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  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,071 Guardian
    This is one of the worst decisions you could have made.....
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  • G0311G0311 Member Posts: 913 ★★★
    Didn't take me that much. Played over time saved up daily crystals. Who makes a push taking like a week of non stop playing?
  • Dr_Z01dbergDr_Z01dberg Member Posts: 512 ★★★
    By any chance were you the genius behind New Coke?
  • RasiloverRasilover Member Posts: 1,477 ★★★★
    Y'all really out here being super desperate about trying to get thronbreaker ASAP. Xd
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    edited October 2020
    This is up there with the most wasteful ways of spending - if you are gonna spend on the game.

    Even my mini meltdown in July at least was on the 4th July bundles (the missus hasn’t quite forgiven me yet).

    You realise that 12k units would have got you 3 more AOL paths?

    Despite what everybody says, this game isn’t actually pay to win. You can be the richest guy in town but if you suck, you suck and you’re going to reach your peak. It’s paying for a leg up, or in the case of cavaliers, paying for a chance at a leg up.
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  • TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
    Thank you 100100! Thank you for making that wise decision. That's what helps keep this a ftp game and me from spending any money! Keep on spending I say! Well done!
  • PizzabeatPizzabeat Member Posts: 239 ★★
    100100 said:

  • GildenlowGildenlow Member Posts: 691 ★★★
    What I like about the r3 requirement is that it can hardly be bought like we just saw on this post.

    Getting an r3 champion depends more on the amount of content you have done, particulary act 6, and abyss which will give not only the tcc5 but the 6 stars shards you need.

    Maybe some youtuber you saw one day opened 5 cavs and got the featured hamp and you started to think that it was that easy, then rng slapped you on the face like dr doom does.

    Meanwhile, I used any unit I had to explore act 6 100% and complete abyss and now I have 3 r3 amazing champions xD
  • SpiralSpiral Member Posts: 84
    Oh, so this is how Kabam makes money. On people like you. You can explore abyss for the amount of units you wasted and got the abyss nexus for a great chance at someone to r3.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    Why would drop 12k units cavs instead of exploring Act 6?
    Also, what’s your mystic 6 star roster?
  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    Well, Kabam must love you now.

    You spent so much $$$ trying to get champs that was all RNG based with horrible odds all because you wanted to get a title which will allow Kabam to sell you more stuff for more $$$.

    I guess the old PT Barnum saying was right....
  • GAMEOVERJamesGAMEOVERJames Member Posts: 907 ★★★
    Six star opening is kind of sad...
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,461 Guardian
    Lormif said:

    100100 said:

    100100 said:

    My act 6 is complete and more then 50% explored.
    Initial run of abyss done.

    But title requires a r3 6* too.
    I only have 1 fully formed t5cc that is mystic .

    But no good mystic champ to r3. So i tried for Morningstar in crystals.

    Spend 12000 units . Here are the results. Thats why i think r3 requirement should be removed.

    You can do all the content and still not get the required t5cc for your champion or champion of t5cc class you have.

    It's funny you say that you can do all the content yet you don't and blow $400 on Cavalier crystals. So stupid. You don't deserve Thronebreaker.
    Ok genius. Thats not the point. I wanted tp get title when it comes out tomorrow. Not in few months. Thats why i opened crystals.

    And its not a regret post. I got few good pulls and they are worth 12k units.

    The point is that this requirement is dependent on luck. No fixed way to get it
    You can get t5cc of different class and good champs worth ranking in different class
    Its only dependent on luck if you are not the target audience, you are not the target audience, the closer you get to the target audience the less luck involved.
    Basically this. We can debate whether Thronebreaker targets the players it should, but at the moment it targets players who are working on rank 3 rank ups. The prerequisite is doing *one* of them. If you haven't done one, and are not in a position to do one, you're pretty much by definition not in the target audience for the title.

    Luck matters in the sense that a player that is lower than the target audience could get lucky and get it. But luck doesn't matter in the sense that every player that is part of the target audience either already has a rank 3 or could do one in a reasonable amount of time with minimal effort. If you have to spend like crazy just to get one single 6* champion you could rank to rank 3, or for that matter if you're spending like crazy to get the T5CC necessary immediately, then your only chance at the title is luck.

    To put it another way, the OP is complaining about luck when the OP was trying to buy Thronebreaker with luck. Removing luck from the title would mean the OP would not be able to buy the title with luck, and would be simply unable to get the title at all.

    Also, this is a good thing, because as I've said repeatedly, the game monetizes impatience. If a player can't get what they want as fast as they want, they can spend if they choose. They get what they want and the F2P players get a game they can play at their own pace for free. That is one of the better aspects of the game. It doesn't tax everyone, just the people willing to spend just to get somewhere a little faster than everyone else.
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  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    Just gonna set this down here.
    Didn't open any Cavs, just played the game and opened basics. The more content you do, the more shards you get. Just gotta keep playing the game.

    every time I see her I laugh at how small she is
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    SparkAlot said:

    Well, Kabam must love you now.

    You spent so much $$$ trying to get champs that was all RNG based with horrible odds all because you wanted to get a title which will allow Kabam to sell you more stuff for more $$$.

    I guess the old PT Barnum saying was right....

    That isn’t actually a PT Barnum quote, it most likely came from his rival David Hannum in reference to Barnum’s patrons after Barnum ripped off Hannum’s Cardiff Giant Hoax.
  • FiiNCHFiiNCH Member Posts: 1,694 ★★★★★
    This is a classic case of slow and steady wins the race.

    OP - I’d advise you to read the tortoise and the hare, you may find it insightful.
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    why didnt you just wait for thronebreaker? there are reduced cav costs when - oh yeah
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    And here was I, with 0 units to get Throne breaker ...

    Seems like I did something wrong, I should re-consider my life decisions ...
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,461 Guardian

    100100 said:

    You could have used those units to fully explore Act 6 and try your luck with the 6-star Nexus Crystal - and grab another T5CC Crystal.

    If you do all content (100% act 6 and Abyss) - you'll more than likely be in a position to Rank 3 a champion that you're happy with, especially with the Abyss Nexus Crystal.

    That i agree but. Nothing is confirmed evem in act 6 exploration bro.

    No t5cc selector and chances to get 6* good mystic from 1 crystal is very less then all these i opened.

    And abyss exploration is only hope remaining for mystic champ now.

    Everywhere else its just crystals and no selsector anywhere
    I don't know the exact mathematical numbers, but I can almost guarantee you that the chance of pulling a decent 6* champion from the nexus crystal to go with the two T5CC you'd have is better than pulling a Rank 3 "worthy" 6* mystic from Cavalier Crystals.
    Depending on what you consider rank 3 worthy, I'd say about half a dozen or so of the mystics in the basic pool could be rank 3 worthy being generous (I would say Doom, BWCV, Sym Supreme, Morningstar are in there, maybe Sorcerer Supreme, Longshot, possibly someone might consider a different one in there). There are I believe about 140 champs in the 6* basic pool. So 6 out of 140, plus or minus. There's a 1% chance of pulling a 6*, so the odds of pulling an r3 worthy Mystic from a basic Cav crystal are about one in 2333. The odds of pulling one in 60 Cav crystals (12k units worth) is about 2.5%.

    The Abyss Nexus allows you to target a class, so that's guaranteed. You get ten different pulls from the basic pool, so if you think there's a half dozen decent rank 3 chances in there your odds of getting at least one of them is extremely high. In fact when the crystal first arrived I calculated the odds of pulling one of the very top champs in each class as somewhere in the eighty percent range, and pulling one of the reasonably strong champs in each class as well above 90% for every class. I think there's something like about 20 mystic champs in the basic pool now. The odds of pulling Doom himself out of the Abyss Nexus is about 40%. Just Doom. If you're willing to settle for two champs, say Doom or Sym Supreme, the odds of getting at least one of them in the Abyss Nexus is about 65%. If you would settle for one of three of them, the odds become 80% to pull one of those three.

    These odds are vastly better than attempting to target one of a few champs of one class. In fact, if it would cost you 200k units to explore Abyss, the Abyss Nexus would probably still be cheaper to target a rank 3 champ than Cavs.
  • ch4rnch4rn Member Posts: 275 ★★
    100100 said:

    My act 6 is complete and more then 50% explored.
    Initial run of abyss done.

    But title requires a r3 6* too.
    I only have 1 fully formed t5cc that is mystic .

    But no good mystic champ to r3. So i tried for Morningstar in crystals.

    Spend 12000 units . Here are the results. Thats why i think r3 requirement should be removed.

    You can do all the content and still not get the required t5cc for your champion or champion of t5cc class you have.

    Well now that you have stated that you want the 6* R3 requirement removed, I'm sure Kabam will do this just for you
  • WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Member Posts: 1,376 ★★★★
    After beating Abyss you will have one T5CC guaranteed. By doing Act 6 and all the Cavalier EQ, Side Quests like Mutant Island or Summer Boss Rush you should be able to complete some more.

    If you are that desperate to get the new Title, you should have just ranked up any 6* Mystic ... even if it‘s Juggernaut. But I don‘t think that‘s clever.

    I will wait for November Appreciation stuff? to get Cavalier Bonus, then achieve Thronebreaker to get that Bonus on top. Was that way the last years.
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  • TheAngryOneTheAngryOne Member Posts: 503 ★★★
    Smashing 12k units on cavalier crystals gets you the inofficial title "bank account breaker". Be proud.
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    This are the kind of people kabaam likes :D
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