Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • Travie24Travie24 Member Posts: 14
    Absorbing Man

  • Travie24Travie24 Member Posts: 14
    The Leader

  • Travie24Travie24 Member Posts: 14
    edited October 2020

  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    Travie24 said:


    Next time just put them all in one comment
  • shield456shield456 Member Posts: 1,980 ★★★
    Jessica Jones
    Black Panther kinetic suit
    Quick Silver

  • shield456shield456 Member Posts: 1,980 ★★★
    Hulk ENDGAME
  • Namelessone89Namelessone89 Member Posts: 1

    Earth X Starlord

    Ultimate kitty pryde



    William Stryker JR (earth 1610)
  • DoppelgangerDoppelganger Member Posts: 40
    Class Cosmic
    Size Extra-Large

    Signature Ability
    Consume: Galactus devours the energy of the opponent so that for all the damage that he deals while in Power of Galactus can be transformed into a regen that heals X amount per hit on Galactus’s combo over 10 seconds.

    Galactus shifts his size so that he can fit within the arena.(one of galactis’s abilities is size alteration.)

    When Galactus is fighting against cosmic or mystic his buffs will last 10% longer. (This is due to Galactus’s ability to absorb both cosmic and mystical energy.)

    At the start of the fight Galactus will begin to consume, granting a bar of power over 10 seconds, when fighting against mystic this will not activate. As long as Galactus has at least one bar of power he is full. If Galactus’s power drops to zero this ability will reactivate unless he is fighting a mystic.

    When Full
    If Galactus is full he gains 10% more power when striking, and 15% more when struck. While holding his heavy Galactus will gain a furry every 1.5 seconds that lasts 3 seconds increasing basic attack by X per furry with a max stack of 10 and they will be paused as long as the power of Galactus is active.

    Power of Cosmic
    Power of Cosmic starts at 0% at the beginning of the fight and increases to 100% over 20 seconds.

    While Power of Cosmic is rising Galactus gains a unique buff at the end of his combo.

    If he ends a combo with a light attack he gains a power armor buff, increasing Galactus’s armor by X and deals 35% of damage dealt to Galactus back at the opponent.

    If he ends a combo with a medium attack he gains a wrath of Galactus buff that increases his damage by X, and his combate power gain by 10%.

    All of these buffs last 10 seconds along for Galactus to gain the maximum amount of buffs before the power of Galactus activates.

    Power of Galactus
    Power of Galactus activates when Power of Cosmic fills to 100%.

    Power of Galactus lasts for 20 seconds and increases in duration by 2 seconds for every buff that is active on Galactus.

    Will Power of Galactus is active all buffs on Galactus are paused for the deration.

    Galactus will lose half a bar of power when using his first special, one bar for using his second special, and only two bars for using his third special attack while Power of Galactus is active.

    While Power of Galactus is active Galactus gains immunity to poison, bleed, and power drain except against mystics.

    For every 5 seconds that Power of Galactus is active all of Galactus’s buffs will increase in potency by 8.5%.

    When the Power of Galactus ends all buffs will be unpaused and eventually expire.

    Special Attack
    Galactus’s special 1 and 2 pause his buffs for the duration of his special attacks. Except regeneration.

    Special 1
    Using his knowledge of the universe he transforms the ground below the opponent into spikes, after which using his telekinesis he tears the earth around him apart and launches it as a projectile at his enemy.

    This attack refreshes 1 buff, and places a permanent armor break decreasing opponents armor by X with a max stack of 5.
    Special 2
    Galactus grows until he is no longer visible on screen, then his giant foot smashes down on the opponent sticking them in the ground. He returns to normal size and flies slowly down with his arms crossed, once he lands he shoots the opponent with his laser eyes.

    Is unblockable while Power of Galactus is active and places two of the same armor breaks as the 1 special attack.
    Special 3
    Galctus turns around and flies away which confuses the opponent, the scene zooms out to show the planet that they were fighting on. Galactus in his full size appears behind the planet with his hands at either side. He shoots a laser from his eyes which hits the opponent after which he harshly grasps the planet with one of his hands and takes a bite out of the planet.

    Refershes Power of Galactus and converts all Armor breaks into into a armor shatter lasting 20 seconds.
  • DoppelgangerDoppelganger Member Posts: 40
    Class Cosmic
    Size Extra-Large

    Signature Ability
    Consume: Galactus devours the energy from his buffs, when Power of Galactus ends Galactus creates a regeneration buff that heals X amount per buff that is active on Galactus over 10 seconds.

    Galactus shifts his size so that he can fit within the arena.(one of Galactus’s abilities is size alteration.)

    When Galactus is fighting against cosmic or mystic his buffs will last 50% longer. (This is due to Galactus’s ability to absorb both cosmic and mystical energy.)

    At the start of the fight Galactus will begin to consume, granting a bar of power over 10 seconds, when fighting against mystic this will not activate. As long as Galactus has at least one bar of power he is full. If Galactus’s power drops to zero this ability will reactivate unless he is fighting a mystic.

    When Full
    If Galactus is full he gains 10% more power when striking, and 15% more when struck. While holding his heavy Galactus will gain a furry every 1.5 seconds that lasts 3 seconds increasing basic attack by X per furry with a max stack of 10.

    Power of Cosmic
    Power of Cosmic starts at 0% at the beginning of the fight and increases to 100% over 20 seconds.

    While Power of Cosmic is rising Galactus gains a unique buff at the end of his combo.

    If he ends a combo with a light attack he gains a Power Armor buff, increasing Galactus’s armor by X and deals 35% of damage dealt to Galactus back at the opponent.

    If he ends a combo with a medium attack he gains a Wrath of Galactus buff that increases his damage by X, and his combate power gain by 10%.

    All of these buffs last 10 seconds along for Galactus to gain the maximum amount of buffs before the power of Galactus activates and have a max of 3 of each type(Power Armor and Wrath of Galactus).

    Buffs on Galactus are refreshed when either he reaches a combo of 20 or uses his fist special attack.

    When Power of Galactus ends Power of Cosmic will restart to 0 and pause for 3 seconds before starting to rise towards 100 again.

    Power of Galactus
    Power of Galactus activates when Power of Cosmic fills to 100%.

    Power of Galactus lasts for 20 seconds and increases in duration by 2 seconds for every buff that is active on Galactus.

    Will Power of Galactus is active all buffs on Galactus are paused for the deration.

    Galactus will lose half a bar of power when using his first special, one bar for using his second special, and only two bars for using his third special attack while Power of Galactus is active.

    While Power of Galactus is active Galactus gains immunity to poison, bleed, and power drain except against mystics.

    For every 5 seconds that Power of Galactus is active all of Galactus’s buffs will increase in potency by 8.5%.

    When the Power of Galactus ends all buffs will be unpaused and eventually expire.

    Special Attack
    Galactus’s special 1 and 2 pause his buffs for the duration of his special attacks. Except regeneration.

    Special 1
    Using his knowledge of the universe he transforms the ground below the opponent into spikes, after which using his telekinesis he tears the earth around him apart and launches it as a projectile at his enemy.

    This special deals more damage depending on the amount of buffs active on Galactus and places a permanent armor break decreasing opponents armor by X with a max stack of 5.
    Special 2
    Galactus grows until he is no longer visible on screen, then his giant foot smashes down on the opponent sticking them in the ground. He returns to normal size and flies slowly down with his arms crossed, once he lands he shoots the opponent with his laser eyes.

    Is unblockable while Power of Galactus is active and places two of the same armor breaks as the 1 special attack.
  • СлоникСлоник Member Posts: 29
    edited October 2020
    Дайте игре ТОРА с банкой пива и пузом!!!(который в кино был)
    я серьезно!!!он стал моим кумиром!!!))и думаю я такой не единственный!
  • СлоникСлоник Member Posts: 29

    Дайте игре ТОРА с банкой пива и пузом!!!(который в кино был)
    я серьезно!!!он стал моим кумиром!!!))и думаю я такой не единственный!

    россомаха в труселях же есть))
  • СлоникСлоник Member Posts: 29

    Дайте игре ТОРА с банкой пива и пузом!!!(который в кино был)
    я серьезно!!!он стал моим кумиром!!!))и думаю я такой не единственный!

  • СлоникСлоник Member Posts: 29

    Дайте игре ТОРА с банкой пива и пузом!!!(который в кино был)
    я серьезно!!!он стал моим кумиром!!!))и думаю я такой не единственный!

  • СлоникСлоник Member Posts: 29

    Дайте игре ТОРА с банкой пива и пузом!!!(который в кино был)
    я серьезно!!!он стал моим кумиром!!!))и думаю я такой не единственный!

  • JSliver98JSliver98 Member Posts: 1


    1602 Witch Hunter Angela

    Dracula the Destroyer (Venomized)

    Captain Groot

  • AvengerstanAvengerstan Member Posts: 2

    Venomized groot


    Agent Pratt

  • AvengerstanAvengerstan Member Posts: 2
    JSliver98 said:


    1602 Witch Hunter Angela

    Dracula the Destroyer (Venomized)

    Captain Groot

    I think you meant to say Drax the Destroyer (Venomized) instead of Dracula
  • FisichellaFisichella Member Posts: 97
    Elloe Kaifi
  • AntispiderAntispider Member Posts: 1
    There should be a couple of characters from infinity warps I loved that series when I read it and think it could translate well to contest of champions due to its whole multiverse theme
    Some of the characters I think would be good could be

    Stephen strange-he could use caps shield bounce for his first special and could also use his shield forms the same way Bucky uses his different rounds

    Arach-knight - he could have spider-knights evade and his signature ability could be arach-knights four personalities Giving a bonus to different attributes fight knight could increase power, the arachnid could increase evasion, ceo Parker could increase shield strength, and science Parker could increase his specials

    Ghost panther-

    And finally this one is a joke that isn’t needed but

    The hammer supreme- an amalgam of the four most important warp characters he could be a three star and up character and have Pieces of all the characters that make it up

  • IronGladiator22IronGladiator22 Member Posts: 1,732 ★★★★

    Here's My List Of Champs I'd Like To See

    2) THOR ENDGAME(Thor @ The Final Battle W/Stormbreaker & Mjolnir).
    3) GORR THE GOD OF GOD BUTCHERS(Aaron's King Thor Finale).
    4) KING THOR(Aarons King Thor Finale)
    5) MANGOG.
    6) MIDGARD SERPENT(Not sure how it could be done but I think it'd be awesome).
    8) FENRIS.
    9) 2020 IRONMAN ARMOR.
    12) SURTUR.
    13) DESAK
    15) MYSTIQUE.
    17) GALACTUS.
    18) VULCAN(Gabriel Summers).
    19) MAGUS.
    20) GRIM REAPER.
    23) TERRAX.
    24) ONSLAUGHT.
    26) PURPLE MAN.
    27) THE UNSEEN.
    29) YMIR.
    30) KNULL.
    31) WRAITH(ZAK-DEL).
    32) WONDERMAN.
    33) VALKYRIE.
    34) PERRIKUS(The Dark Gods).
    35) MAN-BEAST.
    36) MAGNI.
    38) HELLSTROM.
    39) SATANNA.
    40) GLADIATOR.
    41) EXODUS.
    42) BLINK.
    43) ODIN.
    44) BOR.
    45) ARNIM ZOLA.

    I just can't think of anymore, but I bet there are more I'd like to see but most of these or near none will come to life in MCOC. later everyone.

    A year later and a total of.... 2 champions from this list have been added. Apocalypse and Terrax

  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    edited October 2020

    Here's My List Of Champs I'd Like To See

    2) THOR ENDGAME(Thor @ The Final Battle W/Stormbreaker & Mjolnir).
    3) GORR THE GOD OF GOD BUTCHERS(Aaron's King Thor Finale).
    4) KING THOR(Aarons King Thor Finale)
    5) MANGOG.
    6) MIDGARD SERPENT(Not sure how it could be done but I think it'd be awesome).
    8) FENRIS.
    9) 2020 IRONMAN ARMOR.
    12) SURTUR.
    13) DESAK
    15) MYSTIQUE.
    17) GALACTUS.
    18) VULCAN(Gabriel Summers).
    19) MAGUS.
    20) GRIM REAPER.
    23) TERRAX.
    24) ONSLAUGHT.
    26) PURPLE MAN.
    27) THE UNSEEN.
    29) YMIR.
    30) KNULL.
    31) WRAITH(ZAK-DEL).
    32) WONDERMAN.
    33) VALKYRIE.
    34) PERRIKUS(The Dark Gods).
    35) MAN-BEAST.
    36) MAGNI.
    38) HELLSTROM.
    39) SATANNA.
    40) GLADIATOR.
    41) EXODUS.
    42) BLINK.
    43) ODIN.
    44) BOR.
    45) ARNIM ZOLA.

    I just can't think of anymore, but I bet there are more I'd like to see but most of these or near none will come to life in MCOC. later everyone.

    A year later and a total of.... 2 champions from this list have been added. Apocalypse and Terrax

    This was @CriminallySeductive ‘s only comment on these here forums. Hope he’s still playing
  • ZirkonZirkon Member Posts: 61
    edited October 2020
    For Halloween please. Well, for next year at least.

    Satana Hellstrom (The Devil’s Daughter)

    Daimon Hellstrom (The Son of Satan)

    Cloak and Dagger

    And the ones we don’t have yet in this comic strip: Wiccan and Shaman



  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,149 ★★★★★
    Zirkon said:

    For Halloween please. Well, for next year at least.

    Satana Hellstrom (The Devil’s Daughter)

    Daimon Hellstrom (The Son of Satan)

    Cloak and Dagger

    And the ones we don’t have yet in this comic strip: Wiccan and Shaman



    I'm still surprised we dont have Clea yet lol.
  • Supercaptain18Supercaptain18 Member Posts: 166
    This may or may not even count but it’s still owned by Disney which means it could be put in Marvel now I don’t know why I feel as if this would be cool but we already have iron man
    How about we put in the 🚀 Rocketeer

  • BabaYagaV20BabaYagaV20 Member Posts: 2
    Bring in Franklin Richards or we riot!
  • LightgardLightgard Member Posts: 1


    Wraith (Zak-Del)


    Black cat

    Iron Maiden
  • MCOCNexus_SilverMCOCNexus_Silver Member Posts: 2
    Hello! Just a repost since I posted incorrectly last time. Whoops!
    I have a huge passion for Champion design and I thought it would be time for me to post some of my designs? I hope everyone enjoys them! Please feel free to give feedback! (I left most values blank since those numbers can change with balancing!)
    For my first design, I decided to look at IronMonger. He's designed to be a ramping raw damage, power control, tech champion with tank options.

    Character Kit:
    Signature ability
    As an Ex Interim CEO, Ironmonger sees others as his subordinates adding additional effects to his IronFury and IronBulwark. (Locked Signature ability)
    While a single IronFury is active, Critical attacks gain an ___ (Increases with sig)% chance to inflict a Powerdrain draining __% of power over _ seconds. Additional stacks of IronFury will Increase the potency of the Powerdrain.
    While a single IronBulwark is Active, all powerdrain and powerburn effects against IronMonger have a __(Increases with sig)% chance to restore _% of the power drained. Additional IronBulwark stacks will increase the amount of power refunded.

    If IronMonger starts the fight above 50% HP he will enter in the Brutal stance.

    If IronMonger starts the fight below 50% HP he will enter in the Grounded stance.

    By dodging back and holding Block for 2 seconds, IronMonger can alter his stance from Grounded to Brutal.

    IronMonger can place a Cowardice Debuff on opponents though his stances and can be consumed to enhance IronMonger’s Special attacks. Cowardice is a debuff with no effects and will not benefit from masteries.

    Opponents can Purify all Cowardice debuffs by landing a heavy attack or striking IronMonger with an unblockable attack.

    Special attacks from IronMonger will remove all stacks of Cowardice and will grant additional benefits based on the number of stacks removed.

    Passive - Grounded stance

    Being struck in any way gives IronMonger IronGuard stacks which last for __ seconds. Opponents with a class disadvantage will grant double this amount.

    At __ stacks, Consume all stacks to Gain IronBulwark for ___ seconds.

    Each stack of IronBulwark will decrease the damage from special attacks by __% and will increase his Block proficiency by __% for __ Seconds.

    Heavy Attacks while IronBulwark is active will apply a __second taunt debuff on the opponent.

    Opponents that are Taunted have their Attack reduced by 40% and have a 70% higher chance to activate a Special Attack.

    If IronMonger performs a well timed block, all active IronBulwark stacks are paused for _Seconds.

    There is no limit to the amount of IronBulwark stacks IronMonger can have. However, all types of armor breaks, except from Mutant Champions, will remove 1 stack of IronBulwark and be purified.

    Opponents that use special attacks while IronBulwark is active will gain Cowardice. Only 2 stacks of Cowardice can be gained this way.

    Passive - Brutal stance
    Strikes against the opponent grant IronFury Stacks lasting for _ seconds. Opponents with a class disadvantage will grant double this amount.

    At __ stacks, Consume all stacks to Gain IronRage for ___ seconds.

    Each stack of IronRage grants IronMonger ___ Critical damage rating and ___ Attack rating.

    Heavy Attacks while IronRage is active will apply Cowardice. Only 2 stacks of Cowardice can be applied this way.

    If IronMonger performs an intercept, all active IronRage stacks are paused for _Seconds.

    There is no limit to the amount of IronRage stacks IronMonger can have. However, all types of armor breaks, except from Mutant Champions, will remove 1 stack of IronRage and be purified.

    Special Attack 1
    Incinerates the opponent, dealing __ Energy Damage over __ seconds. If the Opponent has any stacks of Cowardice, they are removed to increase the duration of the Incinerate for each stack by __%. This also removes Perfect Block Chance and reduces Block Proficiency by 50%

    Special Attack 2
    Overcharged repulsor blast gains ___ Attack for each stack of Cowardice removed. If more than 2 stacks of cowardice is removed, the opponent loses 1 full bar of power.

    Special Attack 3
    For each stack of Cowardice removed, IronMonger will gain a stack of IronRage or IronBulwark depending on his current stance.

    Special Attacks Flavour Text
    Cooking the books
    IronMonger takes the saying a bit too literally by dropping a devastating overhand blow and releases a scorching flame.
    [One overhand swing straight to the head followed by 4 hits from a continuous flamethrower stream.]
    Incinerates the opponent, dealing __ Energy Damage over __ seconds. If the Opponent has any stacks of Cowardice, they are removed to increase the duration of the Incinerate for each stack by __%. This also removes Perfect Block Chance and reduces Block Proficiency by 50%

    Overclocked Repulsar
    With a mighty backhanded strike, IronMonger creates just enough distance to release all limiters on his repulsar to deliver a concentrated energy blast.
    [A backhanded strike paired with IronMonger extending his right hand to fire a single, high powered repulsor blast.]
    Overcharged repulsor blast gains ___ Attack for each stack of Cowardice removed. If 2 stacks of Cowardice are removed, the opponent loses 1 full bar of power.

    Acquisition and Closure
    Locking his opponent into a deathgrip, IronMonger takes off into the air, releasing the hold to let gravity do his dirty work and finishing off whatever is left with a 4230 Lbs suit.
    [Locks the opponent in a bear hug, Crushing them once before taking off into the air. After throwing the opponent to the floor, IronMonger turns off his thrusters and stomps right on top of where the opponent landed.]
    For each stack of Cowardice removed, IronMonger will gain a stack of IronRage or IronBulwark depending on his current stance.

    Synergy Bonuses

    All Champions gain +6% Attack
    Ironman, Ironman (Infinity war)

    Silver Iron
    IronMonger: Opponents struck by the flames of IronMonger’s flamethrower are also armor broken, reducing their armor by __ for the duration of the Incinerate.

    War Machine: Upgrades all War Machine’s rounds allowing all bullets to also apply an Incinerate debuff dealing __ energy damage over __ seconds. This also removes Perfect Block Chance and reduces Block Proficiency by 50%.

    Underhanded Dealings
    IronMonger: Become unstoppable for _ seconds when charging a heavy attack. This effect has a _ second cooldown. Additionally, IronRage stacks are paused during all Heavy attacks.

    Kingpin: Decrease the amount of heavy attacks required to gain Fury by 1 and further increase the potency of the fury by __%

    Enemies in Iron
    IronMonger: IronBulwark stacks are also paused during all Special attacks.

    IronPatriot: Opponents inflicted with an Armor Break Debuff will also be Taunted for the entire duration. Opponents that are Taunted have their Attack reduced by 40% and have a 70% higher chance to activate a Special Attack.

    Thank you for reading! I just really love the hard work the design team puts into each champion and I hope to maybe make another post if the response is good ^_^
  • Unbeatable1293Unbeatable1293 Member Posts: 156
    1.Black manta even though he isn’t marvel

    2. Anti venom, hybrid , scream , toxin , mania , riot , lasher , Carl Mach.

    3. Iron spider

    4. Galactus

    5. Bullseye

    6. Nova

    7. Hydra

    8. Scorpion

    9. Shocker

    10. And sand man
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    1.Black manta even though he isn’t marvel

    2. Anti venom, hybrid , scream , toxin , mania , riot , lasher , Carl Mach.

    3. Iron spider

    4. Galactus

    5. Bullseye

    6. Nova

    7. Hydra

    8. Scorpion

    9. Shocker

    10. And sand man

    We’re never getting Black Manta. Just play injustice
  • Unbeatable1293Unbeatable1293 Member Posts: 156
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