Canadian Difficulty Feedback
Hello guys, the last 2 or 3 days, the game has been plagued by many issues, but there are also positive things like the conclusion of Canadian Difficulty, the prelude for cavalier difficulty. In my opinion, Canadian Difficulty is a success. The node combinations are the the best part of the quest. Not once did I feel like it's impossible to complete a path in the quest. Also the node-champion combinations were not that bad either. Yes there are some tough fights, but overall Kabam did a good job designing that quest. The rewards are good, the addition of T5CC is a welcome one even though there is not much of it. One con in terms of the rewards is the reduction that happened in Epic Difficulty. I do realize that there are more rewards in total, but there are many people who will not be able to 100% explore Canadian Difficulty. Also one more positive is the sheer amount of gold you can earn. To the negatives is the massive 300K HP Sasquatch that pops up in almost every path. It would be fine if we had to face him 3 or 4 times tops per difficulty. Also the last negative about the event is the Guardian bug that doesn't allow his armor ups to be nullified. Other than those two negatives, overall in my opinion, Canadian Difficulty is one of the best side events ever, right after Gwenpool goes to the movies. I would maybe consider giving a little more signature stones if I was in Kabam's position but in terms of difficulty you have done a good job.
edit: I liked some of the node combinations. Power shield + power reserve was hilarious. Always nice being about to completely smash a lane with a 4/55 rogue!
That said, the bug on the last fight sucked. And ruined overall good experience. Plus some of these beefy fights like dormamu that degen you over time sucked. Especially if you have to bring in champs that degen them. It’s a guaranteed revive unless you have 15k pi champs...
1) Restart the fight multiple times, which is very time-intensive
2) Spend resources to get through each ambush
3) Be roadblock, and can't get the full rewards
People who rely on quitting out to avoid the ambush really shouldn't be getting the rewards imo.
What I did like was that I actually had to read the nodes, think about who I'm bringing (switching teams for different paths) and actually play well. When I'm doing UC I literally don't read the nodes or new champ abilities, I just bring a strong team of random meta champs (or one with a synergy team) and play it while I watch TV. I don't learn anything about the new champs being released. This at least accomplished the goal of making me pay attention to what I'm doing and being engaged. Was it super hard or meant for only end game players? No, but I don't think it's supposed to be. It's just supposed to be a nice step up from UC, which I think they accomplished? I think book 2, Abyss, Summer of Pain, etc. are where you go find the most challenging content. Cavalier can't be tuned for only top players.
For starters, any single person could get at least half if not more than completion with any rarity of duped Ronan. He could stun lock them to death. Then you could just take the easy lanes and you’ll have more than completion. And the lanes themselves, were nothing special. Things like Toxi-can and poison vulnerability? Seriously? Is this supposed to be endgame? The only lanes that were remotely hard were maybe the diss track lanes, which could be done by so many champs anyways that it wasn’t really demanding.
As for the bosses. There weren’t even local nodes! They weren’t hard champion to fight, in fact they were just large punching bags. And the more hits you do, the more damage you dealt. Breakthrough in my opinion, is about as far as you can get from endgame. After 25 hits, your damage increases. As for the nodes like powershield and power reserve, both of these could be easily done with certain four stars or even a 3* with stun locking capabilities.
The Sasquatch ambushes, I guess the were annoying? But they weren’t hard. If you were patient enough and were willing to practice, you could easily do it with a 4* since you slowly get higher and higher damage output. Plus, if you really weren’t willing to fight him, you could have just exited the fight and tried the path again.
The rewards, they were fine. They were proportional to the difficulty. They didn’t really help me all that much, but for the newly cav players who were able to explore the quest, the rewards were huge.
This is just my opinion however, feel free to disagree and @me as I would love to hear and constructive criticism or other opinions.
Completion should be tough but doable for newly cavalier players.
Exploration should be tough but doable for those that explored act 6 entirely.
I’ve not explored act 6, but if this was the hardest we’d get on a cavalier difficulty, I’d be able to walk through exploration with relative ease.
When uncollected came out I couldn’t explore the first month of it, I managed the 2nd month but it took several months before I started consistently exploring with no item use, that’s what cavalier needs to be like for those that explored act 6.
FWIW I’m far from end game player, Ive done a run through act 6 which was enough for me, finished the variants and LOL but not touched abyss, 6*s still aren’t relevant in my roster, it’s a struggle to max a 5*.
This event week 4 is the bare minimum difficulty that would keep me amused, to be honest I was expecting more variant level than this which feels marginally above epic and on par with last quest of uncollected eq.