Science Sig Stone Dilemma - I need advice.
So I have a 5/65 Cap IW (awakened, sig 120), an unawakened 3/45 HT, and an unawakened 1/25 Void. I have 3 science awakening gems but don't have much access to sig stones, however I will be getting more sig stones from the heralds of galactus side event. I will be getting about 40 more generic sig stones this month. Should I keep investing in my 5/65 to get him to max sig (I don't have the despair mastery), awaken and invest in Void, or awaken and invest in HT?
Please explain why into the comments as I'm not an expert in either Void or HT.
Please explain why into the comments as I'm not an expert in either Void or HT.
Science Sig Stone Dilemma - I need advice. 62 votes
And you need despair to get the most out of all 3 of those champions, so I'd get that one unlocked and maxed ASAP.
HT doesnt really need his dupe
CapIW needs sig 200 for the 100% chance on his utility.
Void’s utility doesn’t require high sig. Only needs to be awakened.
HT sig gives him a % chance to regain the pre-fight. You definitely don’t need it to play him.
It is possible to do as you say when awakened without despair, but only at high sig levels. At low sig, he will not generate debuffs fast enough for you to ever reliable get another 2 petrifies on top of a FOTV. It usually expires before getting more than 2 or 3 extra debuffs if you are playing super aggressive.
I have all 3 maxed and Void and Torch are flex spots for the quest and Cap is overall more reliable for non-specific fights, he can fit almost everywhere
Probably use ag on void.
Nvm about awakening ht.