Souls from hades invasions

What is everyone doing with their souls from the hades invasions limbo quests? I feel like the soul boosts are not worth it at all and I’m doing the limbo quests to get monster and hunter crystal shards so I have enough keys which makes the souls just feel like a waste. What are you guys doing with them?
Typically, I would do every difficulty every month just to get some resources. This month I am doing the bare minimum. Once I have enough souls to get the keys I need to take the paths that I see as necessary, I will be done.
I know there were some complaints about the rewards. I don't have an issue with the rewards at all. I thought they were fine. Getting them is just a pain, not fun, extremely repetitive, and not challenging. Add those things together and you have a demotivating side quest.
I also realize that not every month will be like the treasure island quest and I'm okay with that. I do, whoever, think that this month was a miss.
If it’s too rich to include a Cav crystal option for more shards, then I would suggest adding a rare 1*/2* option purchasable with the Monster/Hunter shards.
Dr. Zola
Monster hunter crystals are kind of a joke, need to have a cavalier or thronebreaker version so it’s not just more useless 3*.
Additionally souls and boosts are kind of a fail. I’m just saving my souls to buy keys if ever I feel particularly lazy and don’t want to run the boring daily quest. Feel like with some tweaks the event could be really cool, but in the current state it just isn’t that fun.
And I wish I would pull any 5* or 4* (for ISO) from these Crystals ... would be much better than the same 3* always.
Not visible right now, because doesn’t become available until I think the day that running the quests ends.
Both quests are not very engaging for the time they take. Other than Doom the Lengendary bosses in the second quest have been a bit much. The fights just take too long for a side quest. Not sure if that is constructive enough feedback or not but that is my 2 cents.
And then the player comes to a point where we get absolutely forced to either get these ridiculous cores that cost 550 credits a piece to unlock masteries that makes you have to be just another clone of every other player. Why because their the only way to do any real damage to the half the map for the rewards you need to advance. Theirs all sorts of focus on this cast system you created if you are cavalier and uncollected. They get rewards geared towards them and other elite items and events.
However you beat Act 4 you're stuck out in this no man's land fighting something near your best teams rate constantly keeps getting rewards specifically geared towards mainly 3-star characters. To get something that helps in the direction of the transition you either have to run some event to 100% or face things that clearly out class you every step of the way. And look I get it I understand that this caste hierarchy that you have went and created has to be upheld to make the elites feel better.
But come straight out and say hey if you dont have this title you cant play this mode of content and gear the rewards and the challenge rates. Towards what the average player needs for their teams with in that title and what they can handel because a r3 5 star has anywhere from 10 to 17k hp and average attack around 1100 to 1700 attack. And the computer opponents 25k + hp average and base attack of 3k up to 7k their is no balance. So the margin of successfully obtaining something to help advance is marginally low unless you plan on spending a buku amount of credits and if you don't have them you're SOL. Or even better break out the credit card and expect to spend $30 to clear this content. Try to say that I'm not telling the truth on any of that the average uncollected player will tell you they spent 1500 credits to pass a certain part of a act.
My hope would be to be able to use the souls toward something else other than the boosts and keys. The boosts to me didn’t seem like much of a useful buy, as I at least have counters for the paths in the main side quest. I probably would have recommended a store feature for small amounts of resources to trade the souls in (other than boosts and keys). I would gladly trade those in for some shards of something, just as a way to get some more iso. Doesn’t even need to be huge increments, but at least something small to at least feel like they aren’t just sitting wasted.
Hades invasions were not enjoyable because of the heal block node. Punishing suicide users specifically to the point of aggravation. The soul boosts were typically more of an obstacle than a help.
Comparing Mutant Treasure island to this month is apples and oranges. Mutant Island had better rewards, less energy, and fights were enjoyable. I don't think we expect every month to be as good as mutant treasure island but this month has been dreadful in comparison.