You colossus fanboys are almost the worse. Never able to see beyond the truth. Everything he does, someone else does better. He has 1 quality that could be somewhat beneficial, that’s his immunities. But there are others can do same and better. Namor doesn’t have “immunities”, but colossus can’t reflect the DOT back to the defender AND regen (with wp).
Is colossus good? Yes, is he better than Namor. No.
Namor has everything colossus has and more (also namor’s high damage output is easier to get).
Lol someone's salty they didn't rank down namor when they had the chance and now need to somehow justify that decision.
Jokes aside, though, you're wrong.
I'd be salty too if I spent 200 sigs on a champ who spends 90% of the time warming the bench
Lot of people here hating on Namor because they don't know how to play Namor. Yes, high sig is needed to get the most out of Namor, but sig and suicides and he dominates damn near everything.
Any champ that damages you when you hit them? Namor makes them pay PLUS he regens if you have suicides/willpower while be does it. Automatic damage nodes? Same thing, throw it right back at the defender.
Would it say Namor is definitively better than Colossus? No but it's a fair argument. Can't go wrong with either one.
You colossus fanboys are almost the worse. Never able to see beyond the truth. Everything he does, someone else does better. He has 1 quality that could be somewhat beneficial, that’s his immunities. But there are others can do same and better. Namor doesn’t have “immunities”, but colossus can’t reflect the DOT back to the defender AND regen (with wp).
Is colossus good? Yes, is he better than Namor. No.
Namor has everything colossus has and more (also namor’s high damage output is easier to get).
Lol someone's salty they didn't rank down namor when they had the chance and now need to somehow justify that decision.
Jokes aside, though, you're wrong.
I did rank namor down, and ranked him back up allocated sig stones to doom. Which didn’t matter in the end because both are sig 200 now. I’m not salty about anything, I’ve got my Colossus at r4 5* sig 200 as well. But he won’t go r5 because my other 30 rank 5 5* are more capable overall then he is. I’ve also been part of all the betas for all the reworked champs, part of the betas for act 6. Never used colossus, but used namor.
By a longshot. Namor is way more niche than most tier lists make him out to be. And even in his niche he isn't the only one (anymore).
Colossus on the other hand is loaded with utility and can also do some beastly damage.
Namor even at max sig is highly overrated imo.
And what does colossus do that no one else does better? 😂😂
Namor has one of the best signature abilities in the game. Colossus doesn’t come near namor’s abilities.
How does Namor do against Havok? Buffed up? Amy immunities we should know of? How long is that ramp up again? Any tankiness or solid sustainability besides a little regen?
What does namor have on colossus when he's unawakened? How long does it take to get a 5-Star to sig 200? You have to invest in Namor to get the most out of him.
So....colossus can handle havok and he has immunities. But he isn’t niche but namor is? Lamo okay. If namor is niche then so is colossus. It doesn’t take as long as you think to max sig a 5* when you purchase offers. Even every Sunday has 5x 5* generic sig stones plus a handful of other goodies for $5. July 4th deals got me 300 generic sig stones alone. While sig stones are hard to come by, it isn’t that hard if you are a willing participant in picking up signature stones whenever they pop up.
You can’t argue what IFs. The question is which one is better, so at full abilities namor outweighs colossus.
How does Namor do against Havok? Buffed up? Amy immunities we should know of? How long is that ramp up again? Any tankiness or solid sustainability besides a little regen?
What does namor have on colossus when he's unawakened? How long does it take to get a 5-Star to sig 200? You have to invest in Namor to get the most out of him.
I guess you've never used Namor against Havok because if you had you'd know that he throws Havoks plasma burst damage right back at him
As for immunities, if Namor is sig 200 he's using those debuffs against him as free heal whenever he's attacking.
Me thinks you don't know much about high sig Namor 🤔
How does Namor do against Havok? Buffed up? Amy immunities we should know of? How long is that ramp up again? Any tankiness or solid sustainability besides a little regen?
What does namor have on colossus when he's unawakened? How long does it take to get a 5-Star to sig 200? You have to invest in Namor to get the most out of him.
I guess you've never used Namor against Havok because if you had you'd know that he throws Havoks plasma burst damage right back at him
As for immunities, if Namor is sig 200 he's using those debuffs against him as free heal whenever he's attacking.
Me thinks you don't know much about high sig Namor 🤔
1) Time it incorrectly and you're dead 2) Not everyone has a sig 200 Namor
Not everyone has a sig 200 namor? That’s not the question. OP didn’t ask about who has a sig 200 namor. Smh.
Yes that's cool. No one is saying namor is bad per se lol.
I did that korg in with domino +synergies by the way. In another attempt I nearly knocked him out with a 3/45 dormammu. No need to act as if namor was the only one who could handle that fight.
Go use colossus on that fight, since the thread is about who’s better between namor and colossus not every champ available in the game.
Yes that's cool. No one is saying namor is bad per se lol.
I did that korg in with domino +synergies by the way. In another attempt I nearly knocked him out with a 3/45 dormammu. No need to act as if namor was the only one who could handle that fight.
How many of those options are leaving the fight at or near 100% health?
Yes that's cool. No one is saying namor is bad per se lol.
I did that korg in with domino +synergies by the way. In another attempt I nearly knocked him out with a 3/45 dormammu. No need to act as if namor was the only one who could handle that fight.
How many of those options are leaving the fight at or near 100% health?
All of them I'd you're good. Light intercept to your heart's content. No one's saying Namor is bad. But Colossus is better 95% of the time, so why would you call Namor better?
This is a great example of where namors Sig ability shines, the problem with it is it's not needed. I've seen this fight done with a 4* domino, when I first did this fight while my account was smaller I used a r4 gladiator hulk to solo it. Now I would just steamroll it with thing synergy. Namors whole thing is how good his damage reflection is, but there isn't anywhere damage reflection is the only or best answer
You didn't trigger fury on your SP 3 because you timed it a bit wrong. If the hit immediately before the SP 3 is glanced, then the SP 3 is considered to be glanced, therefore no ability accuracy for it. If you had waited for a bit after throwing that medium, you'd have gotten the fury.
1) Time it incorrectly and you're dead 2) Not everyone has a sig 200 Namor
The OP asked for endgame players opinions. Most endgame players I know have a high sig Namor either 5* or 6*.
I also addressed your immunities question as well by pointing out that he is BETTER than immune because at high sig he turns debuffs in to regen while attacking.
Eeeeeasy. Namor's so niche, Colossus works for so much.
Being niche is not necessarily a bad thing. For example, red hulk can handle an average fight (aka non mystic/energy damage) a lot better than human torch but I bet 90% of people would prefer getting torch over red hulk. Torch has his niche and he performs excellently in those matchup but is far from optimal in any other match up. In the same way, I would prefer namor over colossus because he handles his niche so well (korg, thorns, etc.) but it is very close and I can understand why people prefer colossus.
Yes that's cool. No one is saying namor is bad per se lol.
I did that korg in with domino +synergies by the way. In another attempt I nearly knocked him out with a 3/45 dormammu. No need to act as if namor was the only one who could handle that fight.
Go use colossus on that fight, since the thread is about who’s better between namor and colossus not every champ available in the game.
That doesn't make any sense lol. They're not the same champ.
It's like saying the racing car is the better machine because it can drive faster than the particle accelerator.
They shine in different situations. No one is denying that.
The point is that colossus simply shines in more situations and most if not all of the situations namor shines in aren't nearly as exclusive to him as claimed.
Did you just try to pull a switch a roo on me? I just said we are talking about namor and colossus. You and almost everyone else on colossus side in this thread mention other champs to do the fights namor does.
So if colossus can’t do that fight and end at 100% health then that’s a point to namor.
Also does anyone bring colossus to alliance quest or war? Map 7? Tier 1 alliance war, everyone attacking with colossus? Is anyone? Does anyone place colossus on defence? Anyone bring colossus to clear lanes in act 6.4.6? How about abyss? Everything I’m asking, I know people bring namor to.
I'm sick of waiting for omega red. I have gems from 2-5, 3 mutant gems and alot of sig stones (around 500 including generics lol) colossus seams like the obvious option but with magnetos buff looming & obviously not having omega red for synergies who or what would you recommend?
My options Colossus - 4/55 - unduped AA - 4/55 - sig 20 Magneto - 2/35 - sig 20
Yes that's cool. No one is saying namor is bad per se lol.
I did that korg in with domino +synergies by the way. In another attempt I nearly knocked him out with a 3/45 dormammu. No need to act as if namor was the only one who could handle that fight.
Go use colossus on that fight, since the thread is about who’s better between namor and colossus not every champ available in the game.
That doesn't make any sense lol. They're not the same champ.
It's like saying the racing car is the better machine because it can drive faster than the particle accelerator.
They shine in different situations. No one is denying that.
The point is that colossus simply shines in more situations and most if not all of the situations namor shines in aren't nearly as exclusive to him as claimed.
Did you just try to pull a switch a roo on me? I just said we are talking about namor and colossus. You and almost everyone else on colossus side in this thread mention other champs to do the fights namor does.
So if colossus can’t do that fight and end at 100% health then that’s a point to namor.
Also does anyone bring colossus to alliance quest or war? Map 7? Tier 1 alliance war, everyone attacking with colossus? Is anyone? Does anyone place colossus on defence? Anyone bring colossus to clear lanes in act 6.4.6? How about abyss? Everything I’m asking, I know people bring namor to.
Lol, yes to all of them, dude. More so than Namor honestly.
I'm sick of waiting for omega red. I have gems from 2-5, 3 mutant gems and alot of sig stones (around 500 including generics lol) colossus seams like the obvious option but with magnetos buff looming & obviously not having omega red for synergies who or what would you recommend?
My options Colossus - 4/55 - unduped AA - 4/55 - sig 20 Magneto - 2/35 - sig 20
P.S Sorry to hijack
Sig up AA to about 100, awaken and sig up Colossus to wherever you're comfortable with.
You aren't always attacking the opponent though. It's great when you are, but when you aren't you are melting. Take Namor into a matchup with large amounts of debuffs and prove me wrong tho.
That's exactly why you play aggressive with him 🤷🏻♂️
You aren't always attacking the opponent though. It's great when you are, but when you aren't you are melting. Take Namor into a matchup with large amounts of debuffs and prove me wrong tho.
That's exactly why you play aggressive with him 🤷🏻♂️
What about when the opponent is... I don't know? Gaining power and you need to bait a special attack? 🤷🏻♂️ Or... I don't know? They're throwing a special attack so you can't be hitting them? 🤷🏻♂️ Or... I don't know? They're throwing a heavy attack so you can't hit into them? 🤷🏻♂️ You're acting like his sig ability is as good as an immunity. It's so not.
Lot of people here hating on Namor because they don't know how to play Namor. Yes, high sig is needed to get the most out of Namor, but sig and suicides and he dominates damn near everything.
Any champ that damages you when you hit them? Namor makes them pay PLUS he regens if you have suicides/willpower while be does it. Automatic damage nodes? Same thing, throw it right back at the defender.
Would it say Namor is definitively better than Colossus? No but it's a fair argument. Can't go wrong with either one.
Well said. There's a lot of hype surrounding Colossus but in the hands of a great player, Namor can destroy any content. He can heal from suicides and his specials which makes him super sustainable and he can even heal from other damaging debuffs if you intercept enough. As for his ramp up, it's really not that bad. His nerf forces you to use more sp1s in your rotation to stack your rage charges, either way he crushes bleed immune or incinerate inflicting champs. Colossus doesn't have much utility outside of his tankiness and immunities. He's not countering evade, autoblock, miss, or buff punishing nodes. You're not going to take a Colossus into high tier war, he's just not "niche" enough.
Any champ that damages you when you hit them? Namor makes them pay PLUS he regens if you have suicides/willpower while be does it. Automatic damage nodes? Same thing, throw it right back at the defender.
Would it say Namor is definitively better than Colossus? No but it's a fair argument. Can't go wrong with either one.
You can’t argue what IFs. The question is which one is better, so at full abilities namor outweighs colossus.
As for immunities, if Namor is sig 200 he's using those debuffs against him as free heal whenever he's attacking.
Me thinks you don't know much about high sig Namor 🤔
Time it correctly and it’s a blast of fun.
Namors whole thing is how good his damage reflection is, but there isn't anywhere damage reflection is the only or best answer
I also addressed your immunities question as well by pointing out that he is BETTER than immune because at high sig he turns debuffs in to regen while attacking.
In the same way, I would prefer namor over colossus because he handles his niche so well (korg, thorns, etc.) but it is very close and I can understand why people prefer colossus.
I ended up clearing with 10 revives, never spending a single unit
I just said we are talking about namor and colossus. You and almost everyone else on colossus side in this thread mention other champs to do the fights namor does.
So if colossus can’t do that fight and end at 100% health then that’s a point to namor.
Also does anyone bring colossus to alliance quest or war? Map 7? Tier 1 alliance war, everyone attacking with colossus? Is anyone? Does anyone place colossus on defence? Anyone bring colossus to clear lanes in act 6.4.6? How about abyss? Everything I’m asking, I know people bring namor to.
My options
Colossus - 4/55 - unduped
AA - 4/55 - sig 20
Magneto - 2/35 - sig 20
Sorry to hijack