Cavalier difficulty rewards vs 1 week aq vs Variant 5

Just want to compare rewards from this type of events.
Probably similar in difficulty (with some differences between them) but not in time spend

What do you think? IMO, Cavalier rewards needs a revamp soon
Probably similar in difficulty (with some differences between them) but not in time spend

What do you think? IMO, Cavalier rewards needs a revamp soon
It's very difficult to compare AQ and an MEQ. I for example am not running in a Map 7 alliance so the Cavalier rewards are infinitely better for me. The V5 Rewards were incredible, arguably a bit too good for the effort which is probably why the Cavalier difficulty feels underwhelming. Likewise, the side event is up there with the very best side events that we've ever had so it's very difficult to gauge whether that's the new standard of side event loot or not.
If Event Quest has more rewards than permanent content, then players won't have any incentive to complete it
And in Cavalier EQ there is 2 x 10% T5CC Crystal
And why there are none 5* shards and 6* shards listed under the 'Other Resources' category in Cavalier EQ?
Because you have mention them for Variant 5'
And who is gonna spend all his glory in T2A and T5B?
Usually the top 90 alliances in AQ compete in AW as well
This means that they have to buy potions with glory
And you haven't told us how many points per week an alliances that runs 7x5 gets
This is one of the worst comparisons I have ever seen
(Sorry for the lots of 'And' but there are so many stupid things in this board)
You have 4 Cav EQs between then and the next Variant.
It seems that people forget that Variant 100% rewards are a one time thing. Cav EQ will be there every month. So just for the fragments, not including shards let's multiply the Cav rewards by 4, so we can get a fair assessment of how many months between each Variant that Cav will give.
T5B: 33850x4= 135,400 thats just over 3 T5B. The same as Variant 5.
T2A: 48000x4= 192,000 that's 5.3 T2A, that's almost enough for an extra rank 5 5*.
T5CC: 10%x4 = 40%. 15% more than Variant 5.
Of course Variant looks more appealing, because they have to give more rewards for how long it is between each Variant release. In the above calculations that is based on 4 months between each new Variant releasing, and that would be at the VERY fastest that they would come out.
When UC has been released I’ve done it 100% all months. I Don’t see myself doing cavalier eq all months with this rewards
If they had switched it around (give usual completion, then spread exploration rewards across the additional paths) it would've had a much more rewarding feeling to it, even if the rewards were still underwhelming.
You get 750 6* shards, 4,00k 5* shards, 6,750 t5bc, 10,180 t2a shards, 9 5* generic sig stones and 60+k gold
+ what every path specific rewards you get for completion. Also if you are doing cav your roster should not be that limited.
Although I HATE that you have to use 4* champs (I hate that you have to rank them up actually), the 10% T5CC Crystal is still there. Unfortunately you have to waste a lot of gold and catalysts in order to get it, but you can get it.
So it's 2x 10% T5CC Crystal
Uncollected was sooooooo easy
It makes sense that you could do it 100% every month
And no Cav is supposed to be for those who completed 6.1 to those who have explored everything in the game. I'd say the idea is to help the weaker ones step up, so good completion rewards do that (such as that seen in v4 & V5). Giving meagre rewards is not the best incentive someone to push for exploration (even of the first chapter).
Your statement only holds for those whose rosters are already developed enough to explore from the get go.
Cav EQ is supposed to be for all Cav players not just the stacked ones.
1) yes you get that, and yes, it is actually 4200 5*.
2) Cav was easier than most months UC event quests, not really hard at all
3) if you completed 6.1 you should have a pretty diverse roster, if not then you did more than you are expected to be at that progression
4) No, the monthly cav difficulty is targeted at people PAST 6.1. They repeatedly stated when new uncollected people struggled with UC monthly, that they were not meant to 100% it anytime soon after they got the title, but that is for them to strive to.
4) None of that changes if you give more "complete" completion rewards. Most new UC players progressed due to completion rewards not exploration. As they progressed, then started exploring, that accelerated progression but it started with what were at the time great completion rewards (like 6* shards) and t2a).
Personally I have the roster but I don't see the incentive to explore it.
Yes necessarily, if you dont have a wide roaster then you probably got lucky with counter pulls.
And you STILL can progress.
Sure, it’s far less satisfying and this isn’t helped by rewards that could be better, but a fresh cavalier will likely have access to far more loot than burning through X revives to brute force Completion when they’re not really ready for it.
(Which I don't want)
Why is it that Cavalier Exploration Rewards has 15600 T2A and Uncollected has 18000 T2A??? this just doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Kabam said Cavalier rewards were carefully thought out to help us R5 our 5 star. Then why the lower difficulty has more T2A for the exploration rewards part of it?
The change in rewards structure has not been well received by many summoners. They should have let the Completion Rewards for Uncollected the way it was before. This change makes me think Kabam want us to have a harder time to gain 5 and 6 star shards which is not what they talked about in their Dev Diaries. Please Kabam if you truly care about your customer base, please revert back the changes and include completion rewards for both uncollected and cavalier difficulties.
Also please go back to the drawing board, and rethink the cavalier rewards. Gotta make them more spicier, something for summoners to look for. If you make it much more spicier, summoners will be even way more inclined to spend resources and/or units to complete it, so in the short and long term will be a win win scenario for both the player base and you as a company.