

  • Godiragetse_NooiGodiragetse_Nooi Member Posts: 3
    Hello there Kabam forums, my name is Godiragetse S. Nooi, but that is not important...my in-game name is gsn1910 and I got a few but fairly long complaints...

    Lagging - I literally cannot play the game anymore because of this inconsistent lag that always gets me attacked and killed. It's affecting my arena grind, story progressesion, Alliance Quest participation and Side Questing. I cannot even play the game as happily as I used to. I'm constantly raging and throwing my phone across my room because of this. (I'm lucky my phone isn't broken as of yet). Several people are pretty much gonna say "gsn, just quit the game and save yourself from frustrations", but then that's the thing, I don't want to quit this game. It's fun, its interactive and constantly tests your skill, but the lagging is too much. I really hate that.

    Crashing and Network Problems - I used to use Mobile Data on this game, but then it takes so much data, I switched to Wi-Fi. I'm using 5G network so my connection is all but bad. Except for the game, which is...literally telling me "Failed to Log In" or "Please Check Your Internet Connection"...and yet...while this happens, I can easily watch Seatin's and RichTheMan's streams. It's definitely the game that's the problem, not my Wi-Fi. I also hate that in my Story Progression and Alliance Quest participation, I would enter a fight, the game does it's usual "Check your connection" thing...and as soon as the game is responsive, I go back in and I either lost 50% of my health, or I'm dead. I really hate that.

    And lastly
    My device - I am currently using a Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime. Android system is 8.0. Previously I used a Samsung Galaxy J1 Ace Neo, Android 5.1 and it worked perfectly. No lags. No connection problems as such. Now I really don't know if it's just device compatibility or my phone gets worse with each new MCOC update. I really hate that.

    Sincerely yours
    A huge fan of Seatin, Rich and Dave
    Godiragetse Selebogo Nooi
  • FlavorFlaveFlavorFlave Member Posts: 89
    In-Game Name: flavorflave wow
    Device and Model: LG G6
    Device Operating System: 9.0
    Cellular or WiFi: both Verizon Fios
    Game Version Installed: 27.2
    Game Mode: All
    Description of the Issue: Started today. Lagging/Delayed very bad. Can't do AQ/AW
  • Elfgod7311_Elfgod7311_ Member Posts: 1
    Samsung s20+
    One ui 2.1
    Andriod 10
    Both wifi and data
    All modes
    Massive lag and when game sits in background have to do a full restart of app to get back in the game
  • OmnirexOmnirex Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2020
    In-Game Name: Omnirex
    Device and Model: LG G6
    Device Operating System: 8.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Wi-Fi Spectrum
    Game Version Installed: 27.2.5
    Game Mode: All
    Description of the Issue: The game has been lagging ever since I updated it yesterday. Slow loading screens, slow input reaction, choppy and lagging gameplay mainly on AQ and AW. Also keeps showing the network connection issue alert. UNPLAYABLE
  • Lobster44Lobster44 Member Posts: 147
    In-Game Name: Lobster44
    Device and Model: Honor 8S
    Device Operating System: Android 9
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: Up to date
    Game Mode: Seems to be irrelevant
    Description of the Issue: Becomes unresponsive mid battle, usually by charging an unwanted heavy during a combo (it never actually attacks, just charges until the opponent hits), and occasionally when performing other actions (eg. not blocking or performing dashes when intended.) Started being a little laggy just before I downloaded the update and is basically unplayable afterwards.
  • Little_Crocodili29Little_Crocodili29 Member Posts: 352 ★★★
    In-Game Name: LittleCrocodili
    Device and Model: Samsung S8
    Device Operating System: Android 9
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: Up to date
    Game Mode: All
    Description of the Issue: AQ fight takes from 5 to 9 seconds to launch after hitting Fight button. AW fights get disconnected. Even when changing screens Connectivity signal pops up. Only way is to shut game down. After fights, Win screen hangs - again only way to get out of it is to restart app - hence losing the fight. Game was fine before last micro update. Now nearly unplayable.
  • AlctrahssAlctrahss Member Posts: 3
    In-Game Name: Alcatrahss
    Device and Model: Pixel 2XL
    Device Operating System: 10
    Cellular or WiFi: both, Verizon
    Game Version Installed: 1044707
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, or AQ.
    Description of the Issue: If phone goes to sleep and I try to access MCoC after I will get an unable to connect error. I then have to force quit out of the game before it will load properly.

    Also, often when I initate fights, when the fight is ending, opening crystals, or when clicking help for alliance members I will get a connection error message which also requires a force quit before the game is usable again.
  • Sushil619Sushil619 Member Posts: 3
    Device Samsung A80 with newest update ,security patched and best internet speed.

    Problem :
    - More than 1 minutes in fight will cause the game LOST CONNECTION !
    - Idle in game more than a minutes also will cause the game LOST CONNECTION !
    - Even when just checking and reading the champion profiles more than a minutes also will cause LOST CONNECTION !

    This LOST CONNECTION in game has been occured more than 3 months, no fix yet up untill now and this problem really annoying.

    How do you expect us to play your game MCOC if the game itself keep LOST CONNECTION ?

    Can you guys be able to fix this "LOST CONNECTION" thing @Kabam ?
  • LonMLonM Member Posts: 61
    @Little_Crocodili29 , I have exact same problem , was able to fix or I guess work around , I had to delete game , then I had to go to apkmirror , download the 27.02 version of the game do not get 27.05 version , once you install the 27.02 apk of the game manually the game works fine , but stupid google play will want you to update , make sure not to do that , because I did to make sure i just did not get a bad update last time , and it went back to same problem as before , so i hand to uninstall and reload the apk again . HOPE kabam fixes the problem soon , or even respond to let people know their is a problem !!!!
  • Little_Crocodili29Little_Crocodili29 Member Posts: 352 ★★★
    @LonM thanks a lot for the tip, bud! :)
    Am giving it a try right now. Fingers crossed in attack phase tonight I'll no longer be giving away free kills due to connexion dropped :/
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