What if 7 stars came
if 7 stars came would you enjoy playing and still play or quit and yes I know that if it were to ever happen it would be for about a few years...
What if 7 stars came 189 votes
IF they were added I can't see it being in the next year or 5 tbh.
It's seriously too early to talk about 7*'s now.
Ultimately they’re going to have to release them at some point but it’s gonna be a while.
But for those of you who haven't been around forever! That was the plan mentioned long ago! To introduce 7s by 2021! That is coming quick and obviously they are feeling out our attitudes with "polls".
I'd say I'm lucky in this regard since I have 13 6*s and not a single one is duped. I probably just jinxed myself and I'll dupe my Rhino in my next 6* crystal.