Kicked before epic season rewards.

So in my ally, I was an officer. I was active everyday, and participated in every AW and AQ. I used to recruit people to help out, and got us half the people in the ally. However, some people joined and harassed me, so I had no choice but to kick them. They were swearing and being racist etc. The ally leader then immediately kicked me 30 mins before rewards for kicking them. They didn't even listen to what happened. So now that is just fantastic! I get kicked because I got harassed! Oh, and did I mention the leader was among those to harass me! The atg is GdsAs.
Please tell me if I am overreacting or if I am right to be fuming?
Please tell me if I am overreacting or if I am right to be fuming?
If that's the case, then yes, you got screwed. But again, bad leadership just means instability. I hope you find a good alliance with good leadership.