Do you have 5* or 6* Dr Doom...

Are you a proud owner of doom.. Or you still waiting for him.. Just wanted to see the percentage.. Whether more have doom or more are looking for him.. Do mention how you got him...and yeah also mention how many times you miss him when the crystal just stopped before or after him 
I know it's kind of silly question but I have been trying for him a lot and don't have him even as 4*.. I'm sure I must have opened like 200+ 4* crsytals
Edit : The last option is.. you have 4* or below..
the last option is mostly for those who don't have enough 5*..

I know it's kind of silly question but I have been trying for him a lot and don't have him even as 4*.. I'm sure I must have opened like 200+ 4* crsytals
Edit : The last option is.. you have 4* or below..
the last option is mostly for those who don't have enough 5*..
Do you have 5* or 6* Dr Doom... 113 votes
Dr. Doom is my hero, I wanna be just like him when I grow up.
Fortunate enough to own both 😅
Also the crystal has rolled over twice and stopped before him once
Big sed :c
Anyway, my 5* Doom came from his 5* featured crystal.
me be sad boi
Based on the folks who have maxed out both I guess it's safe to say it's worth it to rank him? I also went ahead and took off suicides b/c he's much more fun to use when I have mystic dispersion.
Just need that 2* Doom, then world Doomination
5* on my mini which is only 70k rating 🤣