Killmonger: Why is this Vibranium Covered Champion Not #Metal?

I've noticed that when looking at Killmonger's tags and bio, that he is not a #Metal champion, even though the well-known Vibranium Metal is a significant part of his champion design and abilities. Would anyone know why this champion is not #Metal, or if there is a reason for this?
Thinking "outside of the box", or just add something that isn't there, oftens creates these type of questions that have a more simple answer than you would expect.
However, as others have mentioned, Vibranium is not of Earth and has some properties that make it notably different than Earthly metals as per Marvel lore. It has the ability to absorb vibrations, also absorb and store Kinetic energy directed at it within the bonds. Now there's a limit to how much kinetic energy it can absorb before it breaks down, but in general, it's not like our Earthly metals in this sense alone. As long as it's pure Vibranium, Magneto cannot control it. If it has any Earthly metals mixed in, he can (look up Proto-Adamantium being a mix between Vibranium and Adamatium and an iteration of Captain America'a shield, Magneto could control it).
Now, as we're talking about attention to detail in regards to the #metal tag in game and Magneto having an impact on it, Omega Red comes to mind. His tentacles are made of Carbonadium, and it being a Russian attempt to copy Adamatium (yet another metal Magneto can manipulate), he is correctly tagged. Same with Wolverine, X-23, OML, and Weapon X having Adamatium. They did follow this lore to the T in not including the Black Panthers, Killmonger, and any version of Captain America. All use Vibranium (and I guess both of the Caps with shields have Pure Vibranium and not a Proto-Adamantium Shield, lol).
On a final note bringing up Wolverine and Adamatium, it'd be good times to get a bone claw clad feral version from post 'Fatal Attractions' in game. He was wiley looking during that era, and Magneto wouldn't be able to do anything as he already damn near killed Logan ripping all the Adamatium from his skeleton through his pores (see X-Men #25). Another Adamatium based lunatic I'd love to see is Cyber. Adamatium skin. That'd be good times but ultimately easily countered by our newest iteration of Magneto on that note.
Seriously, look it up. It’s actually kinda neat
People just make up silly things to define his powers. If he can control blood he shouldnt struggle against all the humans (mutant included) he has struggled with, also he can control blood but not mercury.
Anyways the metal tag is inconsistent in the game just like how comics works
I guess will look amazing.