In your opinion, what order do the best cosmics go in?
In your opinion, what order do the best cosmics go in? 113 votes
Best: Venom 2nd: Corvus 3rd: Hyperion 4th: CMM
Hype, CMM, Corvus (No suicides)
I don't run suicides so it's CMM then Corvus for me
With them however...
I still need to get CMM to place her in my top Cosmic list
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Corvus, hyp and cmm are the best 3 in cosmic, you can’t go wrong with them, they are all great, I just like sparkles very much.
Venom isn’t on the same level, he is going to be my next r5 cosmic though, he is a lot of fun to play. I got cull at r5 as well, while hyp is still sitting on r3, I’ll take him up eventually I think but cull and venom are just more fun to me as of now.
as for who's best: corvus, cmm, hype
2. Medusa
3. Captain Marvel (movie)
4. Hyperion
5. Venom