Not to get in to the whole discussion about 1 to 6 star champions that u need to reacquire and level instead of simply leveling from 1* to 6* the heroes you like and want to invest in them like in the other Netmarble Marvel game ,Future Fight but the actual system sucks big time. We invest a lot of time and resources in to heroes that are soon to become obsolete with the introduction of the new 6 star champs and still we have to face the rigged shameless scam that the featured system is . I'm siting at 12-0 featured now after 2 failed Mephisto openings last night . Not once have i got the featured or the subfeatured ,only useless basics. I'm a 515k summoner and no matter how much i play or pay i can't advance any more in this lame game because of this unfair "luck based " featured system . I have almost all 4s and 22 5s some close to 200 sig yet i can't get a new , decent 5 star . I lost all interest in the game and will move to Future Fight because you can't introduce a fair system in which you get what you worked for . Sorry about wasting 2 years playing this
Old man Logan
This ist frustrated....
AW sucks and never will be make fun again
With evey update we got more and more bugs...
I think it's time to say good by to this game
I got 2 skill champs on r4 and don't want use my universal AG for a kingping, his Prestige is a bit low
Drax Prestige sucks...so no options for my 5th r4
This is a candidate for the absolutely dumbest thing ever written on the forums. Would (obviously) completely destroy the game and make the entire game completely and utterly pointless. If you hate it so much that you want to destroy it, just quiz. (Specifically the bolded part is what i'm talking about)
I like to get the champs I try for, but how would war be if the dorm 5* and iceman 5* had 100% drop rate? It wouldn't work within the system that exists.
I wouldn't go that far, but the fact is that most players just don't really appreciate the fact that there is a wide range of players out there earning a wide range of resources and a game must give all of them something to do. If the game allows you to get X, it must create a Y that is even better for the players that vastly out earn you to go after, that you obviously aren't going to be able to easily get. I'm a reasonably good upper mid-tier player that has nine 5* champs, two awakened. That's eleven pulls. Three were featured pulls. So my total 5* burn to date is 8 * 10k + 3 * 15k = 125k. I'm currently sitting on about 25k. So I've generated about 150k 5* fragments over time. If featured 5* champs were guaranteed for 20k (twice the basic cost) that means a player like me could have seven of them. More to the point, I could have three duplicated 5* featured champs. Which means any player like me or better could be sitting on something like Iceman, Voodoo, Hyperion all awakened (or whatever). And I'd have 30k fragments left over to shoot for the next fully awakened 5* featured champ.
If a player like me can have a fully awakened set of top tier 5* champs, the players way above me have to have something to aim for that is an order of magnitude better than that. They should be building whole rosters of 6* champs by now. And we'd still be here with people complaining about the fact that they can't get those 6* champs as fast as they would like.
There's always going to be something you can't earn as fast as you would like. That's the entire goal of designing a game built around collecting things. If you can't psychologically deal with that fact, I'd recommend staying away from collecting-based games.
If the odds of pulling the featured are about one in five, out of all the alliances that collectively opened at least twenty crystals about one in every seventeen would get only one featured in the first twenty pulls.
Doesn't seem to be any bending by Kabam in the direction to improve the odds on the featured hero crystals so....? Either have to go for lower-* versions of the hero,and be happy with that, or spend a bucketload of money on crystals with no guarantee, OR quit the game!
Personally, I feel that the introduction of 6* seems to negate all the effort and expense it took to max my 4* s and rank up my 5* s. I have stopped spending my money on the game and will not spend any more without seeing what I feel is fair value in return. If the chance to get 5* heroes increases significantly, and the ability to rank them up really improves , it would move toward keeping balance, but we will have to see. They are smart folks programming the game , but I don't know if they will be able to balance loss in value of our 2,3,4,5 * champs, by just increasing access to 5*. These days I play the game less, and am learning to be content with moving along at a slower pace. Best of luck and enjoyment to everyone playing this game!