Hoarding 5* Featured Crystals purchased through Black Iso Market

Hopefully this will be fairly simple to answer and hopefully the answer is a yes.
I’m saving up 5* shards for the next 5* Featured that will have Apocalypse. If I purchase and hoard the ones available from the Black Iso Market, will champs in the Crystal change when the featured pool changes? I’m hoping the champs in the Crystal don’t remain static with the pool of champs that was available at the time to Crystal was purchased.
I’m saving up 5* shards for the next 5* Featured that will have Apocalypse. If I purchase and hoard the ones available from the Black Iso Market, will champs in the Crystal change when the featured pool changes? I’m hoping the champs in the Crystal don’t remain static with the pool of champs that was available at the time to Crystal was purchased.
Coded for the specific champs literally is limited..
Lormif: the crystal is limited to specific champs
GW: no no no. You’re saying it all wrong. It’s limiTED not limited
Featured hero crystals, however, change each time. Different design = Heroes (and chances) are specific to that design of crystal.
I'm know you've pressed that point many many times before that kabam actually owns it 😉
I hoarded a handful before via the iso market for when the pool changed to a group I was more interested in.
I know the featured crystal will change in color design each time, but whatever you have saved will just change as well.
The sad thing is as you just illustrated the wording for that can be identical if not spelled out, however the general context of what we are speaking of, as well as the knowledge of the game should tell you that your conclusion is not the one anyone is speaking of. Again you seem to be the absolute only person who interprets that as such.
For example a lottery ticket has a limited number of numbers you can use, that does not mean that as people buy more lottery tickets the numbers you can use will run out, that is just as absurd of a thought as your statement.
80% of the thread: "no no no, that's not what limited means"