Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.




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    Primmer79Primmer79 Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    I used a r5 4* AA yesterday on a r4 5* Magik boss. One heavy, never proc'd limbo...
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    UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Posts: 658 ★★
    edited September 2017
    Primmer79 wrote: »
    I used a r5 4* AA yesterday on a r4 5* Magik boss. One heavy, never proc'd limbo...

    AA by far ss the easiest magik killer. Just draw out her heavy, activate your heavy, get some bleeds, let her hit your blocks and then continue to rain neurotoxins on her.
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    Primmer79Primmer79 Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    @UnsaferBinkie7 I finally r5 him last week. I was worried I'd regret leveling another 4*. but nope. No more magik problems for me.
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    mum_m2mum_m2 Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    limbo can be countered. figure it out. i didn't read anything after that. learn how to play the game.
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    UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Posts: 658 ★★
    @Primmer79 missing like 1 t4 mutant till I r5 mine, absolutely love him though. Such a good champ to counter most things in the game.

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    I don’t believe I was being a jerk or rude at all but truly never meant to offend. Pretty sure I was simply matching the tone from the comments that were given to me. The info provided in the comments is nothing new and does not stop immunity node magik. Thanks all for comments. Truly been entertaining me all morning here at work lol. Literally passing my phone around so others can enjoy as well. Good luck to all in game though seriously. Keep commenting if you like, seems like you really do, I am out of this “discussion” lol. Thanks for the laughs!
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    UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Posts: 658 ★★
    edited September 2017
    Use a heavy hitters for immune magik. (Starlord, iron fist maybe, psylocke for power lock,, bw, etc.) Go complain somewhere else bruh, you're not ready for the limbo queen.
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    Lol. Thanks @UnsaferBinkie7.
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    HuluhulaHuluhula Posts: 263
    Lol. Thanks @UnsaferBinkie7.

    Gwenpool will also be a great champ to try
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    @UnsaferBinkie7 When your war rating gets up to ours I look forward to hopefully doing battle for sure. Thanks again and best of luck in game!
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    UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Posts: 658 ★★
    Funny, I've stepped down because of life problems and we just started a new ally. I'm normally tier 1-3, but not anymore but yes hopefully we meet each other so I can see you continously ko on our magik ;). Goodluck, sir.
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    Run477Run477 Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    As an AW boss magik’s limbo can not be countered. Plus you have allowed her Limbo damage to scale up with her nodes, thus allowing her a HUGE atvantage bc her Limbo kills a full health r3 5* in 3 procs. I personally just died in my war, without being hit by magik, only getting 18 hits in before the 3rd limbo just killed me. I was using R3 5* magik. Because of mystic dispersion I wasn’t even able to get a sp2 before dying. “SO FUN AND INTERACTIVE!” I thought this was not allowed to scale just like regen was no longer scalable?! Alliance Wars are just such a terrible thing now because I believe you guys have absolutely lied to us about this being beta tested! There is no way this system was actually tested by real players not working for kabam because there is NO WAY any one would say this is a good way to play. You guys just constantly screw up over and over and yet you you expect us to stick around forever. Soon you will both be left with nothing but a shell of a game and wondering “what happened? I just tried to cheat and lie to everybody.”


    Hate to tell this bud but last war, 5* r4 magik boss. I took 100k off with arch angel. And killed her other 100k with dr voodoo (so one kill). Instead of running into war with all regen champs or bruisers, try using champs that are designed to counter the champs you will be facing. Magik also does great against magik.
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    JingoJingo Posts: 32
    Need some genuine help from the god tier players here then. Magik on right mini boss in AW that is debuff immune..... can’t power lock her with Magik, can’t power drain her with Voodoo, tried power burn and that didn’t work either although thought it should as not debuff but buff on Voodoo (bug maybe?) Archangel ability reduction needs debuff on Magik so how do I avoid death by limbo? I’m not greatest but not worst player but would like advice..... sincerely
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    RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Posts: 916 ★★★
    Jingo wrote: »
    Need some genuine help from the god tier players here then. Magik on right mini boss in AW that is debuff immune..... can’t power lock her with Magik, can’t power drain her with Voodoo, tried power burn and that didn’t work either although thought it should as not debuff but buff on Voodoo (bug maybe?) Archangel ability reduction needs debuff on Magik so how do I avoid death by limbo? I’m not greatest but not worst player but would like advice..... sincerely
    I never liked the debuff immune Magik, it shuts off most of the already few counters to her.

    Ability accuracy reducers can work, such as Gwenpool, BW and Falcon (so long as she doesn't gain a bar of power through MD or from her hitting you, otherwise it won't work).

    Dr Voodoo on odd combo could work.

    Vision's power burn can work on Magik, but I think I'd recommend the Og Vision since he has synthesis and can immediately start power draining her without having to hit her. Although, there is a bug that they are taking really really long to fix that completely negates Vision's ability to deal damage through specials, so that's not going to go well.

    Other than those few champs, I've got no other idea how you can counter a Immunity Magik other than binging yourself on potions.
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    HoidCosmereHoidCosmere Posts: 550 ★★
    chunkyb wrote: »
    Welp one guy cried so here comes double diversity.
    Try quadruple diversity 0.o. kabam wants to lower the complaints by 4x, boom.

    If they actually wanted to lower complaints they would make the game work properly and fix bugs quickly.
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    HoidCosmereHoidCosmere Posts: 550 ★★
    They probably operate similarly to a company I worked for several years ago. When I joined, every Monday they would have an efficiency meeting. Boss would have a nice big brunch buffet brought in so people could eat while things were discussed during this very long meeting. This meeting would last 6 to 7 hours of the work day all talking about how we can be more productive. Leaders, seconds and one staff member of each department would need to attend these meetings. Some departments only had 4 or 5 people in it total and 3 of them spent all day at the meeting. At the 3rd such meeting I attended, my efficiency suggestion was to stop having efficiency meetings where little was getting accomplished and brought productivity down to nearly zero one day a week. After 4 more meetings they decided to test this plan for a month, our productivity went up 20% across the board that month. At the first meeting after this test the topic was trying to figure out what contributed to the increased productivity the previous month and how to duplicate it. I quit a couple weeks later, sometimes stupid is too ingrained to fix.
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    TrumpootTrumpoot Posts: 185
    edited September 2017
    Just gonna say it, a little research and practice goes a long way.

    In addition to champs that do well against magic, the Pacify Mastery can keep limbo's down to a minimum if you bait L1.

    Both her L1 and Heavy are pretty easy enough to evade without triggering dexterity/MD.

    Also, with the current war scoring, there is absolutely no need to solo Magik with a single champ. If you can do 25% damage you will be a hero in your alliance. I say this because not everyone has champs that are "great" for fighting Magik.

    Here is the secret to doing well vs Magik (or any other defender)
    • 100 push-ups
    • 100 sit-ups
    • 100 squats
    • 10KM running

    no, wait, that's a different workout ... Here is the real secret.
    • make a list of champs you want to fight better.
    • find a hard duel target for this champ.
    • do 5 duels against this champ every day
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    Rednick69Rednick69 Posts: 325
    As an AW boss magik’s limbo can not be countered. Plus you have allowed her Limbo damage to scale up with her nodes, thus allowing her a HUGE atvantage bc her Limbo kills a full health r3 5* in 3 procs. I personally just died in my war, without being hit by magik, only getting 18 hits in before the 3rd limbo just killed me. I was using R3 5* magik. Because of mystic dispersion I wasn’t even able to get a sp2 before dying. “SO FUN AND INTERACTIVE!” I thought this was not allowed to scale just like regen was no longer scalable?! Alliance Wars are just such a terrible thing now because I believe you guys have absolutely lied to us about this being beta tested! There is no way this system was actually tested by real players not working for kabam because there is NO WAY any one would say this is a good way to play. You guys just constantly screw up over and over and yet you you expect us to stick around forever. Soon you will both be left with nothing but a shell of a game and wondering “what happened? I just tried to cheat and lie to everybody.”


    Sorry bro, I'm not that good of a player and can one shot a magik boss with my magik.
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    JingoJingo Posts: 32
    Rotmgmoddy: Voodoo odd combo not work on debuff immune Magik as the drain is a debuff

    Trumpoot: Pacify not work as stun is a debuff obviously. Also Pacify seems broken as in AQ at least I get limbo 5/6 times all under stun and I have it maxed.

    Not using xbones as that feeds MD. BW a shot... falcon... unreliable.

    Still not hearing from the god tier solo artists. Just eat the death and revive.
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    JingoJingo Posts: 32
    And I’m not one punch man
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    TrumpootTrumpoot Posts: 185
    Jingo wrote: »
    Trumpoot: Pacify not work as stun is a debuff obviously. Also Pacify seems broken as in AQ at least I get limbo 5/6 times all under stun and I have it maxed.

    agreed, vs stun immune boss, Pacify is not any help, guess i got to general in my response and included some of the miniboss nodes.

    Honestly, i can only target my advice toward players of my skill level or less, so i can't teach you to be a solo artist.

    I have medium-ish skill level, and by no means solo r4 boss magiks. even so, i have found ways to take a pretty good sized bite. Sometimes i take Hulk, and if he starts at full health, he can REALLY dish out some damage before dying.

    My advice wasn't meant to taunt or accuse, just trying to change the focus to team play.

    I think my point in war is that if folks will practice, and develop some skill, every player can contribute a bit of the damage (more or less depending on champs available). and I agree that with Magik, you better start with more than just a sliver of health, or the first limbo will take you down.

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    TrumpootTrumpoot Posts: 185
    Jingo wrote: »
    And I’m not one punch man

    thanks for the reference. love me some Saitama
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    UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Posts: 658 ★★
    Like I said, the debuff immune magik is dealt with by using heavy hitters. (Examples like starlord or maybe iron fist) ability accuracy reducers like bw, gwenpool, cb (if you're out of options lol), even psylocke(goodluck with that).
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    just bc it can be countered doesn't mean that limbo scaling with attack isnt bs. also add dormammu degen to that mix. common theme here is dexterity/MD interaction.

    many ways to fix this problem and you chose diversity
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    UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Posts: 658 ★★
    mutamatt wrote: »
    just bc it can be countered doesn't mean that limbo scaling with attack isnt bs. also add dormammu degen to that mix. common theme here is dexterity/MD interaction.

    many ways to fix this problem and you chose diversity

    Diversity is the easiest way for them. They don't want to change dexterity buff for....no reason. I don't see why people would go crazy because the md and dexterity interaction is changed, it's still md lol. People like to use that reason a lot, end game players love the Dex and md thing for defense, but still...they're not gonna quit if it changes lol
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    Run477Run477 Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    You all missed the point lol. I guess my rant didn’t quite paint the picture I wanted. The point is if we continue to allow kabam to create abilities that cause damage and that damage have no counter to completely stop it, it will lead us down a dangerous road for future content. Limbo damage has no counter. Cold snap damage has no counter (until Mephisto apparently) There is no Limbo Immunity like bleed or poison. Check out the pic. 3 limbos killed my full health r3 magik before I could get a sp2 to power lock. Nothing I could do to stop the damage from limbo. No pacify bc she’s immune. With MD 5/5 she proc 3 limbos before I could even get enough power. Granted my Magik is not awakened and that would have helped “if” she proc limbo herself. Just a simple observation from a player who’s been around since March 2015. My game skills are just fine by the way, and for those that instantly throw shade it obviously speaks volumes to your own game play lol. I only have LOL to be done with everything in this game. I am a veteran player who created a strong alliance and decided one day to rant on the forums after dying without being hit in AW. We should all try to elevate the discourse if you want to be taken seriously. Good luck to you guys and hope to see you in War sometime. My name is the same in game and love a good hard fought war

    Ummm...kabam did create a champ to counter limbo. He
    Jingo wrote: »
    Rotmgmoddy: Voodoo odd combo not work on debuff immune Magik as the drain is a debuff

    Trumpoot: Pacify not work as stun is a debuff obviously. Also Pacify seems broken as in AQ at least I get limbo 5/6 times all under stun and I have it maxed.

    Not using xbones as that feeds MD. BW a shot... falcon... unreliable.

    Still not hearing from the god tier solo artists. Just eat the death and revive.

    I think you misunderstand about voodoo. He wasn’t talking about the drain. He was talking about the odd combo which causes decreased ability accuracy
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    Run477Run477 Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Ignore that first half above. Not sure where that came from. But AA is the counter to magik (not on status immune)
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    MastaChief117MastaChief117 Posts: 113
    As an AW boss magik’s limbo can not be countered. Plus you have allowed her Limbo damage to scale up with her nodes, thus allowing her a HUGE atvantage bc her Limbo kills a full health r3 5* in 3 procs. I personally just died in my war, without being hit by magik, only getting 18 hits in before the 3rd limbo just killed me. I was using R3 5* magik. Because of mystic dispersion I wasn’t even able to get a sp2 before dying. “SO FUN AND INTERACTIVE!” I thought this was not allowed to scale just like regen was no longer scalable?! Alliance Wars are just such a terrible thing now because I believe you guys have absolutely lied to us about this being beta tested! There is no way this system was actually tested by real players not working for kabam because there is NO WAY any one would say this is a good way to play. You guys just constantly screw up over and over and yet you you expect us to stick around forever. Soon you will both be left with nothing but a shell of a game and wondering “what happened? I just tried to cheat and lie to everybody.”


    Nope. Last thing we need in the game is more nerfs. Magik can be easily countered by many, many champions. Dr. Voodoo, Elekra, Black Widow, Falcon, Gwenpool, Archangel, Quake, etc. Many of which don't need to be duped to be able to counter Limbo. There is no need to nerf Magik, or any champion for that matter.

    As someone who's been playing the game since it's launch. I remember what Magik used to be. She was Spider Gwen before Spider Gwen was even a thought. Magik is useful now and is one of the most diverse champions in the game. I can respect your opinion but don't wish for something you'll regret later.
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    na_na_ Posts: 55
    You are using the wrong champ. She is not even awakened, you can't do much with her unless you're skilled enough to do intercept.
    Duped magik at least recovers a good half of the limbo damage if you're not that unlucky.
    Magik was tough but there are alot of counters now. What we need to worry about is the new bs MS and manifesto carries over fights
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