6 star abyss nexus
You would think that given 10 chances and a specific class would net you the champion you are looking for..im here to tell you that’s not the case..just opened my nexus from abyss..looking for 6 star thing and if not was hoping to dupe void...well out of 10 I was greeted by abomination,joe fixit,yellow jacket,antman,electro to name a few...no Cap no void no mister fantastic no thing ...seems weighted to me
I've seen so many disappointed openings on YouTube.
Granted, it DID have Doom, but...
So you can compute the probability of pulling one specific champ having 10 shots from 24 champs as
1-probability(10 shots not hitting target champ) = 1 - (1-1/24)*(1-1/23)*...*(1-1/15) = 1 - 23!/13! * 14!/24! = 1 - 14/24 = 10/24
Or using binomial coefficients
C(23,9)/C(24,10) = 23!/9!/14! / (24!/10!/14!) = 10/24
Who should I take?
Too few players do take time to see if there was a topic (as written in the rules of the forum)... That is not nice for the people who wrote it before.
And as there are a looot of threads created (useful or not), the interesting ones are pushed to the abyss after page 3.
Got them