Best champs to defeat Korg in AW
Not going to lie, my AW BG has a difficult time getting past Korg in AW when the opponent placed him on the spots leading from area 1 to area 2. Who are the best champs to take him down?
He crushes on most nodes as far as I know.
SS can counter the evade from the mixmaster node and the unstoppable, the 2 things that make him very annoying.
With SS if you get backed into a corner and the slow is on you don't have to worry about that.
I'm always taking my rank 3 5 star SS over my 6 star OR
(example of the fight)
If it's not on Mix Master, then light intercepts followed by 2 light hits will take his rock shield off easily so that you can unleash some massive sp2s
(example of the fight)