I love the new war match making.

My alliance vs a different alliance. How the hell are they gold two. I knew match making was broke. But damn. We’re fight alliance that cannot even get into part two of our defense.
How many rewards did we miss all this time now?
Only reason we all stayed together was we like each other and have fun joking around. But now we see we all were getting screwed. Thanks for fixing aw for us. Teams half of our strength and ranked the same made no sense.

How many rewards did we miss all this time now?
Only reason we all stayed together was we like each other and have fun joking around. But now we see we all were getting screwed. Thanks for fixing aw for us. Teams half of our strength and ranked the same made no sense.

And also, where should the cutoffs be?
Set it at 10k? The 9.9ks will complain.
8.5k? The 8.4ks will complain.
7k? The 6.9ks will complain.
There’s no way ANY cutoff will make everyone happy.
Things are gradually going to balance out
Feel sorry for the opponents
Funny thing is, we’re the same rating
Now we are top of platinum 4. One more war we will be platinum 3 - and we haven’t even come to close to a fair matchup yet.
So many missed rewards due to smaller alliances facing off amongst themselves. Really glad this is fixed.
I had no idea how unfair and unbalanced the previous system was.
So many really great alliances playing this game. It’s the good people that make this game.
How many times while recruiting I either saw, or chatted to folks with 4* or 5* R3 profiles looking for a G1 or even a Plat alli... and very self assured too.
I know some ppl can do some fights with 3*, the whole spiel over "skill" and so forth. But reality is they were deluded and I knew they didn't have the defenders, let alone the attackers, to tackle our 35-37 mil war opponents in our humble G2 bubble.
Not to mention the occasional recruits who actually had a nice profile, and talked the big talk of having T4/5 experience, just to be totally trashed by diversity opponents in nothing nodes in section 1, playing T8 with us -_- Used to blow my mind. Now I understand better what went on.